Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Linxy’s “incomplete restoration for some” post is LIE…

…from a company full of greedy cowards, that scapegoats customer-facing employees to deliver non-support to longtime customers.

This is not name calling, this is an actual dictionary definition describing how the higher ups have treated everyone involved. I would love them to prove me wrong here, and actually show some empathy for those effected here with discussion.

“the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds”
does NOT mean


I mean… let’s be real here… do they really?
I’m fully supporting all of this legitimate outrage and it’s one of the most concerning situations I’ve ever witnessed. But I doubt the fallout will be that big, so does Blizzard, obviously.
There are sooo many people advocating for Blizz who don’t even see that there’s something wrong. Then there are a lot of people who were affected and just complain without any intentions to quit. And then there are a few individuals who are still pondering whether they should maybe quit - and if they haven’t until now, they won’t.
And then there’s a tiny handful of people who actually quit their subs or claim they did. But I guess it’s just out of temporary frustration and they’ll be back in two weeks.

If Blizz saw an impact on numbers they would’ve already rushed in here to try and make amends - they’ve always done so when crap hit the fan. But the last statement was almost two weeks ago. If they don’t take any action in the next days you can bet that they don’t give a flying F.


Still missing lots,…and no in game mails to either Horde or Alliance GM’s in my personal guilds (1 guild for each side that “mirrored” items in same tabs. But nope,…still nothing back. And again,…lack of communication is horrid.
Really disappointing there is no “channel” to try and follow this up with. Just post to the forums,…and hope for the best. :frowning:


Just to Elaborate on what I got. Firstly, it wasn’t on this account it was on another. A secondary account ( just got the Rocket Shredder 9001 today) so 6 months old. Besides, it wasn’t much but it was something. 16 items in total. 4 toys, 5 cosmetics, Auction Control Module,1 Tome, and 4 Nat Pagle’s. The bank toon was on this account however the GM was on the other account. I remember this particular bank bugging out when I was posting the day of the catastrophe. I couldn’t move some items. I didn’t even realize these items were missing out of this particular bank so it was a surprise.


That’s just so disrespectful to the playerbase. I re-opened my ticket after reading your post, but I feel so let down that I don’t even want to play. Nice way to taint their new launch and 20th anniversary.


Im quitting over it when my time runs out. So +1 to that.


So did you just notice this mail today, or had you been checking previously and it did actually just arrive today?


It is almost like Blizzard is not communicating both internally or externally… I am sure I’m mistaken though.


I did cancel my sub and made it clear this was the reason why. A drop in the bucket to Blizzard, but it’s all I can do. So I have about 5 weeks left and then I’m done. I keep logging in to try to play but it feels so pointless when anything I grind for could just disappear and blizzard will just shrug their shoulders and tell me to get over it.


Hopefully enough of us will cancel to make them realize how bad they messed up, and that they need to revisit their “resolution”.

6 days left for me.


I feel the same way! I find myself playing just a few minutes here and there due to this. I have three subs on one account. One I already let lapse, the second expires at the end of the year, the third, however, I re-subbed just before all this BS started so that one will be “active” until Aug 1st! At this point I am still trying to decide whether to play despite already paying for it? Maybe I am being foolish, but a small part of me still wants to believe that Blizz/Activision will make this situation right!


That’s actually how I found that stuff in the mail. I canceled my 2nd sub so I am shifting everything to my main account. I’m waiting to see what happens with this other guild bank before I cancel my main sub.


I am changing my sub from my usual 12 month one to monthly now and will see what happens over the next month or so…if I don’t like it I will quit too…at least I won’t lose $155 dollars in sub money if I quit by by paying monthly now. My 12 month sub ends Oct 5th this week…


I’m hoping, but not expecting it.

I plan to keep tabs on this thread even after my sub expires, in hopes they pull their heads out and make it right somehow. If they do, it’s possible I’d resub.


Blizzard Ninja loots Guild banks,

I thought this type of behaviour was frowned upon at Blizzard, yet they pull the ultimate heist, next level typa stuffz, claim they can’t return some and or all items, yet the guild banks have a log of literally everything in and everything out, so they should know exactly what is missing from these guild banks. Nothing is truly gone from the internet right?

As one of the people who became effected by this issue, I had 7 full tabs and every single item was missing. Tmog, pets, crafting mats and so on. It’s been what close to 2 months and Blizzard has been very silent on this issue which is very concerning considering the customer service aspect of this game has been headed in a bad way for a long time.

I have read elsewhere that people have started to receive some items back with many missing whether this is true or not Ive no clue since Blizzard is dead quiet. I personally haven’t received a single item.

Too bad so sad, makes me worry for the future of this game.

P.S Please hire people who know W T F to do, Moar Fixes!


Imagine how many months/years/decades of sub time was lost from all the gold that was deleted out of everyone’s guild bank?


Funny enough, I had quite a few dragonflight boes get eaten that probably could have amounted to the price of a token. I’m not torn over it (because I’ve always hated going through the process of relisting boes), but people have definitely had a lot worse happen.

The dragon scale cloak for the toy is a really good example of blizzard’s own practices exaggerating an issue like this, because even losing old world mats means a loss of unexpected market value. Even old grey trash items have a high value when an expansion patch decides to, say, add pets or other collectables that take grey items as currency.


No such thing anymore!


Sooo…you can’t trace everything that disappeared from the guild banks and you can’t restore it directly to the guild banks…meaning those of us affected will not be getting back everything and no compensation for the items that were lost (and no, I don’t keep a log of what’s in my guild bank…there’s literally a log built in that’s supposed to do that).
Also, the only way to get our stuff back is to have an active subscription, since you’re mailing everything back in a bunch of in-game mail, meaning wasting time running back and forth between the mail box and guild bank AND having to sort and rearrange things into their proper tabs in the guild bank…stellar work, Blizzard…stellar. Maybe if you hadn’t screwed around with the account bound stuff (such as the heirloom fiasco), this wouldn’t have happened…,.warbound is functionally identical to account bound…such a disappointment.


Still no items returned from Blizzard. I had logged on earlier and had some mail and thought I might have finally gotten some items returned. Checked it and it was from a lovely, kind stranger, that also had been affected by the great Blizzard GB heist. They sent me some items to help with my transmogs and I was ugly crying at my computer. I messaged my bf to let him know and his response was “and people say the Wow community is toxic”. I am incredibly grateful to that person because it made something seem more hopeful. I am annoyed by the fact I have not received any items back from Blizzard and probably won’t given the confusing info going around right now.

I would like to know what happened, because something doesn’t make sense to me. I am GM of two guilds. This character was my alt GB so all my alts mats were placed here, along with all older xpacs items so I could keep my Main’s GB (that I share with my bf, son and a couple of friends) with current mats that aren’t personal. My main’s GB was unaffected from what I can tell, I don’t usually leave open spaces between mats and I did notice when I checked it, there were some random openings but from what I could tell, it wasn’t affected. Unlike this toons GB, which had almost all the 7 tabs maxed out, and logged in to find pretty much everything gone, except 5 stacks spread between the last 4 tabs. Days later, even those disappeared. I am the only person in this guild atm, and have been for years, so no cross faction toons. My main’s guild does have a cross faction toon because my bf wanted to add one for sh*ts and giggles when it was available.

So if it was an issue with cross faction/server stuff, why was the GB that did have a cross faction toon not affected but the one with just me in it was emptied? Sounds sus to me. I know we likely won’t get more info but it seems off to me. So random too.

The trust is gone, especially when for weeks there were posts saying the stuff is there and it is just a visibilty bug to then weeks later it is just gone and can’t be returned. I still haven’t been using the GB on this toon because I no longer trust it. They say it is safe but I thought it was safe before having it wiped out. What is stopping it from happening again? Don’t even want to think of them messing with they personal banks. Trying to figure out how to clear out my personal banks so I don’t lose all that stuff too, since they obviously don’t care if things go poof. They are like the phone/cable company and only care about new customers and could care less about the older customers until the older customers get fed up and leave. Then company is wondering why they are losing people.