Guild "Applicants" Tab Greyed Out... AGAIN

Blizzard Devs (support peeps, technically, since Devs don’t directly look here) –

A year ago, when the connected realms were pushed heavily, the guild finder broke, and the guild applicants tab was greyed out. That was eventually fixed.

Now, as of about a week ago, our guild’s “Applicants” tab is greyed out. It’s been having the little flashing diamond saying people are applying, but we can’t click to view the applicants. It’s driving us insane. As someone who is clinically OCD, it quite literally gives me a nervous tick when something is flashing as a warning to me, and I can’t do anything about it.

Our Guild Leader put in a ticket, and the GM just sent back the “reset your UI” standard reply. This is not a “their pc” situation… no one in our guild can see the applicants tab (or the “applicant history” tab, for that matter). It’s completely greyed out and unclickable.


-Zarakii on behalf of the entire leadership of The Dignified on Blade’s Edge cluster


I myself have made a post on this as well. It’s very frustrating that we can’t recruit using guild finder. We are a 10 year very active guild and we rely heavily on this tool. Our GM put in a ticket to only receive a cookie cutter “Disable Addons” response. There is no way every single officer is having the same addon issue. Please look into the core of the problem so we can continue to grow.
Thank you
The Dignified.


I went through and did the generic answer of deleting the files and resetting all my crap and it is STILL greyed out . It is incredibly frustrating that this answer was provided to fix an issue when it is NOT our computers or our add ons. This is a WoW issue and it needs to be fixed.



Same issue.


Put in ticket. Got a “wait for maintenance,” which should fix it. Wanna guess what didn’t fix it? Next step, GM needs to put in another ticket.


Same here. No one in our guild can access either menu. It was down all last week as well. C’mon Blizz.


GM put a ticket in and got a reply that just sounds out of touch with the situation. Like, tell the applicants you can’t invite to use a new link… ummmm… We can’t see any applicants. What new link? Delist and Relist? Did that… nothing. Change the message? Did that… Nothing. Your workarounds sound made up.


Same issue for all of our guild leadership roles as well. Applicant and applicant history is greyed out and inaccessible.


Same problem…Guild Applicants and Guild Applicants History are both greyed-out in the Blizzard Guild Roster. This is really frustrating not being able to recruit new members to the guild. This problem has existed for the past 15 days. Been through 2 weekly resets. Disabled all my addons and used the default UI but not fixed. My character name is Katorah-Silvermoon on EU server. I am the Guild Master of Haven-Silvermoon EU guild. This needs to be urgently reset/fixed by Blizzard support staff!


I can’t begin to say how utterly disappointed I am in Blizzard right now. Guild finder is a really good tool but tools are useless if they are broken! Get it right Blizz. Just get something right! Two tickets and THREE weeks later, GUILD FINDER IS STILL BROKEN.


Just submitted a bug report for this. I forget how many times I have since Legion

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Still having this same issue. Blizzard, this is ridiculous.

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The ticket reply I recieved

I can totally understand how these issues with the applicants would be frustrating. We have received similar reports and there appears to be a bug. This isn’t something we can fix on our side as customer service, but this is being investigated and should hopefully be fixed in the future.

In the mean time, the old guild application is bugged so here are some steps to help bypass this situation:

  1. Update your current listing if there is more than one, or create a new one if you already have two. Add a keyword to the new listing, and ask applicants to use the new listing in that listing
  2. Reach out to players that used the old listing if possible and ask them to withdraw the application on their end. This will clear them from the Applicants list
  3. Advise those players to re-apply if they still wish, using the new/updated guild listing with the keyword so that you are able to locate those applications

As a temporary work-around to the Guild Applicants and Guild Applicants History disabled problem:

Step 1. Create a folder in your World of Warcraft/retail/Interface/Addons folder called GuildApplicantsFix.

Step 2. Create a text file called GuildApplicantsFix.toc and copy and paste the following lines into it:

## Interface: 90105
## Title: Guild Applicants Fix
## Notes: Fix the Guild Applicants display in the Blizzard Guild Roster
## Author: Xulu

Step 3. Create a text file called GuildApplicantsFix.lua and copy and paste the following lines into it:

local GuildApplicantsFixAddonName, GuildApplicantsFixAddon = ...;

GuildApplicantsFixAddon.GAF = {};
local GAF = GuildApplicantsFixAddon.GAF;

GAF.GAFFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "GuildApplicantsFixFrame");

GAF.OnEvent = function(self, event, ...)
  if (event == "ADDON_LOADED") then
    local addonName = ...;
    if addonName == GuildApplicantsFixAddonName then
  elseif (event == "GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE") then
    local communitiesFrame = CommunitiesFrame;
    if communitiesFrame then
      --print ("GAF: Firing CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED event");
      --print ("GAF: Fired CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED event to Blizzard Guild Roster");

GAF.GAFFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", GAF.OnEvent);

Step 4. Start the WoW retail client and when your player is in the game, then:
- click on the Blizzard Guild & Communities icon
- click on the Roster tab
- click on the drop-down list in the top-right corner
- the Applicants and Applicant History options will not be greyed-out if you have applicants or applicant history
(may need to wait a short while or a couple of clicks for it to refresh with the fix).


I can confirm that Xuulu’s workaround in the previous reply worked for me.

Polgara…thanks for your reply that the temporary bug fix addon worked for you! Glad to be able to help those guilds who have this bug and who depend upon the blizz community guild finder recruitment to keep their guilds alive and active.

The bug still exists after this week’s maintenance reset, it has now been 5 weeks. I also tried disabling my guild recruitment listing, editing the wording slightly and re-enabling the guild recruitment listing, but that did not fix it either. I guess a bug fix has not been made and not rolled out as a hotfix yet?

My alliance guild is Haven on EU Silvermoon and I am the GM EU Katorah-Silvermoon, for dev/support testing.

No luck for me unfortunately. Followed what you posted. clicked many times. no luck :frowning:

Same for me. Didn’t work.
Weeks of staring at that little diamond is just so frustrating.
I love the response. “Message the people on your list.”
We. Cannot. See. The. List.

Hey Marathal and Mentior,

Make sure you are renaming the file extensions on the two text files you create from *.txt to *.toc and *.lua respectively. You can see this by viewing file extensions. (thanks Fezzig!)

Maybe you have a different problem or maybe you did not install my GuildApplicantsFix addon due to some copy-and-paste errors?
I guess I should upload the fix addon to Curseforge to make it easier to install.

A simple way to check if my fix addon will work is to open the Blizzard Communities Guild Roster in-game and then simply enter the following one-line command in the chat window:

/script CommunitiesFrame:OnEvent("CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED");

This should instantly make the Applicants and Applicant History drop-down menu options become clickable, not greyed-out, so you can then view the Guild Applicants and Applicants History.

After a few minutes, the drop-down options might become greyed-out again or you want to refresh the Guild Applicants list, so just enter that one-line command again.
If this works then the GuildApplicantsFix addon will work for you.
If not then you have a different problem I guess.
Blizzard has still not fixed this bug yet for my guild, EU Haven-Silvermoon either.

Note: The temporary fix addon simply uses another event called GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE as a workaround trigger to cause the CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED event to be fired on a regular basis to cause a refresh of the Guild Applicants.
For a very small guild or a guild with very low activity then maybe that GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event will not fire very often.

Install the !BugGrabber and BugSack addons from Curseforge to capture and record your history of addon Lua errors in-game, to check what Lua errors you get.
Please check if you got any Lua errors in-game after you installed the fix addon.


Thanks so much. When I ran the script line you just posted, it did open up the applicants section.