Guild Bank Missing Items Update

This is the part that pissed me off. Life happens, they were trying to implement something that had never been done, issues were to be expected. They failed to maintain a backup, sometimes things happen. But to just maintain silence, yea not a very good business practice. It’s like they fell asleep.


Exactly. There needed to be PROMPT communciation. And the communication should’ve detailed their plans going forward. At this point we are going to need a statement from high up. Either Johanna or someone like Holly high up on the WOW team. Just a blue post from CS or a CM isn’t going to cut it at this point.


i’m actually curious about the revamp to personal banks, but not in the way you’re thinking. Currently everyone that plays already has opened their personal banks and purchased all bag slots.
When they make this change to go from bags to tabs, are we going to have to buy the tabs or are they going to leave it as is and give us all the tabs?

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Supposedly, they are just going to change the bag slots to tabs and we will keep what we’ve bought. Hopefully they just make each tab 36 slots.

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lets just hope that they don’t decided to move to a microtransaction form and have to pay x-dollars to open up a tab or extra space ><:


Paying real money for ANYTHING in the game that isn’t just cosmetic stuff would be an instant quit for me. That’s why I want the game to keep the sub fee, going F2P would cause stuff like this and it’d also be an insta-quit.

I don’t really care if they have cosmetics and mounts on the shop.


I am more worried about losing the stuff stored in the banks, we know by now that Blizzard will just say “sorry” and move on if that happens.

Not sure I am still playing then to even notice…


you’re right, i’m worried about the items I have in my personal bank, there are things in there that you can’t get anymore and keep for nostalgia purposes. If they decided to move forward with a tab system and wipe half the banks contents and just say Oops… most players will just up and quit


Yeah if that happens that would be the end of the game. Heck, this issue might be the end of the game if something isn’t done. Huge numbers of people are unsubbing. I’ve heard of entire guilds of 60-100 quitting over this issue and putting it as the reason.


I am disgusted with the nonchalant response that Blizzard has made. My Career since 2014 is coming to an end soon. I feel like I’m just a dollar sign for Blizzard and not a valued player of WoW. Sadly, this company has come to this like all the others. Most people in this game value their collectibles with sentiment. I have lost in this guild bank alone 5 Haunted Momentos, 3 Accusred Keepsakes, over 100 toys, rare transmogs, and 50+ auction bot quest items for the garrison. That’s all I can remember ATM. Multi-millions in this guild bank and no compensation is being offered. I have spent years collecting this stuff. Blizzard seems more worried about covering their rear and preventing any backlash that will hurt their business. Accountability and transparency would have swayed me in a different direction. But all I have seen is deceitfulness and not much accountability. It sickens me to see this level of no concern. To have collectibles ripped from them with basically a one-paragraph response is unacceptable. If I had seen more transparency and a sense of urgency accepting this would be easier. We all make mistakes and things go wrong. I haven’t! Instead just despicable customer service regarding the handling of this issue.


You know this is going to be the case, sadly or at least something like it. :frowning:


Only if they want to kill the game. I would like to think they know better.


100% agree. Once it goes F2P it will turn into even a bigger toxic sewer and I’m 100% gone.


No, you are completely clear. And very well stated.

Trust can only be broken once is a hard truth to accept. I completely agree on this and I’m trying to resolve my next steps for myself. For me it’s not a matter of if they’ll screw up again and I lose something of value that they will be unwilling to restore… it’s now a matter of when.


There’s no indication yet how they plan to tackle that issue. Consider this: If they don’t grandfather in what we have already purchased/unlocked in terms of bag slots, what are their choices in regards to the handling of what items are in those unlocked bag slots? 1) Delete what’s in there and force a tab re-purchase, or 2) Lock the tab until the player pays up.

If the technical side of the implementation proceeds smoothly but they do either of those, then that is such overt and disgusting behavior that I really honestly believe that people will be leaving in mass amounts regardless of what niche they call home in-game.

I don’t think any of the pushers at Blizzard are going to think either of those two choices are going to be viable enough to pick one. I’m personally not concerned for that; my worry is effects from the actual technical conversion.


Is this via word-of-mouth, or are you reading this somewhere? I believe you, I’m just curious to see what those leaving had to say. :slight_smile:


Combination of word of mouth, and people posting in this thread.


I’m as equally torn about what to do about this as many others that have posted here. On the one hand, I’ve really enjoyed this game over the seventeen years I’ve been playing, and would be loathe to give it up. On the other, this debacle…and the poor handling of it…is just another of many recent indicators that management of this game is getting steadily worse.

Out of the four bank toons I maintain, only one of them has fallen prey to this ‘mistake’…but they fell very hard. Everything is gone, in both that character’s guild bank tabs AND their personal bank bags…and to date, not a single thing has shown up in that character’s mail to replace the loss.

To top it all off, their vague explanation for how it happened just doesn’t wash. There should never be ANYTHING ‘automatic’ in the code that could remove items from a player’s storage of their resources. Such a thing should…and would, if they were conscientious about fairness to the players…be something that can only be done with direct action by an employee, and then only after careful review.

That the game’s code was able to ‘accidently’ flush our collections and resources away shows either an ineptness or a callousness in their approach to programming. The fact that they aren’t treating this with the sense of urgency it deserves indicates the latter…and if that’s the case, it could very well be time to speak with my wallet.


Unsub - everyone who is affected by this should unsub. I’m not saying quit, that’s for you to decide. But Blizz isn’t going to do anything unless we vote with our wallets. If you’re like me and used to trust blizz enough to pay them months at a time (big mistake there, but anyway…) you probably have a while to before your time runs out. If they aren’t held accountable now, there’s no hope for the future.


That’s what I’m considering, yes.