Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I’m sorry to hear you lost so much, also great guild name. Would have been incredible as all Dwarf or Goblin :slight_smile:

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Yes, but that was before you graced me with critical information. Should your road ever lead by my garrison, I’ll invite you in for a strong mug and a sit by a warm fire. :slight_smile:


WRA… I knew it… I have a Mechagnome Mage on WRA, will have to send you a friend request and take you up on that cuppa by the hearth.


Now, now. Don’t judge too harshly, I’m a lady of many characters, and while I’ve been on WrA since its creation, it’s not where I started. :slight_smile:

Zero judgement, I have lived on WrA, Scarlet Crusade, Moongard, and a few others. RP is my life. I started on Suramar at the launch of TBC as a Nelf Hunter.

Started out with a Draenei mage on Silver Hand here. I personally haven’t spent much time on Moon Guard as it’s too busy for me, but SH and SoE were very hospitable back in the day. Haven’t actively RPed in years, though, mainly because of a years-long break in which I lost touch with the people I used to hang out with. If you want to @ me in game, msg any of the members of Niedergang on either WrA or MG. :slight_smile:

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I lost tabs and tabs of crafting materials and supplies and pets, thousands of potential gold on several Guild vaults and this is the best we can do? Way to long to find out I’m out of luck! Also love how you downplayed the issue with cute word play. “A few items”…I lost everything.


There are numerous Blizzard employees on Xitter in an unofficial capacity.

I haven’t gone anywhere near that place since the change in ownership, but if you wanted to politely nudge for a meaningful more detailed update from someone, it might be possible.


I wish, if they were going to use social media, they would use something legitimate like Bluesky. I am absolutely not going to a malicious site that is completely blocked from my network anyway. The only way to even be remotely “safe” on Twitter is to use a secure browser, on a virtual machine that has never been used for anything else, and then put that behind a VPN using a server in a different country from where you live. Even that may not be 100%

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I’m pretty sure it was to you that I mentioned needing to add gallons of mental bleach to the list, wasn’t it? :slight_smile:


There are also Blizzard employees on Fbook but I haven’t been on there since 2016. …

Yeah they’re having us post here because the following features of M$ Activision-Blizz:

  1. Nonfunctional customer service
  2. Lack of moral compass
  3. Programming ineptitude
  4. Unwillingness to perform code-testing/bug-checking
  5. Failure to make/utilize data backups
  6. Arrogance

Are currently “working” as intended™.

Coming soon: “Your Character Remixed™” - relive the thrill and adventure of your character’s development when we delete its data…


Yeah I’m not creating a facebook account, not a chance. I deleted mine several years ago. It’s not as dangerous as Twitter, but it’s not great.

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I’m going with “Microblizzard.” It suggests smallness.

Yes it was! I remember that comment. I think I said there isn’t enough brain bleach on the planet.

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Decided to come here since all of the other threads have been locked. Still haven’t received mail on both of my toons that are the GMs of Guilds that lost tabs of items. Hopefully this thread gets some traction because this is a pretty shameful way of handling a massive problem. I understand that you lack the ability to restore all those missing items, but just sweeping it under the rug is not the solution many are looking for.


Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.


This is what I got back when asking about whether restorations were ongoing. Sounds like it is a done deal. Out of 100/1000s of items I think I got about 6 stacks of DF mats back.

Hey there,

I would like to thank you for your patience while this issue was investigated, as we appreciate it has been a considerable amount of time to receive an update from the developers. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted on the US forums which you can read here:

Guild Bank Missing Items Update

To give a brief summary:

• The guild bank can now be safely used again

• Restorations are completed and mail went to the current guild leader. If that you and you didn’t receive any mail or there are still items missing they sadly can’t be restored. I am really sorry.

• The developers made every effort possible to restore as much of the guild bank losses for identified characters, but due to technical limitations, it was unfortunately not possible to recover everything and in some cases no restores were possible at all.

I also need to point out and mention that Game Masters and Customer Support are not able to help any further or offer anything in this situation.

Again, I am really sorry. I wish we had better news to share.

Still, I would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you all the best.


Well, there’s another nail in the coffin.

So what do we do now, ladies and gentlegerms?


Keep up the pressure in here. That along with the huge number of people unsubbing will have an effect.