Guess the next expansion TITLE!

World of Warcraft: Reign of Shadow/s

Since the reign of Chaos(burning legion) has ended and the Shadow could mean different things

Shadow/Dark side of Elune
Shadow/Death-themed expansion
Shadow/Old Gods-themed expansion

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If things continue down the path it’s going it’ll probably be something like Wrath of the Lich Queen, and Bolvar will return to help defeat her. It’s stupid but they are using one of the last original horde characters as a plot device then going to throw them away again. This needs to happen to the Alliance more often.

World of Warcraft: Evolution

A complete rework of the every class in the game.


World of Warcraft: Harbringers of the End

This one sounds dope.

World Of Warcraft : Delayers of the Timegate


Hope it has a Z in it.
No expansion title has used the letter Z.

World of Warcraft: Shadow of Ny’alotha. And I want to see shadowreaper Anduin please :frowning:

World of Warcraft: The Black Empire.

I don’t see them being any more clever about it than that really.

The Black Empire: Revengence 2: The darkening

World of Warcraft: Visions of Wrathion

End of BFA final raid we all wake up back at MoP to point where we took the potion from Wrathion and saw the “Vision”. Wrathion continues to go on and tell us all we have just witnessed can be avoided. And the premise of the entire story is to stop Garrosh from going full evil, which in turn stops WoD from being a thing, which means Guldan isn’t released, which stops Legion, which means Varian is still alive and so no Alliance hatred torward the Horde so BFA didn’t happen either.


I said, “Into the Darkness”…potential leak says it’s called: “Age of Darkness”… SOOOOOOOOO CLOSE!!! O.o

I know it’s probably fake but daaaaaannnngg

World of Warcraft: Move Lich, Get Out The Way

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World of Warcraft: Rise of the high elf ranger-lords of azeroth revenge of the sith lich king.

“The Black Empire Strikes Back”… or…

“Return of the Jinju” or

“Garrosh, a New Hope”

I could go on but I might hurt myself…


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World of Warcraft: The Endtimes.


Okay, if I get all of my MoP abilities back, then this is an “it was all a dream” ending to the expac I can accept.

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WoW: Just WoW


Seriously I’m hoping for Wow:The Elven Wars where the elves become the third faction.

They would have to remake the game to make multiple factions because it would require a wipe. 3 factions only really work when they force balanced sides.