Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I mentioned this as well but then someone (can’t remember who and I’m not going back to look) was championing Blizzard and saying oh no, people were confused and that was something else when I know full well what I read and what the response was. (just venting).,


The response from Vrakthris was to someone that was talking about the warbank in the guild bank thread. He was specifically referring to the warbank. That did create confusion in the thread because it was supposed to be about the guild bank.

Now if a GM ticket had this response (which I haven’t seen - admittedly I haven’t had time to read every single post in here), that’s another matter entirey.

The response I saw was Blizzard stating basically not to worry and they could see the items in the bank yada yada yada.
Maybe devs told them to say that to buy time.
Maybe someone confused things, idk.

All I can tell you is I was and still not confused on this issue.

Oh no I didn’t say any of us were confused on the issue. I was saying confusion was created on the forum because Vrak replied to someone that posted about their warbank in the guild bank thread. Vrak wasn’t confused (he was looking at the warbank), and the person he replied to wasn’t confused. But when someone posted Vrak’s post on bug reports with no context, it looked like he was talking about the guild bank.

If anyone else other than Vrak in this one post said this about the guild bank…well yeah maybe some GM’s were confused.


I have yet to receive a single item. Blizzard you failed.


That, unfortunately, is the way of things when completely ignored by official channels. We are at the mercy of (at best) anecdotal info or copied CS communications from fellow victims, or (at worst) the interjections of random trolling.


I have 14 affected personal guild banks that I detailed by realm, name, & GM near the beginning of this devastating theft of our collections.

The worst hit of my guild banks was a full 6 tab bank “Winds of Twilight” Terokkar, GM Faradawn-Terokkar. This bank was & remains COMPLETELY empty with no mail, no returns. This was FULL of elemental reagents from EVERY expansion (water, air, fire, shadow, mana. life, earth), archaeology keys from EVERY relevant expansion, everything from raids etc for crafting (frozen orb etc). There were also stacks of sinews, femurs, feathers, jaws etc that they made us collect to buy vendor rep rewards in DF. 6 tabs all gone. Completely empty guild bank!

All of these affected banks are only accessed by myself (my alts & mains). The completely empty 6 tab bank still has logs for 3 months showing some of the last items I deposited. If I can see that why can even those things not be restored???

This is unacceptable & even worse is the lack of formal communication. No restoration, no compensation, no communication. Just why??? :frowning:


That’s what 2600 posts (except the trolls) have asked in the Discussion thread. We’re all still waiting for an official answer, though the unofficial speculation is probably correct.


Speaking of speculation… I’ve noticed Realm Terokkar mentioned more that once… did anyone happen to compile which Realms were hardest hit (most affected)? If we’re spinning up conspiracies, let’s go down the road that they purposely are ignoring low pop servers as well, in order to be able to shut more Realms down to save $$$…


Its really sad this happened to 1,000’s of players and all blizzard can do is offer up some small stack of cloth or fish or meat in return…one player lost a TCG Magic Rooster Egg mount…that Mount alone can bring in 10 Million gold on the right AH realm now…


And what’s going to happen when they change our personal banks that they have been talking about increasing down the road…will we lose stuff again …I dread that coming about down the road …I have stuff in there that is not in game anymore …can’t go in void storage either…but we still have to keep all those freaking legendary pieces that can’t be sold…or destroy or DE…we are stuck with those clogging up our personal bank still.


Well beyond that if you use one of the discords for trading items/gold. Basically a BMAH where there is no gold cap and there are no server boundaries. Kind of seemed like a hassle though so I just kept the thing. Never thought it could be stolen out of a guild bank with only one member (being me).

This pretty much sums it up, (from the IGN article):

IGN reached out to Blizzard for further comment as to how this happened or if the company plans to take any further actions to restore lost items, but did not receive a reply…


Just checking in. No further items returned since the initial batch mentioned in an earlier post. My realm is Exodar, since someone mentioned different servers got hit differently by this.


I think that was from yesterday, today it says:

IGN reached out to Blizzard to ask for more information as to how this happened or if the company plans to take any further actions to restore lost items, but Blizzard declined to comment.

Which is kind of the same thing, but also not.


I have yet to have anything returned to me. I’m very disappointed.


My favorite part:

Blizzard’s community/PR team should feel embarrassed and ashamed.


They are very consistent in “decline to respond”.


So did the guild bank ninja looters also take Gold?

Though I lost all 7 tabs full of items, my gold was intact, which I promptly removed.


Not really sure what to do here. If their response is going to be nothing…no response to press…no response to customers…I just don’t know if I can accept that.

I have been playing since the very first beta days and don’t want to walk away, but this is one of the most ridiculous customer service responses I have ever seen. Data loss with a product, and no real explanation of what happened or resolution. Just it’s gone, suck it? This is wild.