Guess the next expansion TITLE!

Yah but can you imagine 3 factions fighting it out in BG’s? Would be glorious.

World of Twilight: Edward’dorei vs Jacob’dorei

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What about the Dori’dorei, the forgetful elf. The entire expansion… Just keep grinding, just keep grinding. huh wait what was I doing?


Boots is a raid boss

LOL Dori, not Dora. I was thinkin of Nemo’s fishy friend…you know just keep swimming.

Why did I feel like Granger typing that…

Oh that’s why.

Ohhh I read it as Dora ;p

World of Warcraft: Yes we still force you to do trash finder.

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War of the elves: battle for supremacy

All elves, all the time, all fighting.


World of Elfcraft: No high elves allowed. :rofl:

But that means most of California and Oregon would be banned from playing Elves.

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Don’t forget Colorado they play high elves as well I believe.

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World of Warcraft: Battle for Hasselhoff.

It will be released in EU first. This is going to be huge in Germany.

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Good ting he specify elf mon.

Call of Nerzoth

Not only will I guess the title, but I will tell you how this xpac ends and the next one starts!

Sylvanas stand defeated in the bowels of Orgrimmar and thrall swings his axe down to finish her. Just then Anduin stops him mid swing and tells thrall that she must stand trial for her crimes. She is hauled away, but escaped with the help of a rogue bronze dragon who takes her to an alternate version of Azeroth set 30 years in the past where the orc invasion never happened. There wo will see the greatest heroes the Alliance has ever had and watch them die like chumps. It will be called World of Warcraft: Highlords of Azeroth! It will be BRUTAL!

WoW: Adventure of Trees.

Dats wat its gonna be no matta what da humans call eet.

World of Warcraft: Disco Dance Dance Revolution

All Raids will be flashy lights and non stop moving. Hope your not a class that is required to stand still for more then 2 seconds.


World of Warcraft: The Black Dusk of the Deep Abyss Into the Shadow Realm of the Dark Void.

I’m not reading through all the posts to see if anyone has done this one yet, but;

World of Warcraft: Azeritedust Crusaders
Complete with the new class: Stand Users.

World of Warcraft: Warwalker
New gameplay mechanic: Manpower Resource/Currency, which you get by captured enemies/rescuing NPCs by attaching balloons to them.

I’m basically saying I want more Jojo and Fultoning in more games.

I hate all of you… XD