Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Ok Blizzard, you haven’t won yet!
We aren’t letting this go!
Those admins can take a pay cut to hire the people needed to get the job done!
We aren’t letting this go!


well, then it’s not free. perhaps free to play but not free to enjoy? either way not sure of the purpose of that reply or how it’s relevant to this topic.

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it’s not an answer, it’s your opinion and useless to the topic since it doesn’t solve nor help address the issue


Just went thru this with one of my streaming services

I’m subbed to “Peacock” streaming service as an addon to my Comcast internet, mainly use it to watch WWE shows (either rerun or live)

Recently it was announced that NXT was “moving” to some other TV channel, supposedly deals were made/contracts signed. I assumed the show would still be available on Peacock since all the other shows are still hosted there

Anyways, I opened up the Peacock app last night to watch a replay of the weekly show aaaaannnnd… the show is now missing :roll_eyes: I only see “highlight” snippet videos available where the episode selection list used to be

Annoying for sure when digital content “simply disappears” out of nowhere


For all the speculation so far about Blizzard motivations here, this is my take:
I suspect that this was a genuine issue resulting from the systems upgrades done for the sake of crossrealm/warbank stuff.

That being said, the reason they are not fixing it is because it would take too much time to trawl through all of the data and pick out the stuff we lost and they’re too greedy to commit the resources.
The reason most of us got a token handful of crap items back is because it takes a lot less work and lets them make the “partial restorations” claim to make the problem look less bad to outsiders.
And the reason they have gone 100% radio silent on the issue is so that they can bury it, because if it gets out that this game randomly deletes your data (could be your personal bank next, or your collections, or your achievements, who knows at this point), and the devs couldn’t care less about it, nobody would ever pick up a fresh sub again.


The purpose is even in a “free” game this wouldn’t be acceptable, because you definitely pay for stuff in free games (and you pay a lot more). If WOW were F2P for example, you would’ve paid real money for guild bank slots. Which would make losing items just as bad if not worse.


Asking how someone sleeps at night over a problem with a little video game would also be useless to the topic. This is a forum, it is for opinions. I can express mine just as you can yours. It seems like you just dont like it if someone has an opinion that differs from yours.

Response after 4 days :

Greetings player!

Thank you for reaching out to us at Blizzard Entertainment. I’m Game Master xxx.

I understand that your guild bank is still empty and missing Items, I get how frustrating this must have been to you, so no worries, I’ll be more than happy to look into this for.

So dear Marie, I would like to tell you the issue with the guild bank being empty has been fixed by our team of developers, we really apologize for the long time this issue has took to get resolved,

Now the guild bank is safe to use and restorations are underway, Affected Guildmaster characters will receive an in-game mails with the identified losses. It will take some time to send in-game mails to all affected characters. Most importantly, you have to know that not everything will be restored. Our developers are doing their best efforts to recover what they could.

Please accept my sincere apology for this inconvenience, and thank you for your patience and understanding we really appreciate it wish fun and exciting adventures, Enjoy questing.

Please keep an eye on the forums and the news page for all the updates.
News:<> />Forums:<> />
Warmest regards
GM xxx
Blizzard Entertainment

I like how I’m directed to Diablo forums. But anyway. I think we just need to keep pushing and demanding restoration.


It seems like the “restorations are still undergoing and will take weeks” response is getting more common while the “restorations are done” response is getting less common.


Yep the standard response that wants you to just suck it up and go away, and doesn’t even have the decency to confirm outright that they are done trying to help you.

I replied to mine with (paraphrased)
“Based on what you have told me so far, please confirm that the restoration process has already been completed, and that Blizzard refuses to offer any further assistance to customers who are still affected by this issue”



I keep it bookmarked or open in a tab!

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ya, you’re not worth my time, troll on


If you like people response or not, they are what they are. At the end of the day the only one that matters is Blizzards themselves and if they say they done all they can or are willing to do. Well that is that. Probably are not going to get much more of anything else out of it.

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Typical, some people turn to insults and claim trolling just because someone disgrees with them. You know its ok to have a different opinion right? You should be more tolerant of other’s views.

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you miss the point of this thread. did you suffer a loss? if yes and you are fine with it, there’s no point on posting. you are happy to cotinue playing without complaining, congrats. you can forgive blizz.
i suffered a loss and do not forgive blizz. your response is of 0 value to me since it does not help me nor is it related. if your view is that this isn’t a big deal, fine. do NOT force your opinion on me.
and yes you are a troll based on your comment not based on it being different than mine.
stick to the subject, get an education if you need help contributing to society.


Just put trolls on ignore, they’re only here to be d-bags (d is for difficult) and try to infuriate people, probably because they have a sad life and the only glimmer of “joy” they get is trying to make other people miserable.

The forums are much nicer once you ignore them. :smiley_cat:


No, it can’t. Because I bet most of the streamers don’t even have guild banks. But some of them like Asmongold will happily lie about it. Because he makes his money off of lies and outrage.


Again, nothing has been forced on you. Stop being so melodramatic. My original post wasnt even to you yet you chose to reply to me. Wait, maybe you were forced, lol.

Look another silly attempt at insults. You shouldnt be so rude. Be a better person. Besides this thread has nothing to do with contributions to society. Werent you just saying we need to stay on topic?

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What is it with some of you and your childish insults? Why are you so rude? Some of you clearly cant handle it when someone has a different opinion. Only the hive mind is allowed, right.

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