Guild Bank Missing Items Update

This. I hope someone who can sketch makes one of this, it’d be hilarious! :smiley:


Idk where this negative notion came from that being a hoarder in-game is bad, but as said many times. It’s just pixels. Hoard away lol.

Doesn’t matter what others say, because it’s your stuff after all.


passes Drac a cup of coffee that smells oddly of whiskey :smiley:


this is an unacceptable resolution, blizzard do better


I wonder if they are storing the posts in this thread in the same place they stored stuff in guild vaults, because there seems to be some data loss here too.

Why is there an achievements and statistics pane keeping track of thousands of things you did? It sounds like the game is getting in on the hoarding too!

Note: The statistics pane might as well be removed, because the data in it is garbage these days.


Fairly convinced this thread is still open and the others are being auto locked because it makes it look like less of an issue.


Yeah noticed it’s been messed up for awhile.


Just curious if anyone has been mailed any of their items? I thought “soon” meant in the next week.


i know someone whos gotten like 4 items out of thousands returned, they are devistated.


I don’t think I’m angry anymore; it’s turned into a very deep disappointment.

It’s not that I feel less ‘wronged’ - I still do, very much so. I want to be angry, and I feel at some level that I probably should. Maybe I just used it all up.

I’m in my mid 40s. I started playing shortly after BC released. I had just gotten out of a very bad relationship that hadn’t been a wise choice to begin with, and I stayed in it for years longer than I should have. This game helped keep me absorbed in something outside of myself for long enough that I started to heal, and over the course of the next ten years, this game was the method by which I learned to be okay with myself again: I ended up with friends that I didn’t have before, made progress and accomplishments that felt like big deals to me, irregardless of how small they may have been to others, and realized that I did have worth.

It was in Wrath that I was kindly ‘strongarmed’ into tanking a heroic Utgarde Keep; I’d just maxed my Frost DK and my usual social group needed a tank faster than the queues were popping. That one thing that I wouldn’t have done on my own led to me main tanking that guild’s secondary Naxx 25 alongside a second Frost DK. Some of you that are newer to the game may not understand just why tanking early Naxx prog with not just one but two dual wield Frost was a big deal - yeah, DKs were still massively overpowered, but they weren’t suited for the role as well as most other tanks and a lot of people figured the entire class was just fluff, so there was a lot of derision and scorn at the time.

I still laugh a little when I’d be called out for a liar when I’d talk about our 25s being healed by a single Resto sham in a Noblegarden dress. That’s a synergy that you don’t find often in large groups, and I think it’s even less common now than it was then.

If that experience taught me that I could do amazing things, then the progression of events taught me that I can’t do everything. Once we had Naxx 25 on farm, I asked to run some of our lesser-skilled / geared members who wanted to raid but were never slotted. That raid lead position ended up being not of one, but two full-schedule prog raid teams through Trial and Ulduar. It was at that point that I completely burned out; six days a week, four hours each, was just unsustainable, so I quit.

It reinforced the understanding how critical it is that people be respected. Those left-behinds, who felt incredibly forgotten and disrespected in a place where they should have felt like they belonged, ended up being some of the best raiders that guild had seen and many were shifted into the first team.
I referred to those players as ‘my kids’, even though some were older than me, and I still think of them and hope they’re all happy and doing well.

That’s only a part of what this game, and the people in it, gave me in the first few years I was playing. It was a home in which I could relax, it was a school in where I learned that people are very squishy creatures but if properly taken care of, they can do amazing things that they never thought they could.

I think that’s why I get so riled up when I read the posts that can be boiled down to ‘it’s a game, they’re only pixels, get over it’. Yes, it is a game, but it’s been an experience too. The items that we’ve lost are just items, yes, but to a lot of us they are a (visually) tangible marker of the length of time we’ve been here, the hours we’ve put in, the places we’ve been in this game, and the people that we’ve been there with.

It’s harder to remember things when you don’t have something present to remind you.

Not everyone is a diplomat in situations like what’s happened. We’re squishy; we get hurt, we get offended, we become uncertain. It takes a lot of patience and skill to keep a level dialogue, and I don’t think it’s right to dismiss someone’s concerns or message simply because they’re speaking from a place of distress. In line with that, I don’t think there’s a single person in here that thinks badly of any of the CM or CS folks that have posted here, and I’m sorry if any of the volatility in any of the guild bank threads upset them. I don’t think that it was intentional on anyone’s part.

Linxy, Vrakthis, Kaivax, et al - if any of you felt disrespected or otherwise, then I’d like to apologize. No one should be made to feel that way.

I’ve gone on with this too long, and I’m sorry. TLDR: No, it’s not simply about the pixels.


Angry as a bull in a bull riding pen!
I get angrier with each passing day.


This. OMG this.

When I just read that, it occurred to me (as if I needed another reason) why my first bank being gutted hit me. That one held mostly mats used by and gathered by my main. I used to love professions and spent a lot of time getting mats. During TBC, I was determined to make my Spellfire set and if I couldn’t get the recipes, to get the Spellstrike gear made. OMG . . . so many NOT just cloth but motes and primals!! As I wasn’t that much into group content then, that was kind of my BEST gear and I was really proud of it. I got pretty good (as in patient) at farming mats and helped friends with leveling their tailoring and cooking. I also often sent buff food to friends, probably because I liked professions.

I’d send extra or the old stuff to my bank toon and eventually was given a guild (guess someone just wanted to get rid of it). So, it became filled with cloth, enchanting mats, and all sorts of stuff I needed for crafting. I think at first, everything went in as it was my only bank toon, before I got more to store stuff like herbs and LW mats (since my first alt was Herbalist/Skinner). So, what remained was the cloth, enchanting, elementals, etc. And yeah - that was my history. Before LFR I didn’t get too many of the raid drop mats (only steady raiding I did was normal DS, and then Flex SoO through normal raids to middle of Legion, so not too much). I did get a bunch of the stuff out of old raids later on, when doing mog and achievement runs with friends and guildies - something I remember fondly as well, back when things felt slower, when we had a bit of lull to mess around in.

And poof the visual history of my toon was gone. All that time I spent making sure I had enough of whatever spider silk or pearls to make stuff for leveling toons, be it an alt of mine or any guildie/friend, I had it. HAD it.

Weirdly, just seeing the mats made me remember places - now, completely changed after Cata - that spot in Eastern Plaguelands that had humanoids (for cloth) and spiders (for Ironweb Spidersilk). Alter of Zul, which was a fantastic place to get mageweave and also wildvine (used for the Dreamweave set). Before Cata, I knew so well where to get what mats.

Seeing it empty gives me a tight feeling inside. I have mats from doing Timewalking TBC and other stuff but for some reason, haven’t . . . I just can’t bring myself to put it into the guild vault - it’s sitting on that same bank toon’s reagent tab. It’s not so much fear that it will disappear since we know that things can disappear from ANYWHERE. Maybe just seeing it start to fill . . . God, am I going to feel like I need to go get every material I lost? I want it . . . and started to get linen and wool before realizing how insane that was. And I’d get angry because I was spending time that I was paying for trying to get stuff back that should already be there. I also remember the TIME sink it is to get anything beyond the basic cloth. And no way in hell will I get from AH (except the LOWEST enchanting mats as you actually have to be low level now to get low enough items to DE into those - which sucks) UNLESS I have immediate need and even then, I feel ripped off. Even if I’m only paying a few gold . . . because I shouldn’t have to buy it.


For a while, too, those things were getting a second life in some aspects of the game. I kept my set of gear from the first time I got to mythic raid, tanking no less. When the revamped mage tower came out, surprise surprise having that whole set (mainly the azerite pieces) came in handy.

Unrelated to pve, a lot of old items with sfx and novel uses do see a second life when it comes to performance rp, because finding the right kind of flair for an act or part of a script is valuable. Even more so when wow is changing shared gcds and level requirements.


That’s literally the job of a community manager. To deal with angry customers and try to manage heated situations. I respect their job, but imo there’s no need to feel sorry about it. Especially when the blue post wasn’t really sympathetic or even truthful to begin with and tried to downplay the situation with what felt like blunt and cold corporate speech.


I have a medium size guild with about 600 toons. Last night we had 25 raiders in the raid and a few others online. This is not a personal guild bank that was affected.

We had mats, pets, toys and mounts. Our last tab had valuable items for guild event giveaways.

Yes, I am upset of what happened and the horrible apology. I am not screaming but do not want to be silent about it.


Of the 70 - 100 slots that were removed I have received 2 items. They were darkmoon quest items. Is this it? I haven’t received another blizzard email for over a week. If this is all that gets restored, the disappointment is overwhelming. caged pets, old school mats, some of it stupid crap that takes hours to get for 1 recipe. I lost time and a lot of it. was there some crap? Yes. unique grey crap my rogue pickpocketed that had only personal value. Still, I would like to know if the restoration efforts are complete because it sure feels like “that’s it, next!”


I feel that you are to soft / forgiving to the CM´s… It is their job, to inform us, their job to talk to us and to settle disputes between the Devs and us.

Look at Kai Schober from Zenimax, or the former CM Bashiok at Blizzard. These two guys, were doing a fantastic job, especially in difficult times, they were always present.

Sure, todays generation may look at them as boring and old, not hip or whatever, but they are / were fanastic CM´s.


You’ve been nothing but dismissive to people.

You are hoping and doing it in order to see if you can derail this conversation.
No one here believes for one min (other than your own alts) you are trying to be anything other than a troll. Your replies in this thread support this assessment.


No idea what nonsense you are going on about but if that makes you feel better about yourself - have at it.

Exactly whom am I “white knighting” for??