Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

We really appreciate your subs as you hope to be made whole…any month now, promise!

How about in the meantime checking out this dopey dino mount?


I think MicroActivBlizz made enuf $$$$ on the dopey dino that they could hire 1 or 2 devs for a year to fix the guild bank issue.


That’s not what revenue is for.

Executive compensation, sure. Marketing, ok, I suppose so.

But development is absolutely shoestring. And bug fixes? Only if someone can prove they’re revenue-positive.


This is where I’ve been for quite some time. I so wish this was different and not happening.

I love the game. This blows so much. Bleh.

I still feel lost.


When 11.1 hits, I’ll wager this post gets pulled down with it. Attention will be on 11.1 bugs, and not this anymore so a sneaky time to bring it down to silence those affected. Years, or decades, of our time, swept under the rug.

Still bitter.
Still not right.
I’d love to not pay my sub and have an excuse as to why, be acceptable and then play for free.


I’ve been playing wow since 2005, I watched my dad play and he let me make characters on his account until I was old enough to have my own account. This game is super nostalgic for me, so it’s such a shame to watch it slowly becoming nothing but a source of revenue. I don’t understand why so many companies tank their business into the ground, especially when it loses them money.


It doesn’t lose them money tho…when this happened, a decision was made based on numbers affected vs the cost of going through the logs to straighten everything out, and they bailed on those affected…and a LOT of people whose loot was stolen have made peace with it and still continue to pay for subs and crap off the store.


And unfortunately, it’s due to this that Blizzard can get away with it. I know some people feel you can be mad about it, and still play, but that doesn’t help. It’s easy for them to just ignore us if they’re still getting paid.

That’s why despite nearly 20 years of playing, I’m done, (since October) because it’s only going to get worse going forward as they cut corners and sacrifice player data for the almighty dollar. Not my dollars though.

Good luck to everyone sticking around, you’re gonna need it. I’m sort of looking forward to the next big deletion, to see how many people lose all the stuff they pulled out of gbank storage and stored in personal banks/inventories, since NOTHING is safe, ANYWHERE.


The mounts covered it this time, but subs are definitely on a downward trend. The game has never quite gotten back to peak subs, and each new xpac adds some game-breaking bug or some huge fault that leaves people like me quitting for other games. Each time this happens, they lose money in the long run, and store mounts only make them money if players are around to buy them. People remember negatives more than positives, it’s why Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky both have such a bad reputation, despite being good games now.

FOMO isn’t real, you don’t need a $90 mount from a company that hates their players, play something else until blizzard gets the idea


Unfortunately, reality is ultimately in the minds of the ones perceiving it, and some people make FOMO all too real. The gambling industry thrives (to the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year) on it, and computer gaming has taken that lesson to heart.

It’s good to be able to put it down and walk away, but light a candle for those who can’t.


Febuary 2025 is here and still nothing to replace the items lost in our guild banks.
Do better Blizzard.
You were once a great company. You can be again.
Give us our stuff back!!!


Like mentioned above, soon this thread will be cut loose and all discussion verboten…but LOOK! Spectral tiger for 175$ US!

Addiction is a hellava drug


If you physically cannot walk away, you have an addiction and you should seek help with it. There’s a lot of resources available, and a lot of people can benefit from it. At least with gambling irl you have a very slim chance of making money, with FOMO in video games, you get some pixels that they’ll take off you sooner or later — either when the game shuts down, or when an unprecedented bug deletes all your stuff.

People need to think about it like this: if you want there to be any chance of blizzard doing the right thing, you need to vote with your money. I’m not saying delete your account and never come back, but at least take a break to assess without being spammed with FOMO. Nothing bad will happen if you stop playing.


LOL at the forum psychologist

Some people think you can’t be addicted to video games, you can be addicted to ANYTHING you do daily, it’s about that dopamine drip…

Go a week without playing and see how you feel.


I suspect that the forum troll addiction is very real and on display here.


Ah yes, the forum psychologist, the forum troll, all for saying FOMO isn’t real and you have an addiction if you can’t stop playing for any significant length of time. Things don’t have to be chemically addictive to get addicted to them — case in point, casinos and gambling in general. It’s a combination of sunk cost fallacy and FOMO. You’ve already invested years and a lot of money into this game, if you quit now, what do you have to show for it? Doesn’t matter that the quality is going downhill, that there’s more and more bugs, that some people lost up to twenty years worth of progress. Gotta get that $90 mount because it’ll go away soon!!!

Also yes, a degree in psychology certainly does help in that regard : ) Addiction is a very real and serious issue, but because games are fun, it’s not treated as seriously as, say, alcoholism or gambling.

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Does this mean Blizzard has closed the doors to this? Or are they still working through what to do?

I understand all the difficulty in not knowing how much or what to replace, but c’mon. I don’t have 7 empty bank tabs because I like to spend in game gold. Those babies were full! I am not even super upset about the items lost, as I am a pack-rat, but to admit losing those items, then doing nothing in return is unbelievable. I thought Blizzard was trying to fix their reputation after all the sexual harassment and other misconduct against leading Blizzard employees. We need to add digital larceny to the list?


I played Star Wars: The Old Republic about 16-20 hours a day when I was out of work for health reasons. I quit cold turkey from playing any video games for 3 years after they screwed me over. So, it can happen, just comes down to your willpower.


Since about 5 months ago…