Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Happy to see this thread is still alive. I don’t know if it’ll change anything but I was relieved IGN did an article. Guess we’re not quite done with being swept under the rug yet.

Now that some time has passed, I’m realizing the loss of all the stuff isn’t the end of it. I’ve been too chicken to put anything else in our guild bank since the purge. I know that’s a bit irrational considering it could conceivably happen to any form of storage I guess. Anyone else in a similar boat?
Feels like I’ve lost an entire bank, because I can’t bring myself to trust ever putting anything else in it. I’m turning new alts into “tabs”, mailing them each different categories of stuff/mats.

Thanks Blizz for the extra anxiety :laughing:


World of Warcraft’s Latest Expansion Wiped Out Some Guilds’ Inventories Seemingly For Good, and Players Are Furious

Massively Overpowered:
World of Warcraft data loss fiasco deletes items out of guild banks – and Blizzard can’t fully restore them

World of Warcraft Bug Wipes Guild Banks As Blizzard Offers Very Little Compensation

I notice a couple of them “have reached out to Blizzard for comment”. Looks like they have all received the silent treatment as well.


I can’t even bring myself to take the 12 items I received back from Blizz after they lost my full 7 tab bank, out of the mail. Where do I put them? My bank was full before this debacle. I can’t put 12 items in a now empty tab and be happy with that.


Sad truth is, without the guild bank issue, I would be playing TWW now and enjoy Delves or farm some old content for transmogs.

But here I am, still not playing TWW as I have not bought it, I will also not buy the D4 expansion, it´s just what it is.

Blizzard lost quite some money but ofc. it may just be 0,00000001% or something. :smiling_face:


Hold the phone…

When this first started, I had a GM reply to my ticket stating he could “See” my guilds vault and all the items were intact, just invisible to all of us. So it goes from that, to I may never get anything?

Something just isn’t adding up…


Were you the one that mentioned that in the original Bug Report forums? So that WAS in regards to the Guild Bank and not the Warbands bank.

That information I know is one of the things that confused people because we were initially afraid to put anything INTO the bank in case it DISPLACED what was supposedly THERE but simply invisible to us.

The communication on this topic, all around, from Blizzard has been slow, confusing, conflicted, incomplete and just plain TERRIBLE.


Yup, that was me. I was going to link it, but the other post is huge and I don’t have the time.

Conspiracy theory: they just don’t want to take the time to “/spawn item #1235 x 346” (or however the code works) for each and every item that is displaced and mail it to us.


This one? because that’s the only one in that whole thread talking about items being invisible and they referred to the warbank in the Guild bank topic? which… very misleading tbh.

And someone replied that to BIG thread here:

This might be miscommunication tbh.
In the BIG thread there never was a response of a blue sadly, even checked the EU thread and those never said anything was visible in the Guild bank as far as I saw.


It’s because someone started talking about the warbank in the guild bank thread. That resulted in some confusion.


Nevermind, I might have found what the person above was talking about:

Did I feel like a stalker looking for this? Yes. Lmao

But yea, so which is it Blizz? are your GMs just lying…?


Not entirely, no AOTC means no invite to most raids. But it is kind of an apple and oranges situation.

I only play the game and check Wowhead now and then, so I appreciate everyone linking articles and videos talking about this Guild Bank Heist.

If anyone here streams or has a YouTube channel or anything at all, no matter how big/small your following, please do some content on this issue. If you do, link it here so we can watch/like/share/etc.


I happened to buy the basic edition and I’m still not playing much, largely due to these bugs

It’s just hard to get in the mood to log in and play when you know (in the back of your mind) that due to an “whoopsie! the game deleted most of your progress, sorry!” incident that the company is downplaying/mostly ignoring your years of progress and work is suddenly gone

Something like this is roughly the equivalent of faithfully putting in 20-30 years of contributions into a retirement savings account - then the bank experiences some sort of system glitch that suddenly wipes it all out ($0). Then the bank downplays it/engages in a PR coverup or ignores it, and nothing is done to restore the missing funds. In said scenario your motivation to save money/trust in the banking system in the future would be sapped or exhausted, because “what’s the point?”

Likewise, these progress-robbing bugs reduce your motivation to play


I just don´t trust the game anymore…

WOW for me was collecting stuff, gearing all chars slowly and unlocking everything. I lost a lot of my stuff that was required for this, like the TBC materials that you hand in for rep.

I was also saving a lot of transmogs, that I don´t even know where they came from.

The gold I have lost, I can get back someday in theory, but I lost my trust in this company. Why invest time again only to lose everything again when they rework the personal bank.

I have yet to put something in this Gbank again, they ruined it for me.


For the record, I had 7 tabs each about 3/4 full, and I lost 100% of their contents over the course of multiple waves of items disappearing. It was mostly Shadowlands boes (crafted and drops) as well as some random raid boes from various xpacs and a bunch of Dragonflight pets.
I received one round of item restorations, 3 mails, each containing one Blue Sparkler from the 4th of July vendor (at least they recovered 100% of the Blue Sparklers I had stored…)
Cost to replace for everything is probably under 1 mil (though sale price would have been much higher) so I’m one of the luckier ones.

Anyway, I shared higher up somewhere that a GM had told me restorations were still in progress.
I have since received a new reply telling me there has been a “miscommunication” and that “Indeed there are items that could not be recovered, and unfortunately cannot be recovered”.
I am going to continue to press for a clear answer about exactly what’s going on, but this very much sounds like we’re back to “your stuff is gone, now go away”.


Had pages of mats in my bank alt’s gbank…all gone, nothing returned to me, not even a notice from Blizzard apologizing.

“Thanks, Sucker.”


So what was sent back was not the gear and bags, I was holding for the new expac. Disappointed in Blizzard.


They probably have some sort of quarterly metric that they have to measure to that is tied to executive pay/bonus/stock-options (just thinking outloud).


Not only would it be corrected ASAP, but they’d ban you for either botting, gold buying, exploitation or something else.