Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Here’s a question for those of you that are newly posting in here that have returned items (and hello, by the way! Welcome in, have a seat and a cup of tea/coffee/tears of Blizzard execs) –

Had you previously logged in on your guildmaster character at any point in the last two months? Is it possible that any returned items were mailed out with the so-far single wave and that you are just now finding those emails?

I really want to avoid any disappointment, really.


Thank you, I see this as the same as well. Many/most people don’t realize that the National Public Database that stored decades/centuries? of people’s personal data was just breached and 3.1 Billion Americans personal data was hacked/stolen/sold? … true story …look it up. This is the same IMO. What is next?

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I wish they would create a separate system for tracking who lost items, something like a support ticket that can track that you’ve submitted your guild details and that would show that you are either in queue to be reviewed or currently being worked on or have had your restoration completed. This way we would all know if and when our loss has been acknowledged, worked on, and resolved.

I don’t care if I’m in queue for a year! I just want to know that a human being over there at Blizzard cares enough to look at my guild bank logs, see what I lost, and restore the items.


I’d like to know as well. A few people said they got stuff back recently (as in the past day or two). I do wonder if they had been checking the particular bank toons on a somewhat regular basis (at the very least, soon after the “partial recovery” post by Linxy) or are they toons whose mail hadn’t been checked for awhile. It’s disappointing that we have to go ONLY on people’s experiences since Blizzard won’t give us details (such as “Items will be returned over a course of x weeks” or “all items that will be returned have been returned. No more mail will be sent with missing items.” Communication has been extremely poor throughout this entire issue.


Our guild is still missing every item of a very full guild bank and not one item has been returned to date! Is it true that some guilds will not have any items returned and if so what will you do, Blizzard, to compensate us for the loss of our items and the gold we have had to spend to replace what was missing so we could play ???


Exactly this.

We have had so much conflicting information relating to returned items - some replies to tickets say there’s no more coming, and some say the returns are still ongoing.

We have people coming and saying “just checked and I got something back”, without saying whether they’d checked previously, and when they last checked.

Someone finding returned items in their mail who last checked 2 weeks or more ago is a lot different to someone checking on a daily basis.

We need to know:

  1. IF returns are still ongoing.
  2. IF you get a return, could more be coming.
  3. HOW LONG they expect the process to continue, if returns are still happening.
  4. WHY Blizzard think it is acceptable to guess what we might have had, and send some random rubbish “as compensation”.
  5. WHY we should trust a word that Blizzard tells us anymore.

And I think they also need to tell their CS staff this information too … because they are obviously (at least some of them) just making stuff up. They can’t all be right, the information they’re giving out conflicts too much.


In the EU and Australia, there is a real possibility they could be on the hook for things like expansion or game time refunds for the period the issue happened. They would not be on the hook for the value of the gold or items.

The crux of the issue, is that the game could be considered a product that isn’t working as advertised. But the most they could possibly be on the hook for in those areas is the expansion purchase and perhaps the last 2 months of game time (the length of time the issue has been going on), and that’s really only if someone in those areas decides to press it.


This is what I want to know. The people that say they got stuff back yesterday. Did you check previously? Or did you just check for the first time yesterday and this was the “restoration” from a couple weeks ago?


Another week, another empty mailbox to go along with 2 empty vaults.

Look Blizzard, if I’m not getting anything back, at least send me an in-game mail telling me so. And if you have in fact lost my millions of gold worth if stuff, I’ll take compensation of opening my last two tabs of my warbank. Seems fair enough.


I log on to one of my guild leaders daily because she’s my auction alt and still only the one returned item in her guild. A Savory Deviate Delight recipe.

I check my 3 other guild leaders every 2-3 days and no mail at all so far. I even click on the mailbox just in case. This whole thing is so stupid. Communication from the very beginning would have prevented all this anger. I mean, there would still be anger, but not at this level.


In my humble opinion, their servers should have been backed up BEFORE the patch that caused all this and as soon as the issue was reported, the patched servers SHOULD have been taken down and replaced with the BACKED up servers and the issue resolved before they went forward. I was a programmer for a major company at one point it time and this was standard operating procedure. I’m not trying to be mean or ugly or anything else towards anyone, but again, in my humble opinion, this is simply a logical solution to keep a player base happy. I sent hours farming some of the items I lost. Granted, it does not begin to compare to the memories that memorize8020 lost, but that’s not the point of the issue. The point is, this should have been corrected within hours of the problem occurring. Just one person’s opinion here. Thank you for the video Vralok!


I can’t take credit for the video, I’ve just been following that channel since she posted her first video on the subject. But yeah, 100% agree. The moment the issue was discovered, the game should’ve been taken down until it was fixed. With appropriate game time compensation given.

I suspect some executive or something gave instructions to not do that so they could save money.


The GM AI does… sort of. It’s clear that the human touch is gone.


No, GM’s read the tickets. But they have been given instructions from the devs that they cannot do anything in this scenario. So regardless of how much they want to help, they can’t.


I believe I have had some human interaction to be fair but again when you first post a problem it’s clearly a canned note or an AI each time. After responding with “i still have a problem” THEN it seems to get some attention.


Still, nothing recovered on my main account. As mentioned in another post I did receive 14 items on 2nd sub. As said by others here lies my dilemma. A multi-billion company with the largest MMORPG in the world. Has multiple platforms and must have some of the best TECHS (supposedly). How could they allow a breach in data that may be unrecoverable? From my personal experience data can always be recovered in most instances unless it has been overwritten with more data. If it is overwritten there is a smaller possibility of recovery. It becomes way more difficult. I don’t understand why there was no adequate backup before the process started of implementing the new changes. Anytime I reset a PC or do something that could cause a drive to crash. I always make sure I have a safe backup. This is pretty basic stuff here.


Nothing from Nigerian Prince Blizzard about my bank he cleaned out, it has become a “bag of not holding”


Another day, another empty bank. Weeee.

I check mine everyday, the GM of that guild is also my main. Nothing at all. So I won’t be missing or letting mail sit. I emptied my other banks the second I saw that one was empty, just to make sure.


I wonder if we only get one restore mail per account rather than per guild. That’s if we get mail at all, anyway.

Has anyone gotten more than one mail per account?