Guild Bank Missing Items Update


I upped my internet speed, as the newer MMO´s are so big and I didn´t want to spend days downloading them to try them out.


In game tracking and background tracking… no, I don’t believe this. This is just like in the ‘real world’ intentional/lapse protections for you info to be stolen. I don’t believe they ‘can’t’ restore our GB’s… they can.


They closed the other big forum about this problem. They are literally silencing yall at this point. Take my advice and leave like myself and others have. They don’t about our lost stuff and if you haven’t figured it out after all this, you never will.


Is there context to this?

My post got buried by bickering trolls, and I’ve literally lost items that were very meaningful from people who are literally no longer alive (Guild Bank Missing Items Update - #2162 by Healsdirect-frostmourne)

I’ve had zero items restored & honestly just trying to understand if the recovery process is IN PROGRESS (as hinted at by references to “soon” and such per OP) vs if they’re done (by Blizzard giving radio silence again)

Edit: for clarity cos I only did a reply, but my query was in regards to this bit specifically


Piecing together various people’s ticket replies and Linxy’s update at the top of this thread . . . it’s, unfortunately, undetermined. We have asked multiple times for OFFICIAL clarifications. Some seem to imply that it’s ongoing. All I know is, I got stuff back one day, and haven’t seen anything from Blizzard since. Their communication on this whole thing hasn’t been great, which is one of the things frustrating all of us.