Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Actually, you opened your Quiver first and agreed with other toxic dude saying I had also quoted you out of context. I indeed had not but then you kept it going on about it and I told you I had not. I am not the one who “came in hot out of no where”. You injected yourself into a reply that had not one thing to do with you.

I am unable to help you if you are not able to distinguish between two 100% totally different names that don’t even remotely sound alike nor are they spelled alike.

You are correct I could have, but I didn’t. You got back what you were giving towards me. You were so hell bent on being right and wanting to let me know how I had “wronged” you that you were not paying attention. This is 100% a case of, But if not for your own actions.

Mobile is difficult and I’ve replied to the wrong person before. You know what I did I owned up to it and said, sorry I hit reply to the wrong person, or I didn’t read it correctly or I was mistaken, and they accept an actual sincere apology, and we walk away back in a good position. This is what adults do. It is not hard to admit when you are wrong.

All you had to do was apologize you had made a mistake, and I would have virtually shaken your hand, and we would have moved forward, but you wanted to give the old “sorry but not sorry” smarty pants answer.

Why do those have to be the only choices, though? I found myself in the same dilemma. I don’t want to roll over and stop pushing for a resolution with the guild banks and I don’t want to stop playing a game I love so much either. Having to choose between two evils feels like letting the company and the situation be in control, which I wholeheartedly reject. I get to “choose my own adventure” for myself and I am choosing to keep enjoying the thing I love and also keep posting about this on social media, keep submitting bugs and tickets and keep following the issue as closely as I can. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that - it’s OK to keep playing if that’s what you want! Blizzard took away our hard-earned items, our memories, our collections, our trust - I’ll be damned if I let them take away what enjoyment I’m still able to get out of the game. I DO still enjoy the game and would like to continue enjoying it, despite what happened - I am still upset about the guild banks and would like to continue fighting for a fix. It’s absolutely valid and OK to have both those feelings together and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I know many people say this and likely do not actually take action…

I have legitimately cancelled my sub today stating this unacceptable issue as the reason. I’ve truly never felt so cheated as a paying customer before. Anywhere.

GG Blizz, You win?


I mean granted I had the wrong person, you completely kept the circular arguement going by just not going “hey do you have the right person?”

So… it seemed like you wanted to keep it going. Calling me a troll and what not did nothing but add fuel to the fire.

I miss that. Sometimes they’d do a bit of corny RPing, describing a scene and how they’d enter. I’d get the little black box in my chat, answering a questing or asking to clarify something I said in the ticket. Back then, they didn’t discourage sending a ticket to get something resolved.

I was never fortunate enough to SEE a GM in the wild - I’ve heard of those black-and-brown robed figures. I wish I could have seen them once. Back then, they seemed MAGICAL, even if they still were just Customer Service Reps. And I do think they had many more people in customer service (some summary for the upcoming Jason Schrier book describes how Mike Morheime fought with Bobby Kotick over trying to keep the WOW CS team intact, as Activision encroached more and more into Blizzard) as well as more leeway to help the customer in various ways. Now, we have AI and probably low-paid, understaffed staff with scrips and form letters, I’m guessing.


I spent some time chit chatting with one once, waaay back in BC or Wrath. We traded jokes back and forth.
The good ol’ days, eh?


While I doubt I’ll get anything back, I do check my main toon - the one that runs an actual, active guild (mostly because I check the mail on that toon anyway) and on the main bank - the one that lost almost everything. So far, across 8 banks and 1 active guild, I got I think 6 partial stacks of stuff, and ALL of them were items that were already in the bank AFTER everything else disappeared.

The one weird and suspicious one was the Vigil’s Torch for my Herb bank. I keep things in fairly neat stacks - if I have a 1000 or more, there WILL be a full stack of 1000, and then leftover in another stack. As I didn’t screenshot, I don’t know exactly how many of what I had, but in the bank, I had 770. In the mail, I got 230. That’s . . . weird. I don’t imagine whatever bug erasing PARTIAL stacks of stuff - I suppose it COULD, but wouldn’t think so. So, what happened? Did they just go into my bank, look at the full stack of Vigil’s Torch I had, break it, leave 770 and send me back 230? Which made me wonder if they just either looked in my bank (rather than any database) for what I HAD (after the disappearance) and just send me more of it, OR did they go into my bank and just take more stuff from my bank just to give it back to me???


My yearly sub runs out Oct 3, 2024…as I said I was paying yearly …well now come next week I will only pay for month to month for now…and No I didn’t lose anything out of my 5 private guild but I am doing this to show Blizzard some of us have had enough and want this game turned around …after the mess with Pathfinder and Disabled Players being treated badly by Blizzard and by many of players here that post I am not going to put up with it anymore…so each month now I will decided if I am staying or not.

Nobody should go though losing 20+ yrs of things they collected and felt close to be lost and Blizzard just throws up its hands and says here …is a stack of linen cloth to replaces the thousands of items you lost …its BS…the tagging of adding Pathfinder too TWW start to get Steady flight is another notch against them for me making players have to work harder to just get flying that doesn’t make them throw up or put in pain…it should of never been put in TWW in the first place esp since Dragon Flying was open to use Day one of EA of TWW…its wrong plain and simple.


Oooooh, that’s dirty!!


I do agree that choosing EITHER feels like they are winning. I’ve good about reporting bugs as well as putting in a LOT of feedback - be it ideas I have or shortcomings I’ve noticed. I’d like to keep fighting as well - whether here or elsewhere. I’ve been commenting on various third–party sites before they all seemed to take notice . . . a week and a day ago. I hope we - whether we comment, or quit, or do something else to rattle the cage - make SOME difference.

While big sites, like Massively, WoWHead, Gamerant, etc., has published articles, kind of disappointed that a lot of the YouTubers remain mum - they usually pick up on the NEWS once it’s out in the open. I guess they don’t want to bite the hand . . . They’ve been some of the best advocates of players in the past.


You just can’t help yourself, can you?

You want to try to defer and deflect your inability to notice you were wrong.

You didn’t read things correctly and injected yourself into a convo with incorrect facts/statements and then continue down that road until I literally had to tell you – read.

What I told you was that you were either being a troll or you were not good at reading comprehension. Apparently, it was the reading part.

You should have just stopped when you discovered you were wrong. You didn’t. You still haven’t and I suspect you won’t. Admitting when you are wrong apparently is difficult for you.

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I didn’t. I made a statement and you replied to me lol.

You interjected yourself into a convo I was having with someone else which kicked off this entire thing.

Then you proceeded to call me a troll, tell me to quote things, etc and never ONCE said wrong person or anything remotely close.

“read”. Great context. Thanks for your contribution.

So because I glossed over your name, I lack reading comprehension? Okay bud.
See. You clearly don’t even WANT this to be resolved as you keep poking.

And why on earth would I apologize to someone who CONTINUES to be condescending? lol. Get over yourself.

If there is a NELIN out there, I wanted to say THANK YOU for your kindness and kind words. I got your mail in-game. I honestly teared up and for once, am not embarrassed about it. I was trying to reply through in-game mail, but it wouldn’t go through - I guess the toon is gone. (I wanted to write a personal message but could not - sorry I had to make this public).

Our community will be poorer for having lost kind souls like you.


Wouldn’t go through as in what was the error message?
I’ve found I have to throw a single copper in to send mail when I’m not sending any physical items over.

ahhh . . might try that, thank you.

Aww . . . “Cannot find mail recipient.” :cry:

You may need to input the server as well if that is not auto filling.

If that doesn’t work, you might be right in they deleted the toon.

Some kind souls disappear just as quickly as they appear.

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I still haven’t received any items back from our guild bank in the mail to my GM character. Wondered if this is still forth-coming or not - this is where I was told to go to comment on this particular post as the previous ones I commented on were locked for commenting. Kinda disappointed that some people received items back and we got absolutely nothing :frowning:


I got a profession tool I never had in my bank to begin with and a swift lovebird that I did have… but wasn’t missing from my bank so now I have an extra. Meanwhile, millions of gold worth of items missing and some are no longer in game like Dirge’s chops recipes and TCG items and more crafting/rep mats than I can even remember. These people told me “thanks for your patience” and gave me the finger at the same time. I’m not letting this go. If the roles were reversed and I was messing up their stuff, they would spare no expense to come after me.


Really poor leadership. The only way to vote is with your wallet.


5 tabs of stuff lost. All mogs. Not a single thing returned. Absolutely disgusting.