Guild Bank Gold Withdraw Broken?

So I’ve been in my own guild by myself on all my toons for years using the guild bank as a Warbank essentially. With the addition of the new Warbank I have been trying to xfer my gold from Guild Bank to the Warbank and it will not let me withdraw much gold when it does work but the past 36-48 hours it hasn’t let me withdraw any at all. It’s been 3 days now since I started trying and I have managed to get about 200k of the 800k out. All my characters have unlimited access and I even tried it on the character that is the leader of the guild. I try to withdraw large chunks and it just does nothing at all repeatedly. On a few character it let me do like 50k, 25k, and 10k a few times but then even that stopped working. How can I get the gold out of there and into my Warbank?

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This is a known issue that Blizzard after days has finally acknowledged, but there is a work around in this thread that I was able to make work:

/moo :cow:

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I already posted a fix for this. Use the search function on the fourms man. But here you go. This should help you get your gold :ok_hand:

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Thank you! And sorry I tried to google the issue and ask Trade Chat. Deposit trick worked


Very annoying to withdraw money from guild, but it’s better than no band-aid fix I guess.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

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I was able to make the work around work, withdrawing less than what you have, depositing back 1g, then withdraw again, deposit 1g back, rinse and repeat.

Due to the power of exponents, it actually goes pretty fast how much you can withdraw because you are doubling on each iteration, provided you start with a hundred gold or more, but even if not, that’s just another half dozen passes.

/moo :cow:

i would like to add for this to work out you need to be = or more gold on the players bag for it to work

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None of my toons can withdraw anything from the guild bank except the guild leader.

This is untrue.

I had 1.5 mil in my G bank and was 10k in my bag was still able to withdraw the 40k desired. NEVER at anyt point were the two close. This is how mis information is spread.

The fix is in my post. there are no other requirements.

and this is how i fixed mine
i had 500k in mine and could not withdrawal 1g on my bank toon i could only get 1 c due to me having one copper. so i did some testing and transfer 100g to my bank toon and could not with drawl 200g but 100g

You may have found an alternate work around there are a few out there but this will work for EVERYONE. I was trying to post a more Universal Solution and this is the only one so far

Universal Solution:
You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Tedious, but it works.

Credit to a Discord user called Skalor. Also Credit to Layalina on the EU forums who shared this with me

Took me 3min to withdraw my FULL 1.5mil gold doing this

Im glad you got your gold :moneybag: