Guild Bank Missing Items Update

It’d be a real shame if the gaming press gets ahold of this news and runs wild with it.


This needs to be the most talked about thing for the rest of this expansion, yeah.


They do not care one bit.
I knew this was going to be the answer when they went radio silent on this issue.

They will throw some shiny objects at people or another “day” of play and pat you on the head and tell you they did all they could and then wait for something else (within a few days) to take attention away from it.

It will be swept under the rug.


You answered it yourself, but you were busy being condescending to realize it:
Tech stuff that is 20+ years tends to be tricky to keep support for.

WoW’s code is over 20 year old game (because when it comes to the code, remember that development time is a real thing). And stuff has been hard coded in the game before, and faction differences are exceedingly likely to have had a few things like that. Because… who 20+ years ago ever expected a game like World of Warcraft to last for 20+ years, be popular with millions of active players, and to then players wanting cross-faction play? After all… the times folks have been shouting “For the X!!!” at Blizzcon certainly says something about folks being excited for their faction.

Ya’ll who say these things have zero understanding of how things work in reality.

Nope. Because every single thing that’s purchasable on the store is account bound. Meaning, those items exist as part of the account not as part of a character’s faction-specific list of items.

Just stop inventing stuff to be upset about. Be upset about real things and real problems. Be upset that they remained silent … but considering how unreasonable folks keep being… can’t blame them for that either. Since… what’s the point in communicating when folks behave like you en masse?


Out of 8 guild banks only 4 GMs got mail and they only got a small portion of want was missing. Ore, herbs, cloth and elements is the big part of what i got back. None of my pets (a lot were level 25). The guild that I had my mining mats stored in got only ore and stone, no bars at all. Really glad I got that solid stone back…


Wow, seriously? Expecting them to not break the game and lose our items is being unreasonable now?


Yeah, they really need to back out of this discussion.


Nope. Because every single thing that’s purchasable on the store is account bound. Meaning, those items exist as part of the account not as part of a character’s faction-specific list of items.

You do realize you can buy a token and sell it for gold right? Then buy items on the auction house with that gold?


Thus far 1 partial stack of DF meat returned out of 12 or so tabs (2 guilds) that were 1/4 to 3/4 emptied… I’m almost afraid to bother logging in for a bit simply because it ticks me off and makes me more upset each time I see there’s no new mail…


So far I’ve gotten 3 mail with:
125 serevite ore
9 temporal dragonhead
2 thousandbite piranha

…of 7 mostly full tabs of assorted items.


20 old code is not an excuse.
Entire VM images can be backed up on patch tuesday.
Same for entire databases.

The theory is they didn’t catch this before re-opening the servers and people taking things in and out of gbank muddied the restore process to a point it wouldn’t be feasible, since easy rollbacks were no longer an option.

The alternative is worse in that someone decided it would have been worse overall to have done the rollback with the bad PR then, and thus better to ignore the problem.

Servers should have been shut down and everything rollback’d within the hour. Would have also involved payments being refunded between the data loss and rollback period to avoid people paying for things but then getting rollback deleted.


Yes expecting your items to be there is apparently entirely unreasonable and you should be happy they said anything at all ever.

Some people, man.


I actually have seen this level of incompetence once. Not in a game. It was in a terrible smaller local bank I worked for 13 years ago. The technology they use is decades out of date. The tellers didn’t start using computers until 2008, and the systems they did have were from the early 90’s, with a “mainframe” from 1961.

Anyway, someone spent a few weeks making batch files that could be triggered on the teller computers to do an update. They would update the “server” (I use that term loosely but it is what it is). Then trigger the update to the clients. Well, someone decided they wanted to go home early, so they decided to update the clients first. The server update failed. There was NO backup plan and NO rollback plan, and no way to fix it remotely.

They had to have people physically drive out to every branch, format and reinstall everything on every teller machine. There was overtime for nearly 2 weeks.


Oh so you are saying you’ve actually seen the code and you know exactly how it was written and none of it has been updated? Glad we have an expert in our presence.


would you like some goblin gliders? All I got left but I got 90 of them.


Yeah, this guild bank got no restoration mail whatsoever.


And this guild bank got only a fraction of all it lost.


annnnd, it’s gone! :smiley:


This level of incompetence usually happens when you outsource to a company that had no idea what they are doing.

Are you outsourcing everything now Blizzard?


One recipe for Savory Deviate Delight.

Super easy to find and worth only one gold (if I’m lucky) on the AH.

Nothing so far for my guild that was hit the hardest. I’m hoping more stuff will be mailed out over the weekend. Do Blizzard peeps work on the weekend? Will we have to wait for Monday for more mail?