Guild Bank Missing Items Update

After multiple replies to my trouble ticket with no solution. It appears to me that customer support has died at Blizz. I know that they have the data to show what was my guild bank before the error but they no longer have the resources to bother to fix “their” error. This is the kind of thing that causes a lack of confidence in a company.


More people should definitely be seeing and talking about this because it brings up an important question. Does our game data and accomplishments matter if they can just vanish in the blink of an eye? If important data in an MMO isn’t safe and secure, then the same thing could very well happen again in other games too. It should make people question how our game data is being backed up.


I reopened my ticket Tuesday, like I said. It was 23 hours. Yesterday, 1 day 23 hours. Today, 2 DAYS and 3 hours. Like wtf.


Here is a real big clue, if its of selling value stop hording it and go ahead and sell it. If its of personal value and you are never going to let it go for any reason what so ever, and probably not even going to personally touch it. If it can go into void storage, then shove it there and forget about it. It will safely stay there, no one have ever complained something gone missing there.

I really never got this whole max amount of slots used up every possible place for storing things players, on a lot of toons they may use to create storage such as personally guild banks and stuff which is unlimited that way. Yet they scream they have no room to put any more junk, and all I have to say is this.

How much worthless junk are you hording in this game thinking somehow its worth something. Its called clean out your bags of storage between xpac of all the worthless junk and either sell it or just destroy it and make room. Either way I just can see much items just poofing like people are saying already that really was worth that much.

If Blizzard restored them because they found the recovery info to do so, congrats, but if they couldn’t find that info to help restore said items, its not the end of the world. I am sure most of it can be regained by game play somehow.

I thought of this episode when this whole debacle started! Well Played!

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This makes me even more weary of always online games that don’t need to be. Diablo 4 could lose all your progress and just delete characters with no fix if this is true. All the hours spent on anything in the game mean nothing if they can disappear after an update and the company that handles it is unwilling to even say what happened.

At what point does this mean we just shouldn’t play online games from Blizzard? At what point do we look at this and think…tomorrow all my characters could just go away because of a glitch and Blizzard would respond with…sorry?

This is nuts.


Nice job of victim blaming there Gabi. Also great job of totally missing the point. Stay classy.


I didn’t see a “TL3” post of the actual article so here it is:


Maybe now that they have gotten some bad press about it they will acknowledge the fact that this is a huge data loss and will recompense the guild masters who have gone through it in some way.

I would like to get my stuff back please.


Here’s my email to the author of the article, redacted for forum consumption:


Might want to copy or screenshot this. A few days ago, mods deleted a couple of my similarly themed, detailed, matter of fact, respectfully worded posts that had not been flagged, as “spam.”


Thanks for still reading this … FIVE HUNDRED MINUTE THREAD?!? …, and I still hope Blizzard will get its act together to do something, anything, to make you at least feel like there was an attempt to make you whole.


I know this pain all too well. I had a letter in my bank from my ex who wrote me about how excited they were about finishing a campaign with me in one of the zones the following evening. They never came online. When I tried to make contact, I was informed that they “punched their ticket to eternity” by their unempathetic brother. I frequently reread that letter over and over again. It’s horrible knowing that you couldn’t be there for someone like that. I hope things get better for you, because for me, they have only gotten worse over time.


Oh my God. That’s … ugh. :-/


Now that is terrible, and I am so sorry that you will never get that back. I mean I lost a bunch of silly things that could be restored (and should be) but I can live w/o but that kind of hurts and make me super sad!!


No one has complained about guild banks just vaporizing either and I’ve had one since they were intro’d in late TBC I believe? So what is to say anything in void storage will stay? I mean the word alone should be enough to scare you.

It really is not for you to understand. There is nothing for you to understand. How someone plays, when they play or whatever they do in game is of zero business of yours. I really can’t expand on it other than to say, when you start to pay the bills of the people who play, then you can have a say.

See above response…it fits 100% here as well.

Nice dismissive attitude you got. You should work in Blizzard’s PR department. No, not everything can be regained again by game play. Some things are gone and removed from the game not to return.


Nothing can be verified since MSFT/Blizz refuses to discuss the issue or respond to any requests for clarification on Linxy’s statement. At this point, pretty much everything is fair game as plausible from a company that treats their customers this way.


This really shows how badly they have screwed up here and know it. I get the feeling they had a corporate “deny everything” meeting.


I was gutted over just 1 tab of lvl 25s … 7 whole tabs??? Ugh I am so sorry. This is just completely unacceptable and trust shattering


I just wonder who it is that’s all good with leaving us hanging, high and dry. Like, specifically, there’s 1 person somewhere that’s ok with being a. . .like this. . .to everyone.

Classwar-Zuluhed, still 7 nearly full tabs 100% gutted, not a shred of reparation.

4 days left on my sub :frowning:


You are a troll of the worst kind. You have nothing to contribute to a discussion of what happened and you posted a whole wall of text saying absolutely nothing of value. You probably go to funerals just to say how the person who died shouldn’t have died if they wanted to live, then comment on how it doesn’t matter if someone dies because there’s more people made every day to replace them.

Please go back to “unleashing your potential” in the game, rather than posting your hollow, incomprehensible nonsense in forum threads you don’t have any reason to be posting in.

Also, it’s spelled “hoard”, not “hord”