Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I will refer you to this :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Both of you, in the corner, NOW


No thanks, not happening.

This little back and forth is entertaining. You were completely wrong. He didnt have to clarify. You couldnt figure out you had the wrong person and are still whining. The more you try to act like you werent in the wrong the the more ignorant you appear.

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I never claimed I wasn’t wrong. Merely pointed out that they knew I had the wrong person from the beginning and they never once said anything.
Just name calling, being condescending.

As I said above, Id be more than happy to apologize, but Im not going to do so when they maintain being condescending as well as refuse to acknowledge their own fault in allowing it to continue for so long.


Im just saying, as someone reading this nonsense from the outside, you arent making yourself look good. Continuing to act like he is at fault isnt working.

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It’s just unbelievable for what this is, too. I would understand if this sticky was in the bug forum, and all of the locked topics were going to there. I could even understand the locked topics if we were getting an update this past friday, but this is frankly a big mess. I cannot imagine this is doing much to assuage concerns over the handling or unknown timetable of the item restorations, and it’s already seemed to me like people getting their topics lumped into here are losing more faith than anything else.


This is why, in every post where people are complaining about the blue responses, I’m telling them “don’t shoot the messenger”. We need to direct this to the right people. It’s not Linxy, Vrakthris, or Orylia’s fault. Their hands are tied. They do not have any information and all they can do is say they don’t have any information and direct us here.


Yet not once did they ever acknowledge I had the wrong person lol.
You’re not going to gaslight me into accepting all the blame. I take some, but I refuse to take all especially when they jumped in the middle of a convo with someone else and never tried to clarify the mistaken identity.

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Don’t brother argue with that one …they love to never say they are wrong…


As said by the person who loves to play victim to make weird points :joy:

See every pathfinder thread for proof on this btw.


You are the one that made the mistake. There is no gaslighting. It was all you :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:. Just wanted to let you know you are not looking great right now from an objective viewer. Keep digging your hole I guess. Just thought you should know but apparently thats not enough. Carry on.


Still nothing from blizzard and feel like they just don’t care about the hard work we had to put into gathering and farming for days weeks months and even years these items missing from our guild banks and so just tell me you have a way to make them reappear back into our guild banks just like magic!!!


First, the idea that the “way it happened” means you can’t restore is complete bunk. The only way that happens is if your backups either don’t exist or you didn’t back things up right. I think it is more likely that you most likely could fix more but because you didn’t lock the banks it is hard to figure out. This is pure we wanted to launch when we wanted to launch and people lost out because you wouldn’t hold off and fix this major issue.

Second, we lost many items in the guild bank, not just a few things. Quite a bit of money too I believe, but its really hard to tell. I got 3 things back. That is ridiculous.

How can we be expected to put time into a game about building characters and their gear when at any moment you could just rip it out of our hands, say oops then act like you did a good job here? This is time you stole from us. That is all these items represent. Time we spent gathering them.

This might be eol for me on this if we don’t get better compensation. I love the game, been here since beta, but if our items could just go poof at any moment, then what is the point of playing?

Linxy, you have to give us more than this. It’s ridiculous.


It wasn’t but okay.
And its absolutely gaslighting. I accept blame, but Im not going to sit here and pretend this dude literally just kept fueling the fire instead of clearing it up from the get go.

Would could have moved on DAYS ago, but no. Vague post after post ‘of quote me’ and calling me a troll vs just simply clearing the air. Yet because Im hastily replying on mobile and mistook them, its all on me.

Yea uh huh.

I mean I tried to drop it numerous times and steer it back on topic yet y’all want to keep this side nonsense going with this nonsensical bickering.

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Idk. Im still on the fence. Im still hopeful that no news is good news.

EU CMs are basically saying there is nothing new to share (but to be fair their forums are less volatile towards staff), so I don’t blame US CMs from just being quiet on the matter.

We pay for this service, and for this service not to lose our data. Our data has been lost. You need to explain how it happened, what has been done to make sure it won’t happen again, and compensate people for the TIME they lost due to this issue.

Without all of those steps being taken I just don’t see how we can trust that this MMO will handle our time won loot in a way that makes this worth while. It’s just ridiculous.


For everyone that says, “it’s just pixels” and/or “It’s no big deal”, feel free to mail me in game, the minimum of 500,000 gold that I lost due to this little bug. I mean the gold is just virtual anyway, so no big deal.

Edit: Changed email to mail.


So, our guild bank is completely empty, every single page of items is completely gone. Where is the compensation for this screw up? I guess we’re supposed to just keep paying each month with the risk of possibly losing more items? Not to mention all of the grinding to get the items that were lost. Definitely a slap in the face right now with nothing to show for it…


It’s been 9 days since this thread was made with the promise of items returned and all I see are people more upset now than ever. I’ve still only gotten one mail - a cooking recipe. If they were going to come in waves, we should have gotten the second wave by now, yes?

I think I do want a title out of this.

Tholin the Grudge Holder.
Tholin Holder of Grudges.
Tholin the Unforgiving.