Guild Bank Missing Gold after Realm Connections

Lets stop the arguing, it’s not really serving a purpose here. It’s understandable for those affected to be frustrated. I’d prefer to leave this thread open for updates, so I’d like to ask that if you’re not affected to please hold off on responding here.

This is not advised. The Game Master team is not going to be the ones returning your gold, and continuing to open tickets in a matter that has already been acknowledged as in progress won’t do anything to speed up the resolution. It will only serve to waste your time and the time of those Game Masters who need to respond to you when they could be offering direct assistance to others.

No one is saying that, and in fact we have confirmed in this thread that the issue is being actively worked on. You’re assuming the worst outcome, which I would caution you against. Like I said, I understand that it’s frustrating to be in the position you find yourself in but when there is more information to share, we’ll provide it here.


Kalviery, I see in another separate post that Goldcup stated that they had in fact seen the money back in the guild bank. This was approximately 4-5 hours ago. Do you know with something like this if we will receive a notification either way? I’m not sure if Gold received a message regarding this, or just noticed the change in balance. Thanks

So I see that Goldcup has his gold back, I’m curious as to why one of many suddenly got it back. I’m still waiting on the gold for my Guild Bank as well. It seems that this post is the only ones the devs are looking at, so please note that I am still waiting on the return of my guild funds.

This is a manual process, not automated. So some guilds may be repaired ahead of others as the game team gets them taken care of.

I just want to be clear that I am not a member of the development team and that the development team is not using this thread to track the status of the problem. They have their own means to identify affected guilds. Our purpose here is to provide updates as they become available.

I plan to follow-up on this again as the game team returns to work this week. But I’m glad to see there has been some public confirmation that the work is moving forward.

I expect once the repair is done, it will just be reflected in-game. I don’t expect there will be a notification, but this is something I plan to ask about in my follow-up.


I appreciate you looking into this, I know it is frustrating for you too, to deal with all of us so upset and angry. I’m sure tensions can get high. Thank you again.

I did go ahead and submit a bug for the glitch in my Guild Bank and referenced this post. So hopefully that helps in tracking.


Thanks again Kalviery. I’ll be patient and keep working. So long as it is at least a couple of days before pre-patch hits. Still saving for the Long Boi, so once that goes it… I should only be a bit off or there. If it doesn’t hit though, no way I make it. I can’t make up the balance of what is missing in time.


Received confirmation today that a portion of the affected guilds have had work done to correct their gold amounts. And that the work is ongoing for the remaining cases.

Still waiting to hear back on whether or not there will be any notification but it’s sounding like there won’t. Will update as we get more info :slight_smile:


All, ecstatic to say that 1. I did receive a formal notification(See below). & 2. I did receive my 1,243,022G 22S 68C back today at 3:25pm(CST).

Thanks for all the help and support, and most of all for listening to me b*tch & gripe for two weeks!


You should find the missing gold in Veladoran’s mailbox. Sorry about the mishap. Hope this helps you out!


Senior Game Master XXXXXX
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment

Thanks again to all the forum folks who assisted, including those that were also affected by the missing gold bug!


Quite happy to have been proven wrong on that :slight_smile: Thanks for the update Veladoran.


I received an in game mail notification and my gold. Thanks for all your help Kalviery. I’m happy to report this issue as resolved.



Is it only gold that is missing or did items disappear as well? I have control over 4 guild banks on Madoran/Dawnbringer + a personal guild bank for my characters.

I’m really not looking forward to spending hours securing all the items in those banks.

As far as I know it was only gold.

They believe they have fixed what caused the gold to disappear. The ones whose gold did disappear are needing to wait until their specific guild bank is addressed manually.

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i appreciate the answer. Thank you.

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I had guild banks on realms connected last week and didn’t have the issue. I’m hoping they have it fixed for continuing connections.

I took screen shots of my guild banks before the connections so that if I had a problem I had something to reference.


One thing to keep a watch on is any auctions or rather items you have up for auction. In my research back when this started off (8/4/2020), there were several forum posts about getting duplicates or more of auctions. Some people reported that for instance they had two pets up for auction, then found 4+ in there bags.

I believe it may have affected GB items as well, as there were also reports where an individual had made 100 scrolls (Battle Shout), and they were not in their guild bank after the connection. Oddly enough the materials needed to make them were in the guild bank though.

I think Ruffle’s suggestion is probably the best, just take a couple of screenshots so at least you have a record. I don’t think removing items / gold are any form of protection as it seems like it reverts back to a previous point anyways if you are affected. Good luck!