Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

I made the mistake of trying. Everyone trying to gigapull like they used to are finding out that the changes made to Timewalking necessitate at least entry-level mechanic execution. Big yikes out there.

Nothing has been returned thus far.
Tons of stuff still missing.

Never will forget this and will continue to let Blizzard know I have not forgotten about this disaster they created and could have prevented.


Yes they could have prevented, and yes they could restore our items. They just don’t care to.


Hey Blizz it me again, just wondering if you ever got back to giving my items I lost due to some unforeseen circumstance. All 7 guild tabs emptied out faster than the shelves of toilet paper in a pandemic


On the one hand, people are complaining about this, and with the other hand are giving their money to Blizz…

Two options really, accept their behavior or move on.

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Not two options, not black and white, you are wrong.


I’d agree with you if you weren’t wrong. I have 5 accounts and all 5 were on at least 6 month subscriptions. 3 of those accounts have run out of time and were not renewed. I put this bug as the reason why I was canceling the sub. The other two accounts still have time left (they were on a 1 year sub). One expires in about 3 weeks and the other is set to expire mid-April. Both are set to not renew. So yes, I am complaining about this, but on the other hand, Blizzard hasn’t gotten a penny of my money since this started and chances are, they will never get a penny from me again. I kind of thank Blizzard for this as I was addicted to WoW; been playing since vanilla and started multi-boxing in BC. That was a 20 year addiction and Blizzard was able to cure me. The more my accounts expire, the more I’m learning that I don’t need them anymore.


On Tuesday I reported my War bank items and transferred currency unaccusable, upon Wednesday’s quick fix, my war bank was completely rest to point where all my stored gold and items in it were gone. I asked items and mail support team but they keep telling to post here for devs to fix this. So I hope they fix this.


I would make a new post for your issue, this one is for the deleted guild bank fiasco, and probably doesn’t ever get looked at. Your issue is definitely different, and should get a new post for maximum exposure. Good luck!


Oh lookie lookie – a 1 posting rotating alt coming in to derail the convo…
Let’s just short cut this one now… Ignored. :mute: :mute: :mute: :mute: :mute:


I was reading that post and it got me thinking about all of the people reporting losing large sums of gold, valorstones, trader’s tender, timewarped badges, or other currency in aborted spends or trades.

The game uses Oracle as its RDBMS which is supposed to be ACID compliant. That leads me to wonder how a player interaction timing out or otherwise failing could cause a loss of data at all. That’s not supposed to happen.

What kind of special developer works there who could defeat a core feature of the RDBMS?

I suppose the RDBMS can’t protect itself against people who can’t think straight and fill their code with logic errors. Could it be as simple as that?


glad to see they prioritised straightening the carpet at lion’s rest, better than fixing unimportant minor bugs like, yknow, entire guild banks being deleted without even a “whoopsie sorry” in return :// at least they’re adding new things to the game, instead of fixing the already existing broken content! who would want that?

anyway I’m still mad over this and I really don’t see myself coming back to wow (or any blizz product) for quite some time, especially if they continue to treat this giant issue like they have been


All this time and I am still waiting for a true restoration. Two of my guild banks were just fine but the one guild bank alt I used for storing loads of old crafting mats is what got hit with this bug. Of 686 total slots (7-tab bank) I had 23 empty slots, the bug took out 438 slots. When I got my “restoration” items by mail it contained items from 5 slots, that’s right FIVE out of 438 missing slots.

Something I’ve done for years now before every major patch is video all my inventories, bank bags, reagent bank, guild banks, most recently adding warband bank to the list and rolling through every toon in the barn, I’ve lost stuff before obviously. Sadly, I was told that what could be done was being done and that if I had received items back via the in-game mail system, that was likely all they could recover and I was likely to not see any further recovery. The curt response in the email reply basically felt like I was being told, “that’s it, you’ll get no more so stop asking.” I know it’s all just ones and zeroes but that’s time spent that feels wasted especially when you’re told “nothing we can do” when showing them screenshots from before and after.

I am not complaining, just came back to follow this post up and ask really, have others had the same experience I have? Has anyone’s missing inventory actually been made whole? …and has anyone had multiple rounds of things being restored?


You should probably make a brand new post in the forums. Blizzard isn’t reading this one any more. It is a containment thread only. If something gets flagged enough for attention, they will look at that specific post. But if u need help… make a new thread outside of this one.



Which will be closed and merged back into this one.

Do you think Blizzard would open a “containment” thread and then not protect the containment effect?

They’re done with the topic. You can’t change that.


His issue is with the Warbank, not the guild bank. I think they would take a look at his post. He might even want to post in Customer Support or Tech Support. His issue is completely different and more recent than what happened to us.


Ah, that is a different issue. Should be its own Bug Report and possibly a GD thread to see if it’s happening to other people.

The only reported warband bank anomaly I’ve seen is crafting mats seem to be overpulled when doing crafting orders from WB bank contents, but apparently the excess is being returned in the mail after a few hours.


Sep 2024

The first and last word from Blizz on this subject.

Accept or reject.

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But you didn’t. You didn’t work through any issue. How was it “difficult”, for you, btw? Fixing what you broke, is not difficult, it’s what we pay for.

Most, as in the majority, never saw emails with supposed ‘partial restorations’ etc. None of us saw compensation against what we lost, to at least temper the 20years of lost items some of us faced. We won’t even get into the lost reputations either… when even PROOF wasn’t good enough for a GM to fix months of time.

Do better.

Get back on this issue, make us whole. As we do you.


Got sick of waiting so I put in a ticket. Like others in this thread I was told that Blizzard had done all it can and that any items restored were mailed to the GM.

I never got one item restored and mailed to the GM.

Every single item lost. It was a personal guild a couple of other friends had used over time.

Not the oldest guild around by any means but it was created July 2008.

Just very sad. Saps any motivation to play the game I have played for nearly 20 years.