Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Yeah, there were no restoration mails today, I’m not sure what that other person was on about.


Yes, I counted the minutes all day to get home from work and check my in game mail.



After seeing this, I logged onto my guildmaster, I received 6 of my missing Mooncloth bags (still missing a BUNCH of mooncloth and traveler’s backpacks I keep in the bank for alts. I also received about a dozen or so random items that were missing from my bank. Still missing about 3 full tabs’ worth of items. The items are sent 1 per mail, meaning you have to open countless mail items (yes, I know, you can “Open All”, but it’s still annoying)


Wait, so you received restoration mails today? Please be more clear because there is no evidence that this is actually true so far.


Yes, I just logged into my guildmaster (Cantreadgood) for my guild of the same name. I had about 2 dozen mails waiting for her, all from Blizzard telling me they found the item floating in the ether or whatever the flavor text is…each mail had 1 item attached and all were items that had previously been in my guild bank. So they ARE restoring items…but how many of the missing items will actually be returned and how long it will take…who knows?


Something else that doesn’t sit well with me when a bug like this happens is how the affected players are just viewed “like collateral damage” while they’re moving ahead with their next patch, next upcoming content, next $25 shop mount, etc etc… we’re seemingly an afterthought or minor foot-note with these bugs

It’s not explicitly stated by them anywhere, but you really get the sense that they view incidents like this as “just the cost of doing business” where the relative handful of affected players are discarded/thrown in the trash in the name of efficiency and keeping costs down… because them actually committing man-hours to doing a full/“proper” fix was (presumably) going to take too much time or money, and some bean-counter along the way ultimately said “denied”

You just KNOW they’re “hard at work” on the next $25 shop mount in the background, while bugs like this are viewed (by them) as “its whatever, just the cost of doing business”…


Ok so if this is true, that means the GM responses that says restorations are still ongoing are true…


I’ve been an active poster to this thread since it was created (and will continue until they delete it). You can click on my profile and see everything I have posted. I have spoken about what I lost, and how it devastatingly impacted me, and continues to do so.

I have posted many, many, thoughts about how Blizzard miserably failed, how they could recover, how they could salvage this and restore some faith in the players who lost so, so, so much, and why I believe they don’t even want to…

I am truly beginning to believe that they will get away with it. They have somehow kept this under the radar, despite data loss in a paid MMO being a massively unacceptable and dangerous implication.

Big influencers who normally grasp at any new straws or news to harvest thousands of views are ignoring this, and I have my suspicions why.

Data loss in WOW is a massive concern for several reasons:

Player Investment: We invest significant time, effort, and money into our characters, items, and progression. Losing this data can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing, leading to our dissatisfaction and potential abandonment of the game.

Community Trust: Players expect a certain level of reliability and security from the game developers. Data loss can erode trust in the game’s developers and lead to negative perceptions of the game’s stability and professionalism.

Financial Impact: WOW operates on a subscription model. Data loss can result in players choosing to unsubscribe or stop spending money on the game, impacting the developer’s revenue, which might be our only option to get attention.

Competitive Integrity: In games with competitive elements, data loss can affect leaderboards, rankings, and fairness. Players who lose their progress might feel cheated, especially if they were in a competitive position. Did you see the guild Liquid got world first mythic Queen Ansurek kill? What if they had all their bank consumables and mats deleted like we did?

Public Relations Issues: News of data loss SHOULD spread quickly, but it will damage the game’s reputation. Developers may face backlash on social media and forums LIKE THIS ONE, impacting new player acquisition and overall game longevity.

Overall, data loss can have far-reaching effects on both the game’s ecosystem and its community, making it a critical issue for developers to address… yet we have almost no comms from Blizzard, and NONE from their top leadership.


I promise it is true! :slight_smile: I’m not a streamer or otherwise incentivized to lie to you! :stuck_out_tongue: I, personally, think that they should give each guild master some compensation for the lost items AND the inconvenience…maybe 500k gold? :smiley:


Oh yeah, I don’t mean to sound like I’m accusing anyone, but we had one person earlier say they had stuff restored today and then never reply again, and I’m skeptical.

500k isn’t enough for the people who lost everything in 7 tabs (fortunately I’m not one of those). Gold cap on 10 toons might be a start for them at least.


This isn’t a Blizzard game…hasn’t been for a long time. Activision doesn’t care about customer retention. New players are more likely to spend NEW money on the in-game shop whereas old players have either already bought everything they are going to or won’t be. The game has been moving towards this end for quite some time (I’d say since Blizzard stopped being its own independent company). Younger players are more prone to jump at micro transactions and paid DLC because, unlike more veteran/older players, they have been brought up with that being the norm. Just my opinion, of course. I could be wrong.


Personally, I don’t think any amount of gold could buy back my trust. They need to do the right thing and make the effort to properly restore the data.

Gold is something they can just conjure out of air, it would be a non-apology. And besides, what sort of compensation, a title, gold, mount, pet, recipe… is worth anything if there’s no guarantee they actually care about player data?


Completely understandable. What they sent me was a drop in the bucket of what my guild lost, but, admittedly, it was mostly junk and storage…nothing of supreme value. As for the amount that should be compensated, that was just a shot in the dark…it’s highly doubtful they’ll be providing any compensation whatsoever.


That was just a random number I threw out. And, yeah, you can’t buy back lost trust, you can only earn it…but it’s not Blizzard, it’s Activision, and they couldn’t care less…they would probably prefer all of us old folks packed it in and let all the younger, more naive players rush in to buy up everything in the in-game store! :stuck_out_tongue:


This floored me, really good analysis. I never considered this and think you are spot on.

SO many of the players who lost everything and are posting in this forum are 10+, 15+, and longer players. We are probably a minority that Blizzard financials considers used up or depleted.

But we have also been loyal, I certainly have been 19 years in WOW, and eyes need to be upon Blizzard on how they will treat us.


I’ve been playing WoW off and on since Burning Crusade. I’ve had accounts hacked and unfairly banned with no discussion or option for restoration. I pop on for several months, then may disappear for a couple of years… I’ve watched customer service and support go from real people who are heavily in character going well out of their way to help you with an issue…to generic boiler plate responses saying that there’s just nothing they can do. When Blizzard was still Blizzard, it was run by and employed passionate people who loved what they do…Activision is just another corporation full of greedy execs who looked at statistics and numbers instead of people…if it looks like it’ll make money, they do it…if it looks like there’s no profit, regardless of it’s good for their customers, it’s trashed.


And now, Microsoft owns the whole thing - Activision-Blizzard-King, and who know if they even CARE about World of Warcraft.

These big companies will buy out other companies and let games die, shut down entire studios, or milk and ruin a franchise till it’s a similar game but with all of the spirit drained out of it.

When game companies were in their infancy, they were made by and for people who loved games. Now, games are not only mainstream, but a HUGE money-maker. And rather than saying “hey, let’s figure out how to make the BEST game, that people will LOVE, and provide the best service we can,” they’ll lay off as many people as they can and still have the game RUNNING, get rid of customer service, get rid of software engineers, QA, whoever isn’t immediately making them money. They don’t care about the worker or your average customer.

(Edit . . . if you see me edit stuff, probably because I misspelled, used wrong word or too often, didn’t finish a sentence, or used only a half of a parenthesis or quotation mark. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


They’ll care about it as long as it’s making them money…but only the parts that are making them money. This guild bank fiasco? Not making them money…it’s actually costing them money by diverting personnel to troubleshoot it rather than working on projects that would make them money…thus why it’s like one dude in a broom closet in the basement of some backwoods satellite office working on it…and he’s only on the project because he’s some executives untrainable nephew who REALLY needed a job! (Okay, that might be a bit much… :smiley: )


I wondered if this might fall under the consumer protections, and if those protections extend to the reasonably foreseeable loss of all the game time that we could have bought with the gold from our lost items.

I’m sure WoW T&Cs are locked down hard, but for consumer protection matters they primarily consider what a reasonable person would do/expect. A reasonable person generally does not read/memorise the T&Cs, and a reasonable person that pays for a service reasonably expects that service to work for them and not to cause them losses (real or digital).

I have a ticket currently open where the GM claims that “Work on this is still in progress and all items will be restored soon” but I think we all know not to put too much stock in the AI generated responses we get from customer support these days.

If anything less that the full gbank inventory is restored, I think the only reasonable thing from Blizzard is to offer compensation in the form of game time.
There is no reliable or consistent way to measure individual losses, but the loss of trust in Blizzard and its systems alone is worth a month imo. 2 months if they actually want to show us they care and want to put this issue right.

Actually, the perfect amount of time to compensate us with would be the amount of time it took them form when they first noticed the issue to the time they finish their partial restorations, or about 2+ months.


I got 1 single item back of my 200+ that went missing.