Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Right but if the screen cap has a date and time they may be able to use it to pinpoint when to rolle back the guild banks.

Doubt it but hopeful lol

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Really sucks, I was pleased with how I reorganised the banks to store all my old expac materials and then half of it vanishes

I’d rather have my guild banks rolled back to August 12 than just deal with the losses. Hopefully the withdrawal/deposit logs are still intact…


There are no “rollbacks”. GM’s can’t do anything about it, screenshots or not, date/time or not.

Even better is it happened a month ago and the servers weren’t shut down within the same hour to apply a rollback via backups.


Honestly, from the moment it happened, servers should’ve been shut down and remained down until it was fixed. With however much time compensation given as they were down.


Someone decided it was worth re-opening the game moreso than the lost items and outrage.


Brave to even bother, what makes you think your stuff is safe? Because they’ll say it won’t happen again?


It’s weird, on my 1 tab that’s somehow left on my ‘gm placeholder’ character, (I transferred my guild bank to another server in July; rip.) - this character actually has logs of me moving some stuff around from 5 months ago. She only has one tab and not the other 6, but the GB affected doesn’t have any logs except for a few things that showed up in a couple of bank tab logs, tonight. – No items in mail, though.

I keep thinking the logs of my actual stuff are still on Zul’jin. The real logs.

This …
I mean … I can’t really find motivation to invest my time playing, when the next maintenance or patch could just lose everything I had done. What’s the point?


If I had to design the worst possible response to a customer problem created solely by Blizzard, this would be it!


The forums: So when do we get the last of the missing items back?



This fiasco reminds me of this old meme.


Is this 2 ai’s talking to each other? lol >.<"

edit: this is comforting and funny to listen to. lol >.<

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It really isn’t that surprising.

WoW has been a faction-locked game since its release and the number one issue to solve to make it cross-faction has always been the technical limitations. Because there have been stuff that’s hard-coded into the game, as we know per the whole OG-bag size crashing the game!

This, and a whole lot more, was entirely to be expected to happen. The fact that folks were expecting something going smoothly when dealing with 20 year old code that has hard-coded faction differences in it … that’s… silly. Let’s call it what it is.

You aren’t likely to have that happen, but if you want to be safe … keep a record of each item you have. The issue at hand is that Blizzard, due to there being some kind of faction difference between some items that the merge couldn’t keep track of. So… keep an eternal record of each item. Screenshots, logs, heck keep a written list.


I can’t ever remember the last time something like this happened, unrecoverable items. Something of a milestone, and not in a good way.

Where is the I.T. department?


So… I got mailed 3 stacks of DF crafting materials. That was all.

I really hope there will be more coming.


“If /dev/null is fast in web scale I will use it”

I died.


Bro this is just wrong and further this is not a “ooops I deleted/vendored/DE’d” an item, this is a giant disaster created by sub-par company being dismissive of their customers.


That clearly says they will send you a couple things then stop caring about the rest and move on.


For the past few years I’ve always been like, Blizzard is bad but at least it isn’t as bad as The Neopets Team support! But now I think I’m dropping it below Neopets.

Congrats on being worse than the 20+ year old website with 1 functioning customer service rep who also basically runs the rest of the site. I didn’t think it would be possible but somehow here we are.

I cannot get over “We lost all your stuff and you won’t be getting it back, thanks for your patience with us!” It feels like such a slap in the face, waiting a month+ with no updates just to be told that. How is this even possible. What’s being done to make sure this doesn’t happen again? How do we know literally anything we have is safe? Some of these items were paid for with WoW tokens that were bought with IRL money. Too bad so sad? I don’t understand how that’s just it.
