hey Mentior,
ok great! good to know that you have the same bug!
My addon should work for you then. Try-reinstalling the temporary fix addon according to the instructions above in this thread.
Make sure that the text files that you create have the right .toc and .lua file name suffixes by renaming the files (so that they do not have a .txt suffix).
Also try clicking on the Blizzard Communities Guild Roster icon which will cause GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE events to start firing, so that my fix addon will auto-refresh the Guild Applicants every so often.
Check if you have any Lua errors if the addon still does not work.
Otherwise just enter that one-line script in a chat window, whenever you want to refresh the Guild Applicants list.
/script CommunitiesFrame:OnEvent("CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED");
Another idea is to put
/script CommunitiesFrame:OnEvent("CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED");
in a macro, then bind the macro to a key-combo or drag the macro to an action bar slot,
so you can key-press or action-button-click whenever you want to refresh the Guild Applicants display (without having to copy-and-paste that script into the chat window as a command).
Otherwise install my GuildApplicantsFix addon as described above in this thread, to automate the guild applicants refresh.
took a few times but it triggered the list
Six weeks now and my guild EU Haven-Silvermoon still has the Blizzard Guild Applicants and Guild Applicants History disabled.
I am EU Katorah-Silvermoon, the GM of my guild. This bug occurs for all my officers too.
This bug has been affecting a lot of guilds for a long time now.
It should be able to be fixed easily because it is only the C_ClubFinder.RequestApplicantList(clubType) Lua API which is at fault.
The blizz guild roster addon creates a ticker to request an event every 20 secs, to be sent if there is some applicant data (but this fails).
It is weird to do this anyway, because it already knows that there is data available (the orange diamond icon is displayed if there is new applicant data that you have not seen yet).
Simple solution is for the blizz guild roster addon to use the 20 secs ticker to directly refresh the applicants display with the applicant data (the blizz addon can access the applicant data just fine).
Update: A blizz GM just had a nice chat with me and thanked me for passing on the one-line macro and bug fix addon, and postings with info about the bug on the forums.
He is talking to the devs about the guild applicants disabled bug, passing on my info and the devs are working on a bug fix…hopefully soon!
An even better simple solution is to handle each GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event and fire a CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED event when that occurs.
This will cause the guild applicants display to be refreshed almost instantly when a guild applicant is invited by a guild officer because a GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event is fired then.
This is better than waiting up to 20 secs for the ticker to fire a CLUB_FINDER_APPLICATIONS_UPDATED event to refresh the guild applicants display, up to 20 secs after the officer action.
This is what my GuildApplicantFix addon does (see above in this thread approx 2 weeks ago).
This approach is simple, it is instantly responsive for refresh and it provides a belt-and-braces solution which preserves the existing logic that works for most guilds ok and also avoids the bug that some guilds have.
The Guild Applicants Disabled bug is still not fixed after 8 weeks+.
I created an addon called Guild Applicants Fix which is now available for download from Curseforge and WowInterface.
GuildApplicantsFix version is the latest version.
The README on the GitHub GuildApplicantsFix source repository has more details.
Yes…blizz finally fixed the Guild Applicants drop-down menu options disabled bug!!
For my guild Haven-Silvermoon EU it is fixed. I can see the Guild Applicants menu options, access the guild applicants and approve them now
This occurred with the recent wow retail release on 26th February 2022.
There was no change to the Blizzard Communities user interface lua coding to fix this that I could see. So it must have been a server-side hot fix or a new version of the wow client on the day of that release.
You no longer need my GuildApplicantsFix addon or the 1-line macro as a workaround any more!
Thanks blizz for fixing this - guild recruitment is important!
This is still an unfixed bug, for over a year now. I can’t believe blizz hasn’t fixed this. This one glitch essentially renders the entire guild/community finder completely useless.