Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Our guild consists of my wife and myself we had all the tabs in the guild bank full (mostly trade skill things as we are hoarders) every thing is gone, we started putting things in the guild again and so far it has stayed there.

When this happened right around War with in start we had had no problems with the guild vault then next day it was all gone. it seems like there are lots of flavors of this issue some people are saying they had some things lost or whole tabs of things lost and others saying they lost everything.

Also as its just my wife and I we do not have cross relm members in the guild.
we do have alts from both factions.


I’m so angry and I want my stuff back.


This is exactly what Blizzard is counting on…
It is not a bad thing you enjoy the game and love to play it, but that is what Blizzard is counting on… so if they remain quiet long enough it will all fade away and people will just continue playing.

I am not going to quit over this, but I also won’t ever believe a single thing Blizzard ever has to say again. I am not as mad about the actual loss of stuff (and don’t get me wrong I am ticked off for sure) as I am at the incredible dismissive attitude they have about it.


Still waiting on our items, Blizzard!
We all know you CAN restore them!
Stop lying to us!
Stop pretending this is going away!


That’s the boat I’m in. I’m not planning on quitting at this time. Me and my friends were barely affected by this and didn’t lose anything of value. But this is definitely another HUGE black mark against them, and it brings the “final straw” of Blizzard screwups that will make me quit much closer.


I don’t love the game anymore, but it’s not because of the game. I don’t love it anymore because of the company. I don’t see myself coming back for that reason. They can make all the amazing content they like, but until they fix their policies and procedures… /shrug


I fail to see your point. Both charge you for a service. The bank to ensure your finances are protected, and Blizzard to ensure your game play is protected. I used the bank to help some of you understand what really happened here. I do realize that this is just a game and that it is just Pixels on a screen. What you don’t seem to understand is that they are taking money out of your pocket for that game every month. It has nothing to do with the items! It has to do with the data that was lost and why that is completely unacceptable. I am sorry that you are unable to see how big an issue this failure on their part is. I hope you never lose something of importance to you in the game. Then again you can always go get it again. No matter how many hours you spent getting it. And by the way that payment every month comes out of your bank and that is real life.


Just like darkness, this is working as intended.


ignore the troll


Blizzard, I urge you to take meaningful steps to address this situation.

As a player who has invested countless hours, effort, and financial resources into WOW, I find it incredibly disheartening that such a significant issue was kept from us for weeks, and even more so that there seems to be no means of rectifying the situation.

For nearly two decades, I have supported your titles, events, and in-game purchases, contributing not only to the game’s community but also to the success and growth of your company. The loyalty of many of us who lost items, deserves more respect and transparency than what has been demonstrated.

It is not too late! Please organize an emergency meeting and figure out how to restore the lost items. Time and resources need to be devoted to this issue right now.


On a positive note, I did get some of my stuff back today. Hopefully, this will continue.


That is great news, thanks for the update!


Wait. You got more stuff today?


If Deb did get a mail this week / Today, that would confirm that the mails are still in progress and would definitely get rid of some doubt.

(before someone says they are a troll, they have been posting with us about this bug since the start and I think this is their first recovery mail they got. so, that’s hopeful.)

Anyone else gotten anything this week?

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Just checked all my guilds, nothing new. This seems suspect.


I have not received anything else back other from the origal mail out and only one of the five guilds received back the pointless items.


Same, 21 guilds, 1 GM got 1 mail back (16 x Leyblood). Checked them all again when I saw this post, no more mails. 5 are still 100% empty.


I have checked all three of my affected guild leaders, and none have received any new mail since the beginning of this thread.

(To others: remember to log in the character to check, the initial mail did not appear on character select screen)


Hope is an Illusion. This is copied from my ticket which was answered today:

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment’s support team. This is Game Master REDACTED here to assist you today.

Restorations have been completed. If you are still missing stuff or not getting anything at all, make sure you are the current guild leader. Or kindly check with the guild leader. Customer Supports and GMs are not able to offer any further help, restoration, escalation or compensation.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

I have nothing really to add that hasn’t already been said about this prolonged comedy of errors. I feel completely disheartened for those of you who lost much more than I did, and I hope this situation is reversed. Part of me wishes this bug was more wide-spread in order to force Blizzard’s hand, but honestly that just feels gross saying.

This has dramatically affected the way I play the game, and the way I will interact with Warcraft going forward.


From all these very different GM responses, I feel like none of them actually know what’s going on aside from the fact they’re not allowed to help any of us or restore anything. I mean some say restorations are done, some say they haven’t started, some say they’re going to take several weeks and come in multiple waves. There is no consistent plan or timeline as to what and when actions are happening. Honestly if everything is done and dusted then why hasn’t the CM said so and closed this thread. Why is it still stickied here with near 2.5k responses. Are we being made into an example? Blizzard can take and do what it wants, pray you’re not next. Or does the right hand and left hand not know what each other are doing, or what they’re supposed to do themselves because the brain is too distracted trying to fix delves.