Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Them having the data doesn’t change the fact that we lost it. I get your point though. I agree this is a we can fix it but the fix will take too many man hours so we will act like we fixed it but not really do anything. I will continue to put in tickets until this is fixed. The whole idea is game ending really.

If all of our characters could just disappear tomorrow…why play? More importantly, why pay?


No fighting (Shakira Shakira)

Seriously y’all. I know it’s GD, but please stay civil as this is now the only place on the forums where players can talk about this issue. It wouldn’t be good if this got locked due to some nonsense. I haven’t read the miles of argument-posts that have piled up in the past couple days and I don’t want to have to scroll through more.

Still in solidarity with those affected by this issue. As of now, I don’t know if I’m renewing when game time runs out. Hope Blizz makes things right, but I’m not counting on it.


Hi missing my items how i get it back!!


Right now it appears…you don’t. Pretty ridiculous.


These deleted items are not acceptable.


The entire situation is horse crud… I’ve lost every single item in all 7 tabs of my guild bank. patterns, gear, mats, pets, other misc items…

it’s absolutely insane that they don’t have snapshots, or restore points or w/e to find what was missing and ‘gift’ those actual items back. I am completely pissed that this is as far as the resolution is going to go… “oh here’s a few items… oops! our bad”


I’ve been hearing (in this and the original Bug Report thread) that Blizzard is planning to overhaul the PERSONAL banks.

In light of that has happened here, I would DISCOURAGE them from doing that. Our NORMAL BANK is NOT BROKEN. Unless they are trying to do with it what they did with the Warbands bank (make each successive tab more expensive, probably in hopes that people will buy gold tokens, rather than hitting up their friendly neighborhood tailor). The proposed system MIGHT end up giving us more space, but if that risks a bunch of us LOSING so much of our stuff, only for Blizzard to not care, do very little about it and give a barely an apology and say they “hope” that it won’t happen again, then I don’t want it. I don’t trust that they would do adequate testing, I don’t know how secure their data is, and if anything happens, they aren’t willing to do anything for anyone who isn’t a well-known streamer or something.

In fact, when it comes to ANYTHING we’ve collected (items, mounts, achievements, toys, mogs, titles, heirlooms, gold, characters) I very much hope that IF they decide to do a big overhaul, they make sure that there is no data loss and in the even that there is, that there will be a pretty easy restoration. I just don’t trust them on this.


I found where I had first read this, and I’ve included as much of a link as I can:

“The UI and functionality of the character-level bank will be adjusted in the future, and tabs like the Warband bank will also be adjusted. Bags will no longer be needed in the character bank when this change occurs. This change won’t alter the number of slots currently available in your bank but will shift them from bags to tabs.”
wowhead dot com /news/official-warbands-preview-in-war-within-pre-patch-many-account-wide-things-345087

which in turn draws on this:

So the conversion isn’t rumored, unfortunately. It’s slated for future implementation - unless they get a clue, change their minds, and leave something that isn’t broken the hell alone.


Been going back and reading (or rereading) older posts in this thread.

THIS had been the issue that’s been growing for the past few years. MOST of the people I know will FIND STUFF TO DO during a lull, even LONG lulls. That’s usually when my guild and I do FUN stuff like achievement runs, mog runs, or just silly stuff. We’ve had dailies for a long time and lockouts, but now there are all of those PLUS various weeklies, along with shorter “seasons,” FOMO events . . . all adding up with too little time and too much to do for many busy adults.

I did enjoy the MoP Remix, but I wish that had been brought in during an ACTUAL LULL, not at the beginning/middle of a season (even if it was a kind of a “repeat” season when it came to content).

I have friends who LOVE to play alts, but due to a busy real life and shorter seasons with no actual extra time at the end of the xpac, they don’t get to play all the toons they used to enjoy.


Regarding the ORIGINAL article on Gamerant . . .

OMG I’m glad I wasn’t drinking water or something - I’d have spit it out all over my monitor. :rofl:


Thanks, Vael, for finding the information. Scary news considering what has happened with the Guild Vaults. Also, the way we’ve been adding slots is by adding bigger bags each expansion. As inconvenient as that might be, at least with the bags, WE controlled how much we paid for them through the price of bags (and if you had a good tailor among your toons, OR say, you had a friend or guildie who was a tailor, you were likely to get those slots for FREE). Also, price of bags go down after awhile, so if you can wait to get those upgraded, eventually it will become more affordable. Not so with tabs IF Blizzard decides to charge for them. (After seeing the cost for Warbands bank tabs, I wouldn’t be surprised).


That’s if they add more personal bank ‘tabs’. What they did on ‘accident’ with guild tabs, they would be doing intentionally and on purpose if they were to charge for (currently held) personal bank tabs. What would they do in order to manage that extortion? Zap items in the personal bank? Make the contents inaccessible and pretty much hold them hostage until the player ponies up?

I’m not worried about either of those situations, to be honest. That’s an intentional and overtly disgusting move. I’m laying heavily on my belief in an ultimately uncaring but impartial universe that Blizzard will simply attempt a conversion. Whether or not that conversion is successful in its initial implementation is what I don’t trust in.

But, like I said, if the pushers have any intelligence, they’ll leave the personal banks the hell alone.



The only way for it to be NOT completely disgusting is to start with as many slots as we have now, if we had max level normal bags in each spot, for FREE, making sure that we HAVE ALL OF OUR STUFF and that they are fully accessible from day-one. And THEN if they had to charge, be reasonable about it, for any future tabs.

Sound advice, that!!!


I agree it’d be nice to have max level normal bags in each spot - not everyone has - but I’d be satisfied if the bag sizes remained the same at the time of conversion to tabs as long as it all works properly from implementation. It’s my inference from the reading I’ve done that you can upgrade the number of slots per tab, although I’ve not seen it explicitly stated. If that’s their intention, then it’d be nice to give tailors the ability to craft some sort of token for that purpose, otherwise they’re being rather rudely stripped of a reliable source of income.


The upcoming personal bank change has me worried. Not just because of the (ONGOING) guild bank problem but because my main is a tailor who makes bags for my army of alts. If there’s no market for bags, what would a hunter need tailoring for?


I say this semi-jokingly: Flip the cloth? Tailoring - the newest gathering profession, coming in 12.0.1!


Note – if your immediate reaction here is to judge my neurodivergence, please just step back and walk away from this post.

Tl;dr (because it really is too long) – for neurodivergent folks like myself, most of you have no idea how this plays out in our minds.

Every couple of days since this thread started, I’ve logged on, checked the characters who are GMs, and still I’ve only received 1 message with 1 stack between them. I look at the things going on, want to log in with other characters to play, and then stop, thinking about what the whole thing has done.

First and foremost, because it matters to this – I am autistic and have ADHD. For someone like me and my particular autistic platter (or salad or soup, or however you might prefer to define it) has a lot of hyperfocus and special interests at the heart of it, along with a near obsession to have things for the purpose of memory.

I’ve been playing WoW for around 17 years (started sometime during Burning Crusade). I’m not much of a social player – my communication inhibitors are such that even online interactions with strangers can stress me out (esp. in a game where folks are often less than forgiving of mistakes). But I’ve diligently stuck with the game itself through all of the expansions and, as part of my connection with it, have generally gone with everything collector’s edition of one sort or another.

Yeah, I play for fun and to level and to generally have an easily accessible fantasy-based pasttime. But I also collect things – and it’s not always the things folks would expect. I love the flavor text. I love the oddball things we can find – sometimes very time/event-limited, and so I’ve always done what I could to keep playing, even in moments where I might have felt the game itself was lacking a bit for one reason or another. I think the longest I ever stepped away was for 2 months partway through DragonFlight. Yeah, I have FOMO issues on top of all this.

I wanted to keep these various things which are reflective of almost two decades of playing the same game. They hold value to me in ways that many folks might not understand. In a way, they form a set of memories for me – memories that I may otherwise likely lose without those anchor points. I have to do this with many, if not most, things in my life. Those anchors hold a lot of significance – and right now, what happened has stripped me of a fair number of those.

I also have trust issues. I know things happen – as many others have said, if the folks at Blizzard had just been upfront from the outset, I might be handling this a bit better (ok, likely not, but I would feel somewhat differently about the situation). If there had been an acknowledgement of what occurred and perhaps something more than “we lost the data, oopsy!” had been said. If there had been something tossed our way for how much time many of us have put into this game which is now apparently lost beyond recall (or lost beyond Blizzard’s willingness to put forth the effort for it). If and only if.

I suppose since it took a month or so to get to this post, maybe in another month we’ll hear more. More likely not, it seems, but who knows?
All I know at this point is that I don’t know what to do. On the one hand, if something does change and they do something to fix this, if I leave then I may miss it. If I stay – it’s tacitly saying it’s ok this happened. This isn’t something to just ‘get over and move on.’ Sure, it’s not the end of the world overall, but it is, on some level, the end of a world, one which has been part of my habitation for so many years. I tried others along the way, but this is the one which captured my attention the most. Something clicked in the right way, and now it feels wrong.

I realize this is a bit of a ramble, so I’ll try to finish up quickly. But those judging the ones who are impacted by this and are upset by it simply have no idea. We’re not all coming from the same place, but there’s no reason to denigrate the importance of this to some folks. That it is important to us should be the point, not whether or not we should give it such importance. Yeah, it’s pixels on one level. But I didn’t devote these years to pixels. I devoted those years to a place, an outlet, an experience that I needed, not just wanted.

I guess in a way I hope that someone there at Blizzard reads this overly lengthy post and at least tries to understand why some of us are here, why this has affected us so harshly, why we’d just like something to acknowledge this beyond the original post. I mean, when you have a game that has kept a large following for two decades, it really feels like something more than this post is deserved to those who have been here for a long, long time.

If you made it this far, thank you and I hope this gives you some understanding where I, and others, are coming from.


uhm pretty sure that happened AFTER wod went live. three months on people asked is there gonna be flying in an interview. ion said:nope. than the unsubs hit.


I am 100% with you in that same ND minecart, so don’t feel like you’re alone in that.

I can still count on the fingers of one hand all the video games I’ve played. Proof? Dungeon Hack, Diablo II/LoD, Sacred/Gold, Minecraft, WoW. That’s it. I get what you mean by the ‘click’ and it’s SO HARD to be faced with this kind of catch-22. Screwed if you do, screwed if you don’t.

This game is my ND soup. Tasty, tasty soup. Sure, there’s a few bones in it, but you don’t make a good chicken stew without crackin’ a few chickens, right? (I have a rule - don’t touch my soup - and Blizzard went and dumped sand in my soup, those jerks.) :smiley:


I so hear you on this. It’s a tough decision. As someone said, we could just keep fighting. Not sure it will ever get us anywhere, but we could keep playing and keep fighting, not letting them forget about this incident. They won’t want to hear it, I’m sure they’re hoping it will blow over. They’ll get rid of a bunch of long-time players, whom they probably feel are not worth much. Unless we are some streamer, esports hero or whale willing to spend, hundreds or more DOLLARS on the game - whether for carry, to buy the best mats for professions, to get all of the tabs in the Warbands bank or whatever, we’re not worth it to them to try to keep because they don’t think that we are “good products” to sell to Wall Street.

And you are right - when we entered the world, we didn’t think “wow, lots of pixels.” They ARE, but to us who spent a lot of time there, it’s so much more. My brain reads the world as A PLACE, and memories made there are no different in my brain than memories made in “real places.” While the items may not have had tangible cost, or even much of a GOLD cost, they meant something to us. They our represent memories, time, experiences in the game.


I am sorry, but everything that I lost was never the issue. At least not for me. I have played for 20 years, I am 75 years old, and this is the only game I still play. I won’t be starting anything new, and I canceled my sub last week. I don’t want compensation of any amount, or even care about the items at this point. What this comes down to is a matter of trust. This data is mine as long as I play, and the game is running. They take money monthly to insure game play and data integrity. Their inability to restore that data implies that anything in my account or yours can disappear. A mount, a pet, a memory, an Alt, a gift from a friend who no longer plays. Blizzard has a responsibility to us their customers to not only ensure our data, but to communicate issues honestly and in a timely manner. Understand whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. I am not saying Blizzard has not made other mistakes or that they have not added some amazing game play just that this was handled so badly it has become the issue. Trust can only be broken once. After that it becomes an empty promise. I am old and maybe not very clear. I just think this time they went over the line.