Guild achievement spam

Blizzard is worse than the DMV


This deserves another bump


There are some decent third party add-ons that can handle this; just unfortunate Blizzard hasn’t been able to fix it for so long now.

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Addons fixed the spam but I still randomly get hit with the lag from it even if I can’t see it, cost me a dragon race gold yesterday lol.

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Another bump to support the cause

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Day 1 of asking blizzard to fix this bug.

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Day 2 of asking blizzard to fix this bug.

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Day 236 , blizzard has abandoned us.

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bumpity bumpy bump

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Blizzard, can you recommend an addon to help with this issue? THANKS!

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Not the hero we deserve

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This deserves another bump for support. We will continue to support this thread until this issue is resolved.

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Don’t forget dungeon diplomat! LOL.
Blizzard needs to fix this :poop:

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Addon: Guild Spam Silencer

It removes the pop up portion at least

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Yeah there are a few addons that get rid of the pop ups, but still. This issue needs to be fixed . We shouldn’t have to use addons to fix bugs in the game. This is blizzards job. This bug makes people lag a lot, needs to be addressed and shouldn’t take months of people complaining about it on the forums for them to do something about it. We shall continue to white knight this thread until it’s fixed

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All these complaints, been going on for months, and no response from Bliz. typical


Exactly *raises the pitchfork

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it is now mid-September and this bug is still active and annoying.

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Another comment for the cause

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Blizzard please fix this issue. Also nerf disc priest while you are at it. thanks

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