Guild Bank Missing Items Update

If that is the case, backups are not the issue.

Sure, they can. It comes down to a money, time and effort.
I am sure someone figured out the number of customers they will really lose (not threaten to leave) is small enough to be made up by the Whales who are buying shop mounts, tokens and such while the others claim they will leave, won’t and it will all blow over.

How do I know this is accurate? They have been very very quite on this… Stay quite long enough and they know more shiny objects will come along to grab the attention of the customer and it will (like most things) fade away.

Sadly both of those statements are accurate.


Sorry to be negative Nancy here but I have no optimism regarding the restoration of any of my items. I know they are lost and I will never get them back. Blizzard said the restoration process is ongoing and no time frame is just a gloss-over. A smoke screen just to keep the natives somewhat calm. I have not heard of anyone getting anything back so far. Maybe I read that one person got some completely worthless items in the mail. The icing on the cake is WE DON’T CARE and WE WILL NOT OFFER YOU ANY COMPENSATION. ToS covers us. Quit playing or not basically. I don’t blame the devs or GMs for this approach this most likely came from the board of directors.


I have two accounts I already suspended my second account and will probably cancel it. Since there is no point any more for those characters too difficult to keep gearing up characters and not have any insurance their gear / mats will stick around.


I’m pretty sure they actually can’t anymore, like they’re not allowed to spawn items (with possible exclusion for VIPs). Probably a consequence of players and GMs abusing the system.

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Given the right permissions and authority they can but that all has to be coordinated.

I’m not going to debate nuances here… It boils down to Blizzard won’t - and that is whom I blame and everyone who works at Blizzard represents that.


Still not a shred of restoration for my guild bank, 7 near full tabs 100% wiped out.

I’m lucky I didn’t have any crazy mounts or high lvl pets in there, nor anything sentimental like letters from former guildmates or anything.

For me, it has little to do with the missing items, and everything to do with how it’s (not) been handled. EULA and ToS be damned, those are strictly for legal protection, they have nothing to do with what’s right, or good will, or treating your customers with respect.

7 days remaining of my sub, and as sad as it is to walk away from a game I’ve played for nearly 20 years, it’s the only option I have besides being a willing victim. And I refuse to do that.


And once again Prince Blizzard of Nigeria has failed to put anything in my bank that he emptied.


Is this a thing where we have to do a ticket to know who is affected?


Nope. No restorations are coming. They lied.


Nope. I didn’t make a ticket but I got one restoration mail.

This is beyond frustrating. How long has it been now? 2 months?


“GM characters that were identified by the developers.” I hope they know who it was that was affected, bkz if they don’t even recognize that we were part of the affected group, we may not be identified as having an issue?

I didn’t put in a ticket, because they usually tell you to report to bug forums. I did that as soon as I discovered there was an issue, Aug. 18. Found out about the GB stuff on Aug. 17.

I hope the devs know I was deleted. :frowning:

The information that was restored to me was a little list of stuff that I moved approximately 2 months ago. That’s what has been restored, just some text of stuff I had. Nothing at all in GB. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


This is exactly what I was thinking. @__@ Because CS is so bad, trying to make a ticket in game, these days - I didn’t do it. I reported it to Bug Forums; the main post was closed.


This is shameful. I realize it is only pixels but I worked hard collecting those mats for my alts and now I am out-of-luck.


Almost 2 months after this bug was first seen and posted about. And 11 days after this Blue post. And all I got back from the ton of items missing from one of my guild banks was 72 mana pots. While my other guild bank that stored 8 tabs of non-combat pets, which I also put in a ticket about, STILL hasn’t seen anything. It’s sad that I feel like we’re never going to see these items again. Yes, I know I can just go and refarm up all the items I’ve lost. But some of those items I’ve had since release of WoW 20 years ago waiting for when I’d get the other World Drop items to make that item up. Like I lost 12 Darkmoon Faire cards and tons of items that are used for rep turn ins. It’s more of I feel like all that time I’ve already spent getting those times was a waste of my time spent just because I’ll have to refarm those items again. That I’ve have started taking inventory of EVERY item in my guild banks since Blizzard apparently cannot keep a good track of the stuff themselves.
I even had a friend get the items to make thunderfury and he knew I kept a LOT of old world and old expacks mats. But because of this “wipe” of items I wasn’t able to help him because some of the items needed went missing.

It’s just sad how a company like Blizzard could drop the ball this bad with their customers. It really makes me not want to play any of Blizzard games but saddly I enjoy the time I get to spend with my friends to leave becuase MY friends mean more to me that the stuff Blizzard is putting us through with this.


My banker has still only received back one item, valued at ~5k gold, of 1366 missing items, valued at ~15m gold.


This is how I feel too. I want to vote with my wallet and stop playing, stop buying pets and mounts in the shop, stop buying the occasional race change or faction change.

But! I love this game so much, I love the friends I’ve made, I love playing with my hubby and finding new and creative ways to kill him, I love playing with my daughter as we launch ourselves off a cliff in Ogrimmar on brand new characters to see who dies first. I love gathering mats, running old raids and dungeons, love getting new battle pets, love leveling new characters. There is so much fun to be had here and I don’t want to leave!

I paused my account payment, and I have 13 days left. I have two weeks to figure out what I’m going to do and I am really not happy about it. I also know they don’t care.


Oh I’m sure they know, but to them you aren’t worth the effort unless you’re a streamer or influencer.

Assuming streamers/influencers actually were restored. We don’t have any proof of that. One particular streamer is known to lie, because he sells outrage against Blizzard. I doubt he even has a guild bank, so if he said he was restored I would immediately think he was lying.


damn ppl still missing stuff?


Ok, I got this ticket response yesterday (Monday September 30th):

Greetings, [redacted]!

Blizzard Support Team welcomes you!
My name is Game Master [redacted] and I will handle your request today.

I understand that you are still having an issue with the Guild Bank.

As my previous colleague stated, our developers heard the players’ feedback, and I am happy to say that the bugged issue is resolved.
However, we will ask our players to wait for some time, since the mails sent to the Guildmasters may take several weeks to arrive.
We don’t have any information on how many letters there will be or how long the entire process will take, but I can assure you that the guild bank goods will be sent in parts, in separated mails.
Customer support cannot speed up this process. Be sure to check the mail!

Thank you for your consideration, patience and for sticking with World of Warcraft through thick and thin. It is truly appreciated.

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to come back to us.

Kind regards,
GM [redacted]
Blizzard Customer Support Service

So that’s a copy paste, except for the names. I’m very sad to admit, but witnessing how they have handled these deleted guild bank items in the last two months… I do not have any faith in this response.


Ok so this is a template. Why are different GM’s using different templates for the same issue? Why are some saying nothing else is coming, and others are saying more is coming in a few weeks? This makes no sense. They can’t just use unauthorized templates.

Is one template newer than the other? And if so, which one?

Unfortunately, I have a theory. That the “still coming in a few weeks” is the older one, from before the “restoration” mails went out, and the one saying nothing more is coming is the current one.

The only snag with my theory is, we didn’t know the “restoration” was coming in mail until the day of the “restoration”. So that makes the “still coming” template being older not make sense.

And I just confused myself.