Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I’ve played many games throughout the years and formed many memories within them. It truly is disheartening when a company breaks that trust and causes a disconnect between the players. For me I don’t think I lost anything of value but if I did, I wouldn’t know what it was anyways.

I once got affected in another game, just after I left WoW. I was in my 5th year of playing when I found a game bug, duplicated it a few times and reported it. When that company did what it did to me, I voted with my wallet to never return, and it’s been 8 years. The sour feeling caused me to not even play online games for 3 years after that incident.

I personally can’t assign an artificial value to an item that has no physical presence. We own nothing within World of Warcraft not even our own characters so Blizzard never has to make right anything and at any time they can say thank you for your business but goodbye.

So, you can either deal with the hard situation of all those perceived values and memories that are lost to time or vote like I did once. Eventually no matter what you choose, the value and memories are gone and will fade in time.

Sorry if how I worded the statement offends anyone. It wasn’t my intention.


Classic projection…accuse others of what you’re doing. The white knight is literally accusing you of being a white knight lol. The reasonable people in here are criticizing Blizzard severly, even those of us who were not badly affected like me. Their response has been completely, totally unacceptable.


100% spot on Vralok.

I was also affected but (I’m sure you read) that I can live w/o this stuff that is missing. The problem I have w/the whole thing is:

  1. Blizzard’s lack of respect and communications.
  2. Blizzard’s inability to restore things (now and I assume in the future).
  3. The lack of trust Blizzard has now set means there is nothing that says it won’t happen again or something worse and they will have the same disrespectful and dismissive attitude. Further, the lack of trust now erodes into you can’t believe anything they tell you moving forward, including the “we fixed the problem”.

I think in this situation its a bit hard because they can’t really change anything. Anything they say at this point won’t change the outcome and they probably know just as much as we do since they are not devs.

They cannot force devs to give the outcome people desire and they probably do not want to give false hope which did seem to happen in the replies on EU.


am I not correct that American based companies have to keep multiple backups of their server files when they have paying customers wouldn’t all the needed info be there? OR ARE THEY JUST LAZY?


reaches over and nods as he takes the cup. As he goes to smell the fresh morning brew, he realizes there is a bit of something extra inside. With a smile, he glances back at his new found elven friend and gives a very subtle wink acknowledging the much needed and appreciated addition to his brew.

Good morning Azeroth, hoping to hear back from CS on this today.


Since you have not bothered to read this thread but instead stir up issues, this will be my final hello and goodbye to you. I hope you get the help you need.

Backup copies of digital content is only at the prerogative of the company, and only insisted upon when there is tangible property. While I appreciate the notion of where this is headed, even the best companies in the world can lose data. Not excusing them for it, but simply understanding sometimes two types of code are just incompatible and accidents happen. After this, I would imagine they will invest in a Scaler for backups and redundancies of player characters prior to pushing new code.

Someone who works for Oracle said yes. But are they willing to spend the time and money on all that. :person_shrugging:

I’m not in charge of Blizz PR, and they’re now part of MS making me think that unfortunate situations such as this can be mitigated even with heavy losses.

Makes you wonder just how far you can mismanage something and gamble with the consequences. I don’t operate with that kind of luxury in my life.

Like I said earlier, just open up a 20 year anniversary box. Get a whole bunch of “unobtainable” or “rare” items for free in celebration.

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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You want lack of empathy should of read the posts about Steady Flight and disabled players…almost a 2/3rds or better of the posters said it was quite fine for Blizzard to force disabled players to have to do pathfinder in order to use steady flight while they the players where zooming around using Dragon flight on day 1…most of those that wanted or needed steady flight were players that have played for years and worked around their issues of disability to play but when Dragon flight was put in as they flying thing many couldn’t continue with the game unless they had help from others like being a taxi to them …it was down right nasty how others treated them in forms about this issue.


Honestly, it’s been the complete LACK of communication us players on NA have been getting during and now after this issue that’s a massive concern. I get “not wanting to instill false hope” but there is a middle ground between communicating and pretending the issue doesn’t exist and only posting a “oops well that’s it.” style post like we got.

We feel unheard and unappreciated and now out of millions of gold worth of items and I feel like people definitely have a right to be upset at this situation. Us people on NA would have appreciated an occasional “Hey, we are still working on it.” but instead we got not a single blue post except the 3 posts in this thread.

Even now we still have rampant speculation. Is there more waves of restorations coming? (likely not) Is anything being done to prevent this in the future? Any compensation for people who lost Millions? It’s unprofessional and people are more than within their right to voice that, it’s a Major L from Blizz, they dropped the ball on this big time and they are still ignoring us. (or at least making us feel ignored)


Oh but the player base can really change things quite fast…by mass exit of the game subs and telling Blizzard and MS why…it has worked before, it can work again …are they willing to bank on the stockholders fury when stocks drop and they have to face the music on that now…


I’m not sure what would be said at this point, unless you’ve something specific that would need a response. :frowning:

I decided today would be a good day to try to get reported for AH botting by dumping a hundred or so full stacks of various MoP & WoD mats. :wink: Flippers are either going to love me or hate me for the next few days. I’d stick my nose back into the RP scene but it seems if a person’s not running a fully animated and soundtracked TRP3 that no one’s going to even acknowledge them.

Anyone else doing anything in particular before their paid time runs out?


My paid time expires in 2026 :smiley: and no, nothing new to add. I also did a full mat dump on Day two when the bots were in full swing and made almost 200k gold in 24 hours. As for today, there is a level 23 Vulp Arcane mage that needs my attention, and a stream to do. So I will be noticeably absent for the next 8 hours. Have an amazing day out there!

Installing GW2 at the moment. Curious to see if my stuff is still there after leaving over 10 years ago. If I’m feeling brave after that I might try reinstalling SWTOR :thinking:


I’d love to tune in, but I’d have to find you first, lmao. :slight_smile:

I will DM you on BNet from the messenger. Since we are now friends on the app :wink:

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I’m paid up until the end of December. I’m just auctioning off various things I still have, and popping in to see some of the holiday stuff. Beyond that, I’m spending more time outside of WoW, working on a personal project I’m developing. It’s far from done, but I hope some day to get it on Steam.

Guild: TP
Server: Hakkar
Losses: 7 tabs of gear and mats from every expansion
Recompense: Nothing. No mail to the GM, no apology. Not an electronic sausage.

Our guild members have cancelled our subscriptions. If something changes before our subs run out, maybe we can pull things back together. But this many weeks in and absolutely zero communication? It’s not looking good.


That’s rough, and I’m sorry to hear it. I wish there was better news.

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