Guild Bank Missing Items Update

You wont be getting anything back, blizzard will not compensate you, threatening to unsubscribe does nothing as they do not care.


As this is GENERAL DISCUSSIONS, I’ll share something many many posts above us has taught me, and I have been thankful for it.

To IGNORE or MUTE someone, click on their name, and then there is a blue button that says VIEW ACTIVITY. From there, on the right side, you’ll see a blue button that says VIEW PROFILE - unless you are interested, don’t click on that, but RIGHT ABOVE THAT, it says NORMAL with a little arrow. Click on the arrow and you can choose MUTE or IGNORE, and you’ll have to set a length of time to keep that setting. That’s it. You won’t feel tempted to needlessly engage with them (we are already going through enough here) if you don’t see their posts.


I don’t know if anyone is keeping track of the realms hardest hit, but if someone is:

“Pandaverse” - Rexxar
Over 200 items across 7 tabs missing, 4 or 5 partial mats returned.

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Well said and bravo! :sweat_smile:
Yes, I fed the troll…but I only do that once, then ignore them. :smirk:


Realms affected - two guilds on Ravencrest (low pop) and a guild on Quel’Dorei (high pop). I think the one on Quel’Dorei was the least hit by it, though.

  • Not a threat, I’ve literally already unsubbed, and this event and the way it’s been mishandled is the reason I gave them
  • I understand that they likely do not care, that’s not going to stop me from letting them know

Have a good day :smiley_cat:


Seriously, how do they sleep at night - we’ll never know. Unfortunately, there are people like this in the world and you just do your best to avoid them. Which is why I don’t see myself resubbing at this point. I think the copious silence on the issue speaks for itself. The new policy is low quality coding, after-the-fact ‘bug checking,’ and exemplary customer disservice - because who needs them anyway?


And for the special people:
How to ignore people that hide their profile!


More like a “say nothing” meeting.

I’m starting to wonder if they’re on the same wavelength as the trolls popping up now and then … would make sense.

Despite doing a whole thing recently about re-thinking the game and making it more about the player than the character, I don’t think they themselves have actually understood this message.


I hope that you are right and that would be nice! I have wondered exactly how Blizz would be able to track down all those who lost stuff…when it might just be easier to offer something that would benefit everyone. My thoughts were something like unlocking the warband vaults for free up to the 5th vault at least (refund those who have already purchased). Other ideas were gold and game time…but at the end of the day, if things could potentially go missing again how would these ideas really work if the trust is gone? As you said, getting our stuff back is the only solution I think works (unlikely as it is)! Does anyone else have thoughts on what could be done to fix this aside from getting our stuff back?


Not to sound like I should be wearing a tin foil hat but . . .
Many of us lost mats.
Mats which are the things that are cross-realm, faction, etc.
Was this a way to reset the market?

They restored streamers stuff without much of a hiccup, so why not the rest of us?

I unsubbed over this fiasco. I can’t trust them. They’re gonna nuke our mounts or pets or toys or achievements next. Blizzard, for 20 years, kept our data safe then POOF.

Maybe it’ll be our personal data next because they didn’t account for something and there’s a hole in their security.


This 9001%


It’s probably because it’s just a video game and not some life altering thing. Just a thought…

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sure just a video game, but wait, i pay $20/month! if it was free, sure f-up all you want.
if you were affected and don’t mind the loss, i’m happy for you. please don’t assume that others don’t value their loss like you. different people, different expectations. some people are spoiled rich and or reckless and don’t hold service providers accountable. your choice but don’t force it on others that don’t share your view.


Free games often cost more than subscription games. You pay for bag space, you pay for bank space, you pay for minor QOL things that let you play the game, etc.


THANK YOU!! I didn’t know about this!


This is the entire issue with our internet society.

So much is stored online, I was watching a tv show some time ago and all of sudden it was removed, but my monthly payment was still taken…

While I know that there are contracts and stuff, as a viewer you are often left in the dark if that happens.

A WOW related example, I was storing currency for DF, to upgrade the gear of my chars, so that in theory, If I move to TWW, they are not undergeared.

A few weeks ago, all my currency was just deleted and the upgrade system disabled. All the collecting, all the participation in the pre event, was for nothing.

Ya, I know I should have upgraded all gear right when I received it, but I had no idea they would remove the upgrade system. It just doesn´t make any sense and they never did that before TWW.

Buying level 70 gear at the AH doesn´t work either, as all I receive is level 80 gear, despite it beeing 70 at the AH. This is just so dumb and another reason for me to not get TWW, as I don´t want to suffer but enjoy the game.

Some other example, before D4 hit, there were a couple of promo events. I did them all and when I bought D4 a few months after release, when Blizz discounted it to 20$, I logged on expecting all my stuff to be there, but nope.

As I was informed I had to log on at release to claim my stuff…

It is so sad, that in theory the internet is so accessible and a GM, Dev or so could just jump into a forum while chilling in the evening watching Netflix and say “hi guys, this and that is the current situation” but nope, they refuse.

When I was working and knew people did rely on me, I always gave them a heads up so they knew where they are standing and I did not have an easy to access social media forum, but email contacts.

Is it just lazyness, no care attitude or has Blizzard ordered a communication stop, I don´t know, but it´s grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


In the absence of good, honest information from the source, this will happen - speculation, tin-foil-hat conspiracies, predictions, etc.


I havent forced anything. I answered a silly question about sleeping at night. Its not that big of a deal.

Probably the biggest fail I’ve seen come from Blizzard. 100% unacceptable and people should be heavily compensated somehow.