Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Hi. so I’ve gotten nothing back yet. I am still being told they are working on it, but reading some posts here sounds like that is not the case. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do next


Glad you’re still here, able to follow this with us, Vael. Thank you for the continued support!!


What do you mean? You can either keep playing and waiting to see if you get some stuff back or dont. Remember this is a game, if you arent having fun just do something else.

I’m waiting. And the longer I wait, the less interest I have in supporting Blizzard Entertainment.

It’s not that WoW is no longer fun. I do have fun playing. I just am deeply hurt by the uncaring response from Blizzard on this issue and every time I get something that was this guild’s guild bank, I’m reminded of that failure and it hurts.

This guild’s guild bank had tons of mats from Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion and BfA. I was gathering the mats to craft the items for all the t-mogs that I do not yet have that are craftable, and given how annoying some of those mats are to farm, I’m extremely unhappy Blizzard misplaced my stuff.


Still waiting to see if I receive back missing items.

I am lucky as this gbank was for a medium sized guild with many active players. We are slowly refilling the bank with current mats/mogs/pets etc. We will have a hard time or expense replacing the mounts though.

I feel bad for all of those that lost personal items. My heart goes out to you all.

The reason I call bs on the response from Blizzard: If they can’t see or replace items in the gbank then why were they able to see a few things that were already mailed back? I received some cheese and a soulbound bag. From my records those were not the last items stolen. Did they just randomly mail me crap instead of the mounts/pets/toys?


I looked again today – nuffin has been returned. I’ll check back in, in a few days again.


Blizz still hasn’t decided to give a real apology yet?


I agree with this. I think it’s time for us all to go give someone else our money.

I’m a One Game at a Time type of person, so I haven’t been looking at what’s out. Might be time to dust off the ol’ Steam app and find something to play.


I understand how you feel. :frowning: :heart:

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This is where I am, too. I like to play, I’ve been playing since Vanilla. I - have no enthusiasm anymore. The 20 year anniversary is coming up and I have no excitement about it at all. @__@ It’s really weird. I’ve never imagined I would hit this kind of wall.

Because out of everything you can “collect” in the 20th anniversary - they can/probably will say that 'they have no knowledge of you having or getting that item/mount/pet/achiev’ - even if you have the achiev in your Achievment list - or you have the pvp tabard on your character, but you can no longer use it because the reputation was reset to 0-neutral. :frowning: :frowning:

I feel ill. It’s awful. I’ve loved Blizzard for a very long time. Before Wow. It’s not Blizzard anymore; it’s just some big game company that doesn’t care. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I’m so bummed.


All Tabs Full of Items from a Time Long ago, ALL of it gone. Not one item returned. Blizz told me to make a comment on the forum and move on. Nothing will be returned, and nothing will be compensated.


I suspect that’s exactly what they’ve done. We lost mainly battle pets and older gear for members to pick up and learn for transmogs and got nothing back at all.

Having read the posts from both US and EU, there seems to be about a 50/50 split of those who received something and those who received nothing. Although that seems to be leaning more towards those receiving nothing as more people discover the issue. And this is just an eyeball on the situation, I haven’t actually counted.

I’ve seen NO-ONE that has received anything more than a small fraction of items. And of those, a lot seem to be a bit puzzled by what they received … either because they didn’t know it was missing, or was sure it wasn’t/they hadn’t had it. Plus there were items like lockboxes with nothing in them, or items that arrived BoP or unsellable.


My guild’s guild bank and my personal guild’s guild bank were both basically emptied, and neither of the guildmasters associated with these two guilds have received any recovered items.
This is just a completely unacceptable event. One of the main reasons people continue to play WoW is the long-term personal attachment and history with the game. We spent hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours on this game, grinding reputations and resources and gear and such, and to have it just wiped out and receive nothing but a shrug from Blizzard is ridiculous.
One of the main jobs Blizzard has is safe-guarding our in-game data. It should 100% be backed up somewhere. I understand it may not be quick or easy to find and restore the records of the guild banks right before 11.02, but it should definitely be a priority, and we should be TOLD it’s a priority.


This post IS the apology. It even says, “we apologize”. Not picking on you specifically, you just happened to be the one I replied to cuz it’s recent. Many in this thread seems to be asking for just an apology. We’ve got that.

In the end, there’s nothing more they can do. They don’t appear to have logs to fully restore items, or if they do, more will break upon doing so than not. They could hand out a free month or something to compensate, but since a lack of logs seems to be a likely cause (especially as more time goes by), that means everyone gets free game time. If player A lost nothing, and player B lost everything worth 100 gold, and player C lost everything worth 100M gold, and Bliz not knowing the difference, no one is going to be happy with game time. An apology is all we’re going to get. If you (we) can’t accept that, unsubbing is really the only recourse.

Very disappointed (massive understatement) in the entire debacle. Even if sub numbers dropped from this, we’ll never know. Sub numbers are always changing for lots of reasons. The pvp group would tell you its because of their issues, the M+ group cuz of theirs, and insert-random-class-here just because.


Which category am I in?
Should I expect Mail?
Or should I just give up?

Communicate Blizzard, Thats all I’m asking, again…


I cancelled my subscription (expired Tuesday night, but still letting me post for whatever reason) over the way this has been handled, and have encouraged my friends and family to not purchase the expansion, and not play as well.

If they do a 180 and actually do something about this (I keep tabs on this thread), with an absurd amount of apologies, I might change my stance, since I love World of Warcraft, and it’s been a very large timesink over the past 18-19 years, but as they stand right now, I will never do business with Blizzard ever again. I would advise you to do the same. You can still chat with old friends/guildies using the app, no need for a subscription, if that’s what keeps you here. If it’s the time investment in the game, then they’ve got you right where they want you, unable to break free even if they treat you like trash.

It really sucks to find out how little their customer base means to them.


Same here to be honest.
I didn’t expect it and honestly don’t expect it.
At least I set the bar low on my expectations, so I won’t be disappointed. :smiley:


For what it’s worth, if any restorations are done, I don’t think it will have anything to do with maintenance. They don’t need to take the servers down to give stuff back, they just mail it.


Yea I know you are right but was hoping for a nice surprise after a maintenance where I go – woo hoo I got all my stuff back and then I need to remember to temper my expectations – who knows may still happen but won’t hold my breath.


I figured out how to read this finally.

“the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and nothing for most guilds