Guild Bank Gold Locked

Can not withdraw any relevant amount of gold for my needs. It is simply locked, does not come out. Game is unplayable right now sadly in this state. This ofc, is far from the only thing wrong.

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same here bank gold system is bugged. also the new bank tab for warbands is not workiong

change that it seems to be limited to 2000 gold even with the limits seto to 100000


yea, it lets you withdraw enough to take a gryphon ride somewhere… thats about it.

Aren’t warbanks still disabled?

no warbands was supposed to be enabled with the prerelease patch

warbands are enabled. warband banks were disabled due to a critical issue.

Yes, the warband banks are intentionally, currently, disabled. However, the guild bank not working is not mentioned or been acknowledged at all, and again, for some (me), this makes the game entirely unplayable.

This is quite the welcome back after not having played since the mid 2000’s. Regretting paying for a product not even released yet, when this is the state of things as of current.

At any rate, it is what it is.