Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Blizzard wants this to disappear.

They don’t know how to program.
They don’t know how to handle our data.
They don’t know how to handle customer crisis.

Millions will lose everything, and they will try to burry it.


Here’s the thing. What people here are going through is a kind of grieving. Albeit, not as SERIOUS as say, losing a loved one a pet, a home, etc. But the feelings are there. And in a way, this is the only support group we have. Maybe trying to throw cold water FEELS heroic but to people with so much pain, it doesn’t. Let people deal. If that means wailing and gnashing of teeth, of “bargaining,” just let people get through it without saying things that feel like you or anyone else are minimizing their pain or trivializing what they lost. I’m sure you don’t mean badly, and maybe in your way, you think you’re helping, but yeah, emotions are high and it doesn’t help to say “oh well, it’s just pixels, go farm the stuff.” It’s going to calm people down as much as saying “calm down.” (i.e., it doesn’t work).

If you have accepted it, good for you. For many others, it’s going to take time to get there one way or another. Let us have the safe space to do so.

This exactly. Thank you. Tean.


Commenting here, as the other thread that had folks listing their guild banks that had been wiped by this bug, is now locked: my bank alt guild, on US-Eitrigg is also affected. Will update once I receive the restoration emails.


I’m still hopeful that their silence means they are working on it and they just have nothing to update us on as of yet.


LOL - I gotta decide if I want to get my hopes up. :crazy_face:

Thank you for being civil and expressing yourself. You are correct. People grieve all sorts of things, so this can’t be that much different. If more people expressed themselves in this manner, I imagine Devs would not be so gunshy about speaking up. I hope there is either good news, or closure, for everyone’s sake. Mine included. I am still waiting to see if a hand full of irreplaceable items will be mailed or not.


I’d still prepare for the worst, but keep that glimmer of hope that something can still be recovered.

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One thing I’ve noticed with this, that is different from the past is, there is very little to no hostility TOWARD the messenger. I think we are all aware that Linksy and others are mouth-pieces. In fact, I feel like CMs/GMs have less agency than they used to. And I’m actually heartened by people’s sympathy toward the rank-and-file workers, and what they are putting up with in this ordeal.

BUT the anger at the company, even if it’s not productive, is justified. As long as no one is threatened with bodily harm, this is as good of a place as any to let out a primal scream. :scream: :scream: :scream: And I DO wish (unrealistically) that the decision-makers (I dunno, Phil Spencer??) would have to come here and face the Wrath of the . . . Wrath of . . .


Bank Robbed?

I think someone said “Diminished” or “Depleted” and that might work?

I feel like we need a name. A few people suggested titles and achievements. I think we deserve it actually?


Wrath of the “no thing” XD


I do not disagree that the anger is justified. The loss is real… and the silence is deafening. Sadly, neither Alex nor Ion are going to step in here and address the masses. This is why they hired the folks who are not part of the problem, nor caused the problem, to interact and diffuse the matter on behalf of the devs. I just feel sorry for them taking the brunt of the beating knowing no one is coming to their rescue, and they are at the mercy of a coder’s timetable. That said, they need to invest a bit more urgency in answers, or transparency in updates to reassure the people in this thread they are still listening and doing what they can.

As for the title and achievement, I feel like “X, The Unsafe” might fit. A bank is like a safe, and having things just vanish felt unsafe. It could have multiple meanings.


OOH that could work. Also, as ALL data could now be deemed unsafe, INCLUDING our very characters!


I lost a whole character once in a Realm Transfer during Wrath. When they were finally recovered, none of their mounts, gold, or gear were anywhere in sight, and they had been boosted so to speak. Took me YEARS before I trusted another transfer.


HOLY COW, that’s awful!! And back then, mount and such were individual, not acct. so if your character lost it, then whatever they had, would have been lost to the acct, I’m guessing? And gold . . .uggh . . . took awhile to get gold back then too.

Yeah, took me a week to simmer down :rofl: I’d spent hundreds of hours raiding in Icecrown and Ulduar, and all that gear just… gone. No easy catchup mechanics, and no return of the 83, 716 gold I had on me to take to the new server. Thankfully, I had friends and free time to help me get re-established, but still stung.


I beg to differ,

CM´s in the days of Bashiok and co. had a different attitude towards their job. I remember how they often worked on weekends, just to get a message out, how they forwarded feedback all the time and then came back with answers.

Even when D2 had the long awaited patch, that hardly did anything, the CM´s were always informing us about the process.

Todays workers and I am not just talking about Blizzard here, have a much less involved agenda than those 20 years ago and seriously, who does work on a holiday or weekend now, or late in the evening?

Maybe it is because they might not find an equally well paid job, or because they never learned to argue with superiors, or it´s just the lack of work ethics and this silly work/life balance agenda, I don´t know, but to not support the people that are responsible for your jobs existence is pretty poor.

Yes I know, we are having an economic crisis and people are afraid to lose their jobs, home and friends, but people just need to grow a thicker skin here and not be so afraid. I feel that many parents did raise their children wrong, they are so soft these days and that reflects in the economy big time, where we lack workforce and attitude.

Many stay home if they have a running nose or have a headache, they demand home office, they ask for this and that, but the work, the actually important thing they are paid for, is suffering everywhere.

In my humble opinion, if you work as a CM then you act as one and if the company you work for tells you to not speak to your clients, then I would ask myself If I am truly in the right place or if I should move on.

If I play for a sports club and always sit on the bench, then I go to a club where I can do my job and play, even If I would earn less money.

In the end, all is hypothetical, we don´t know why the CM´s are silent, but I am personally very disappointed and don´t feel any connection to them, nor gratitude that we have them. They are like ghosts to me, while Bash & Co. were almost like buddies back in the days.


Not sure it is that black and white. Maybe we should just move on from that topic before we create more turmoil unintentionally.


I’m the guild leader and I haven’t received anything.

Can you provide a timeline on resolution of this issue?


Going back to YPP to enjoy it in its twilight. 13 days left on my last accounts here. :wave:


Thank you for providing an update :pray:

I have 2 small enquiries to assist in clarifying the messaging of this news.
Will provide optional context in case that helps too!

  1. Can you please provide a timeline for the mail restoration approach?

For context: “soon” is a very ambiguous, a time frame would help us understand at what point it means our data may be impacted by the ‘incomplete restoration’ side of things.

On the topic of understanding if our data is recoverable or not:

  1. Can you please advise how Blizzard plan to support the situation where there are incredibly sentimental items lost as a result of this data loss / ad-hoc data deletion?

For context: I’ve had gifts/notes/etc from someone very close who is no longer with us :broken_heart:
These are items I couldnt carry around 24x7, but every time I opened my gbank it made me smile from our memories (when they were alive)
While I’ve also lost a lot of other things, what matters is the sentimental things, stuff you can’t just go and farm, thats been impacted by unexpected data deletion - and I would like to understand what is happening with this type of incredibly meaningful data.
(as previously reported: Guild bank missing items - what happened? - #1485 by Healsdirect-frostmourne)


Calling anyone a “horder” who plays an MMO like this one – in which every item from previous expansions still has use, and where collecting is such a tremendous part of the gameplay – is so silly that it’s laughable. :rofl:

Go on and buy your mats for old stuff. It’s us “hoarders” that supply it for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: