Guild Bank Missing Items Update

That is false.


You sure don’t know much about this game considering you have 23K+ posts. :roll_eyes:


One person in the bug report thread reported receiving a BOE item that was not soulbound.

We already knew their development processes were in shambles given how bugged expansions have been as of late, but to think their operations processes are also complete bunk now is just…

Words can’t describe how disappointing this is. War Within is a great expansion, sans all the bugs, yet somehow Blizzard yet again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Unreal and sad.


Not only that, but these soulbound items wouldn’t even be able to go back into the guild banks they originally came from.


Honestly…I’m on the luckiest edge of this, because I didn’t have anything valuable in the guild bank. And I did get my inky black potions back (which probably cost the most gold of anything in there).

But if what we’ve received so far is the extent of the “restoration”, and there aren’t more waves of mail coming (which does make sense, sending everything all at once would probably crash the mail system), then in a way it’s almost worse than nothing, because what some people have gotten back is insulting.


One of the very few items that I have received back was Pattern: Raven Lord’s Gloves and I went back to check once some people mentioned their boe items were soulbound. I was able to throw it up on the AH. edit: Granted, maybe it would never become a soulbound thing, but with what someone said about their lockboxes being empty once unlocked and whatever, wouldn’t be surprised on other wonky things :confused:

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At this point there is no testing anymore, experimental stuff is just pushed live with the expectation that the players will test it without noticing.


I wonder if even the restored items are randomly bugged. Wouldn’t surprise me at this point.


why what timeframe they give?

bro when an item is restored it is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS made soulbound. this is gm policy.,

Not in this case. Everything restored for me so far is as it was. I think this is less of a restore and more of a return situation.[quote=“Breadisfunny, post:216, topic:1963451, full:true, username:Breadisfunny-turalyon”]
bro when an item is restored it is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS made soulbound. this is gm policy.,

thats odd. usually they are always soulbound regardless of if they were boe or bop. they might have made an exception if its just one person here or there.

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You’re right but this is a unique situation so the process is probably unique as well.

possibly but yeah the usual policy is to make all items soulbound.

Right what im saying is what we see is 1 thing vs what they see. We only see 24 hours due to the ingame stuff we are permitted to see. I wonder what they have or had stored.

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Question: I have screenshots I took literally days before this bug took effect, because I’m just the kind of weirdo who enjoys screenshotting before and after bag/bank clean-up shots at the start/end of each expansion.

If I provide those screenshots will I be able to request any items not returned to be sent to me?


No, they don’t accept screenshots as proof of anything, they never have.


Probably wont do much but never hurts to submit and ask.

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Well that’s frustrating and dumb.