Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

I have seen in one instance where someone had got multiple stacks of the Northrend cloth or leather. That is the only thing I have seen returned. For me, I have 3 completely emptied banks that were used for BC, WotLK and BfA mats. I’m not happy either but the direction WoW has gone in the last few years is more exciting to me than previous years. Yep, going to be a while to get all those things back but current content has been keeping me entertained enough that I have not had time to even start to re-collect.

I don’t forgive what has happened and especially the official response. The current pet cages in GB’s is even more annoying for me.

As I review other games, I might want to try, I see that all of them have their down sides too. No other game I’ve played has been perfect either.

I feel for all of you. Maybe, just maybe, something positive will eventually happen to our missing goodies?


Your assumption that people “eat” and game at the same time, is very individual. If I look at myself, if I truly play a game for more than a few hours non stop, which is super rare these days, then I often forget to eat as I am focused on what I do. :joy:

I am more a person that eats when I watch TV, which is actually a habit of me to cook food and watch a movie while eating. :sweat_smile:

And if you look at streamers, who are online for hours non stop, how many of them are eating there and look “overweight”?

Gaming addiction is serious, but to assume someone is addicted because that person logs in once in a while is still silly. For a lot of folks it´s just a habbit, or would you call smoeone addicted, if he goes to the bar once a week?

Maybe I am just the wrong person to speak about this, as I know addiction in RL and can relate to how it destroys people, while addcition in a video game is kind of unreal to me.

I always look at games as some silly waste of time, you know, if you have nothing else to do, you play a game. I would be totally bored sitting infront of a PC all day and spending thousands of $$$ on virtual pixels is kind of confusing to me.

It just would not add anything to my life and the most of time I spend in a video game was as a teenager when I was in a relationship with someone on the other side of the ocean.

An addiction for me if we talk gaming is more about pumping all that money you earn into horse bets or into Las Vegas, Poker.

Or if we look at WOW as an example, if you skip school, work to play or if you buy all those cosmetics in the store, while you run out of money to pay the rent.

But folks here in this thread that still play, nah, that is not an addiction, at least in my books.

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You are a bit of a weird customer to be honest.

Nobody who plays WOW has to explain to you why he or she does it, calling them addicted is just a retarded move on your side to make them look bad.

As for me,

I don´t care about 13$ a month, I earn enough money to have a Disney + sub, while having watched the last show there in 2024 and so it is with WOW.

I did level a tiny char in classic to 16, ya this took me like three months, what an addiction is that! Oh and I did pick some flowers 5 days ago, when I logged in last, because some day I want to give them to my alchemist on retail.


I said it before, I am upset about loosing items on my Gbank, I have no idea what the worth of them was, I am not having a list or anything. Because of it, I have not bought the D4 expansion and WOW expansion and that is my statement to this mess.

That I still log in once in a while to waste some time, when my friends or family are busy, is turning me into a junkie? Cmon, give me a break please.



4 months ago I reached out, once again, due to not getting my items back from my guild bank. all bank tabs complete, full and items, profession mounts, farm, pets, equipment, etc…
It’s total negligence, if I were to put the value of everything that was in the bank, they should give me a subscription for 20 years for free, plus the next expansions… I’ve been playing for 20 years and they simply have greater disregard for our loyalty, we like wow and we just want them to treat us with respect and give us back or compensate us in a positive way for the loss. I AM SUPER DISSATISFIED. #REAGEBLIZZARD


“Make Blizzard Old Again?”


6 days until 11.1.
Will the thread stay up?
Will Blizz ever put resources into making us whole?
Inquiring minds want to know!


My guess is that the thread will stay alive until it hits its software-dictated limit of 10,000 posts, at which point it’ll automatically close. Whether they’ll allow anyone to open a new one is a toss-up.


Hire more people Microsoft!
Get this issue resolved for your loyal customers.
Give us our stuff back!


So i take it i am just out the mounts i spent thousands of gold on for our guild lottery? That is a bunch of horse S**T. We pay for a service and spend our time to create something for it to be taken away or “Lost”? At least treat us as a customer, bliz has to do something.


Sadly yes.

Yeah, the fact I always felt my stuff was saved and persistent is why I was willing to pay a sub fee. Not anymore! And it’s bot even the countless hours worth of stuff they took from me, it’s the way they handled the situation the way they did, sooooo shifty and underhanded. I’ll watch cinematics on the internet for whatever remains of the story for however much longer the game lives, because it’s not worth paying for nowadays. The more I read the bug report forums,the less sad I feel jumping ship, they are obviously letting it die while simultaneously trying to milk it for every penny they can via FOMO and cash shop items.


This thread does not and never did belong in the ‘Bug Report’ forum. Whoever moved it here, shame on you.

The greatest threat this bug exposed, is that Blizzard no longer cares about player data.

When this bug deleted hundreds of millions of player items, Blizzard made a choice to not spend time and money to restore the items.

Your items in the guild bank are not important to them. Only your active subscription is important ($$$), and they determined it wasn’t worth it.


Bump because im still gutted a year later by the effects of this negligence.


It’s only been 6 months, but I feel ya, I never got anything back either, out of 7 almost completely full tabs.

I don’t think they did, but if anything was sent out after the first week of October, I wouldn’t have gotten it, because I let my sub lapse, with no plans of ever reactivating, unless they change how they handle things (lol).