Guild Bank Missing Items Update

That’s where I think I’m officially at.

Wasn’t at all thrilled to see EA at the start of the expansion, was less thrilled to see leveling difficulty increased after EA ended. There are just so many things they’ve since TWW released, as well as old grievances and new ones (this whole new mess).

I’ve gotten older and I’m tired of the hamster wheel. I don’t have hours upon hours a day to play this anymore. The one to two hours a day I do get to put towards gaming don’t feel rewarding enough at all to invest in WoW anymore. At this point all I’m doing is chasing cosmetics, and I’ve really started thinking, “Why?”.

I think I’ve gotten to the point where I just can’t justify sticking around anymore, and it’s bittersweet.


This really hit me hard. I think that people who aren’t neurodivergent might not understand the ways it affects our memory. I often need prompts to remember stuff, but once a memory is there, I remember everything I was thinking, and feeling — and that memory triggers those feelings again. So, yeah, at a fundamental level, they are just pixels, but for me, they hold emotional weight.

This is such a fundamental breech of trust and respect that I don’t know if there is anything at this point that could make it so I could enjoy playing this game again. The only thing I can think of is full restoration of everything lost for everyone, and a serious apology from the higher ups, not some poor CM they’ve decided to throw into the volcano as a sacrifice.

My original account only has a few days left on it, so I’m basically getting it ready to go dormant, likely forever. I’ve got 3 more accounts that have various amounts of time left on them (one up through March) but I think at this point the plan is to just get get all of them ready to go dormant as well, and just walk away.


That’s what I’m doing, and it’s incredibly sad for me. It just makes it even more saddening that once my paid time is out, I can’t even post here anymore for what support I can offer to everyone else.


Are items still being mailed? I’ve received nothing back.


Its unclear if they’re done, or if they’ve even really started. Out of the very few people that got anything in the mail, they only got a tiny handful of junk items like old cloth or meat. Sometimes it wasn’t even stuff that was missing at all. The entire thing is vague and the only thing we know for sure is that they’re being REALLY quiet about it.


THIS is the issue right here. Bad things happen. I get it. But you don’t gash lots of your players, not say anything while they flail around wondering what happened, and then say “Oops sorry fam here’s a tiny band-aid you’re fine.”

This is a terrible way to treat customers. And people who stay and take it are just saying they will stay no matter how disrespectful Blizzard is.


We keep getting different stories. Some GM tickets said they’re completed (Vrak also said this) and what’s been sent out is what we’re getting back. Others suggest they’re still working on it and more mails are yet to be sent. So…we have no idea.


As far as I know there was one set of mailings that went out about the time this topic was opened. From reports here most that got anything didn’t get much. One said they got some 32 slot bags back, soulbound to the GM and the sell price was set to 1c. A friend told me he has some toys that he was keeping to sell and they were returned soulbound. Personally I got a little ore and some cloth, oh and thank goodness they sent back my stack of solid stone.


Vrak also unlocked and updated my post and said he doesn’t have any information at all, all he knows (officially) is what we know and that’s what’s at the top of the post. The fact everyone is so silent about it, including twitter and wowhead, implies (to me at least) one of two things.

Either its a PR disaster and they’re trying to ignore it til it fades away on its own (or it becomes too big to ignore). Or they’re scrambling trying to hand-compile a giant list of things to send out, made more difficult because with a gap in continuous data logs they don’t know what actually went missing and from where. An affliction of random items missing from random guilds and you don’t know what’s been corrupted out of existence compared to what’s been moved by players. It makes recovery complicated, but not impossible.

I wish devs could just grant GMs authority to roll back guilds to previous data points (that I’m sure exist) on a ticket by ticket basis. Most guilds (with sentimental/valuable items) don’t see that much traffic, and getting rolled back to 3-4+ months ago would be acceptable for most of us.


Blizzard Watch Podcast talks about this bug and they made it the name of this weeks podcast.

The discussion starts about 20 mins in and goes for about 5 and a half mins.


I wish devs could just grant GMs authority to roll back guilds to previous data points (that I’m sure exist) on a ticket by ticket basis. Most guilds (with sentimental/valuable items) don’t see that much traffic, and getting rolled back to 3-4+ months ago would be acceptable for most of us.

That would be entirely acceptable in my opinion. If my guild banks got rolled back, I would lose items added more recently than the rollback date, and I’m fine with that. I’m happy to lose a month’s worth of items if it means I get 20 years of items back.

There may be people who had items that were not deleted by the bug, and they sold those items after the bug hit, making a bunch of gold. If they got rolled back, they would get those items back, and would be able to sell them again, making even more gold. I’m okay with that, too. Happy 20th Anniversary windfall to people in that position. Allowing some people to gain some “unearned” gold is an acceptable cost for having everyone’s lost items restored.


I gave it a listen, and it’s worth listening to for those who haven’t. They’re well spoken, they’re neutral in tone and stance, and they touched on the important points. My only issue (and this is most likely due to time/depth constraints) is that they didn’t point out the omission that is causing the most confusion and uncertainty for those who haven’t been coconuts-deep in this since the start.

Blizzard said at the very top of this thread:

What’s the omission? They said some guilds; what about the rest? How many is Some™? 80%? 40%? 10%, 5%? A fraction of a single percent? I really dislike that they left it at that.

It may not be a technical lie - some banks did get a partial restoration, if <1% of items returned can be quantified as a ‘restoration’ - but the problem inherent in this specific statement (and I’m addressing only this statement) is not as much the definition of Some™ as it is with the omission.


From now on, I’m bringing this up in every WoW video I watch, both the official WoW YT channel and streamers/3rd party videos.


… which would in turn cause a great deal of hate from what I imagine to be a larger number of people unaffected by the loss (aka the ‘Life is unfair give me swag’ folks) than the number of those who had guild bank losses. It’s a shame; if a bank-specific rollback were possible, it could be a good solution for some percentage of those affected.

This guild bank losses issue is a good illustration of what is fair isn’t always right, and what’s right isn’t always fair. It’s a simple, unalterable, ultimately neutral truism. There’s two schools of ethics that are making this a difficult course to navigate: 1) prioritizing being right over being ‘fair’ and 2) prioritizing being ‘fair’ over being right.

I don’t see any space yet where there can be an equitable compromise, for a multitude of reasons, and I feel that no matter how you slice this cake, someone’s going to ‘lose’ and no one is really going to ‘win’.


That might be true, but they could mitigate it to some extant by giving users a one-time choice: freeze your current bank and add yourself to a queue for it to be restored according to a backup from date(s) xx.yy, OR accept the loss and leave current items alone.

Either way, they still need to actually talk about this and explain in detail why it happened, what decisions were made (clearly they knew something was wrong and went ahead with the exp launch anyway), and why it won’t happen again in the future. Essentially, they need to start treating us like customers and not dirt.


Exactly … I have issue with that Blizzard statement too. It is worded so that, in essence, it is not untrue, however, most people reading that would read it saying something else.

So personally, when someone says “some” to me in this context, I’d assume it to mean a small fraction. I read this as meaning it would be an incomplete restoration for a FEW guilds, and for THOSE FEW guilds, there was no way to restore the missing items. Leading me to believe that other than those few guilds, EVERYONE ELSE would be getting a full restoration.

I’m guessing I’m not alone in that.

Their statement is disingenuous.

What they should have said, if they were wanting to be clear about it was:

Due to how the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be a MINIMAL restoration for A FEW guilds, and FOR THE REST we do not have a way to restore the missing items AT ALL.

Of course that would have elicited a larger and more sudden backlash, whereas the statement they did put out caused false hope and confusion, to the point where people 10 days later are still confused about what is supposed to be happening. So as far as Blizzard is concerned, this is a more muted response than being up front, and therefore a “win”.


You put into words exactly what I was trying to formulate. Thank you :smiley:

I can only speak for myself, but as far as I’m concerned, I’d rather have the stone dropped roughly on a foot and bounce off so I can start handling the ‘after’ immediately, rather than having the stone laid down carefully in place until it’s crushed my foot flat and I’m out a foot, dignity, and all pretense of it being an accident. /sigh


Let’s be honest… Blizzard has not been very clear about anything surrounding this “so called bug”.


My guild bank for Docs Minions was completely emtyed. It was my main storage for crafting supplies and a lot of stuff was put in to get ready for TWW, mainly dragon flight and shadowlands supplies. So far nothing has been returned. At the very least you could return the items that are listed for the past two months in the bank log files. Some items in there are no longer available


With this massive screw up they did with Guild banks and add in new war bank…I am damn scared when they do this to our personal banks there is a huge chance of personal stuff in personal banks being lost…if that damn well happens…that’s it for me I will be done cause come Oct 5th I am changing my sub from yearly to monthly cause if I drop this game cause of that issue I don’t want to lose $155 dollars worth of sub by leaving…