Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I can’t speak on that, but if it is a big streamer, ofc they’d fix it for them immediately, they need them to be quiet if they wanna pretend this never happened :slight_smile:


if it’s who i’m thinking of, I can’t stand that guy… him and his whole community are trash and treats everyone as if they are better than anyone not them…

completely toxic section of streamers that i’d rather have nothing to do with


If it’s who you think it is and they got their stuff back, they are considered better than us by Blizz.


… which would be more sand in the eye, considering how Blizzard’s views on conduct and sportsmanship have been made very, very clear. (For the record, I don’t care about RWF itself; it’s their permissiveness regarding ‘bad behavior’ on a very public stage that ticks me off.)


It’s understandable in the current circumstances, but I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had enough. I will miss your helpful posts on how to deal with many wacky in-game issues. You’ve had a lot of good advice for new and returning players. Thank you.

How many good, helpful community members is this going to cost us?


Servers back on, still no restoration.



Plus the people who have canceled their subs can’t post here but they can post in the Bug Report forum. So now we are minus several voices.


We (people that have cancelled) can still post until our subs run out, and we’ll be here in spirit lol, or maybe for real keeping tabs on the situation. If they actually make good on this situation for people, some of us could/would come back


Plus it looks as if he has not had a bath in weeks.
It would come as no surprise to me if some of its minions are in here trying to discourage/derail the issue.


Ragnaros US - “Mana Bomb” Guild Bank Missing Items Update:
another reset.
No mail, nothing in the bank slots.


I logged in,

My GB still only has 3 x stacks of Goblin Gliders, everything else gone and no mail with returned items.


The difference is, I am able to assign an appropriate priority to a silly video game because I have perspective. Some of you cant do that. You cant separate the video game from real life and realize its just a game. In this case, in no way, would I ever try to compare losing some items in a game to your bank losing your money. That is not comparable whatsoever.

Work on your perspective.

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Here is the new ticket response I received from blizzard:

Greetings (edited)

It is our understanding that you have recently experienced some losses in your guild bank on one or more of your Guildmaster characters

We would like to thank you for your patience while this issue was investigated, as we appreciate it has been a considerable amount of time to receive an update from the developers. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted on the US forums which you can read here:

** Guild Bank Missing Items Update**

We would like to provide a brief summary of this information for your understanding:

• The guild bank can now be safely used again

• Restorations are currently in progress for any Guildmaster characters who were identified by the developers as being affected by the investigation into losses. These will be received in in-game mail. We do not have a specific timeframe on how long you may need to wait for your mails.

• The Developers are making every effort possible to restore as much of the guild bank losses for identified characters, but due to technical limitations, it was unfortunately not possible to recover everything

• Customer Support is unable to provide any additional restorations beyond what has been restored by the Developers

We appreciate this is an upsetting and disappointing outcome, and we would ask you please to wait patiently on your restoration mails to arrive if you have not yet received them. If you have received your restoration mails and you note that some items are not restored, we do apologise and confirm that the restoration of these remaining items was unfortunately not possible.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you a good week ahead

So the only thing I received so far was a tier neckpiece socket, 1 solitary piece, I know I had over 40 of them in the gbank but I only receive one. And all the other mats and items, pets so on still are missing.


I call BS. If they’ve identified the maintenance in which it happened there should be backups from the day before. No IT person in their right mind doesn’t do backups daily, especially right before every maintenance or you’d be fired. So how about RESTORE FROM BACKUP!!! There should also be logs which as players we can see when things were put into guild banks and taken out. How about restore everything that was put into banks but does not have a record of it being removed and is no longer there?? RECREATE FROM LOG DISCREPANCIES!!!

It is absolutely reprehensible for a company of Blizzard’s size to just shrug and say “oops sorry!” I want our guild bank back OR better explanation of why the above two solutions cannot be done. I realize I may not get it but until then my accounts remain cancelled.


No mail, achievement dates are resetting, and I see we’re still in the dark as far as further updates go. It’d be nice to hear something and get more acknowledgement before the 20th anniversary is here, playing feels like more of a detriment than enjoyment right now.


If the immediate backup logs were corrupted, that might not be possible. There should be a previous backup of course, but its hard to restore items when you don’t know which got deleted and which got removed by players. That said reverting a guild bank on a ticket by ticket basis to a 3+ month old backup would be a far more viable alternative than ignoring the problem and clogging up the GM bots/copypasters with an issue they can’t do anything about. Give them a “flag guild for restore from old backup” button and allow them to do it on request (limit 1 per guild, recent withdrawals excluded).


If it’s who I’m thinking of, I highly doubt he even HAS a guild bank. He doesn’t collect stuff, never has. Can I see him lying about having a guild bank and having it restored? Absolutely. He lies constantly about everything Blizzard does.


You’d be surprised how many data centers I walked into from being acquisitioned and the “IT” people were doing backups all wrong or not at all. Example: They had DBAs and Sysadmins making backups of the data files from the O/S while the database was still live, using nothing but copy scripts.

I am convinced some shops are so hell bent on saving a dollar if you can say the two letters mostly right “IT” you are hired.


If the previous day’s or that day’s backup is borked, then go back further. If you other backups are borked, then a few things come to mind:

  1. You don’t know how to back things up properly
  2. You are not testing your backups adequately
  3. You have no DR plan in place
  4. You have no BIA plan in place
  5. You have no RTO’s or RPO’s in place (see #1, #2, #3 and 4).

Its also possible the backups don’t mesh correctly because they changed the whole system to accommodate cross-realm guilds/trading. I do recall character restoration also being taken offline a while ago during the same time this all happened. They could have had to convert the entire current data pile into the new format. Too late to start that process again, and GMs can’t restore items anymore, even if they could look at older backups.

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