Guess the next expansion TITLE!

World of Warcraft: The Black Empire Strikes Back

World of Warcraft: Apocalypse Now*

*Now is a relative term and subject to time-gating. Blizzard reminds you to please enjoy apocalypse responsibly.

World of Warcraft: 2020, Because that’s what Hindsight is and why the hell didn’t we stop with [INSERT FAVORITE EXPANSION]

World of Warcraft: Amelia Bedelia and the Bumbling Legion

World of War: Craft, The Microbrewery Expansion

World of AggressionCraft: Inconvenience


World of Warcraft: Shadowbringers


World of Warcraft: The Horde Story Continues. Oh and the Alliance are still around. I guess?


World of Warcraft: Songs of Sorrow

“In ‘Songs of Sorrow’ the Night Elves have rebuilt a mighty army and break from the Alliance to cast retribution upon those who, during the reign of the previous Horde leader had committed foul atrocities. The first being whoever created the need to do endless quests, etc, to get flight. The night elves are very angry about that one in particular. Also, they want cookies and a back rub.”

World of Warcraft the second coming of green jesus………oh wait theyre doing that already I forgot about the cinema with saurafang and thrall

World of Warcraft: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey

It will have something to do with time and the loading screen will be some sort of gate.

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World of Warcraft - Return of the Lich King (ROTLK)

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Wait, beautiful elves want backrubs? Will they murder us afterwards? No? Ha! They don’t need to go to war for that!

”Hey, the King’s Back!”


Hate to say it, but if it’s Age of Darkness they once again have misjudged what players wanted and this time I think it’ll be the deathknell. They better abort, abort, abort if they read this. Not that a N’zoth centric expansion isn’t cool, but the rest of that stuff? Bad news and sloppy uninspired tripe.

All you guys need to go into the meme business :+1:

Edit: Too much talent here I am running out of likes :rofl::rofl:


World of Warcraft: Tuskarrs of the Black Empire.


You may be right, but if the expansion ends up being “World of Warcraft: Shadows of Death,” I’m gonna have to say something.

Incoming Critique: Emphasis mine.

World of Warcraft - Age of Darkness (AoD)

Title could use some work. I suggest the Black Empire, but in today’s age that might be considered racist to some people so I’ll give AoD a pass. It sounds enough like Tides of Darkness that it could be workable.

  • Level squish to 50 , new level cap 60 (Vanilla 1-20, TBC / WotLK / Cataclysm 20-30, MoP / WoD 30-40, Legion / BfA 40-50, AoD 50-60)

Smart. Also make it so Allied Races can get Heritage Armor the same way that core races do. By being exalted with X or Y Faction (Argussian Reach for Void Elves etc.)

  • New class Tinker , two specializations “Explosives” (ranged dd) + “Combat Medic” (healing), exclusive to Gnomes / Mechagnomes / Draenei / Goblins / Gilgoblins / Forsaken (pre-purchasable with Mechagnomes & Gilgoblins in 8.3 or 8.3.5)

Alright. I could dig it. But you need more. A lot more. I recommend adding Sea Witch, Shadow Hunter, and Dark Ranger also as new specs for Priest (Sea Witch), Shaman (Shadow Hunter), and Dark Ranger (Hunter). The game needs more bow users.

  • Story: N’zoth unleashes darkness over Azeroth as foreshadowed in the Nighthold raid encounter with Star Augur Etraeus. Starting point is the attack on Thunder Bluff raid where he interrupts the Horde and Alliance forces in the final battle. Kalimdor is his first goal as the strives to revive one of our oldest foes, C’Thun in Silithus. To do this he’s seeking to destroy the Bronze Dragonflight and turn Nozdormu into Murozond so he alters the timeline where C’Thun doesn’t get defeated and the battle of Ahn’Qiraj is lost by Horde and Alliance in consequence.

Really? Guys. Stop. Pause for a moment here and think. N’zoth fought against C’thun and Yogg-Saron in the lore. More to the point. No more time magic shenanigans guys, please. I mean it worked as a vehicle to get us to Draenor, but are you guys listening to our feedback or just trying to sunset WoW or something? This stuff has been done already.

You want to do this expansion right? Here’s a premise. Have Ra’den return and show us a massive rift in the planet’s mantle (maybe created after that sword is removed from the planet? The one you REALLY shouldn’t forget about?) that leads to the underworld of Azeroth (under the ocean in a sub-Azeroth zone) where the entombed remains of Nya’lotha are.

9 Zones. More in future patches! Flight IMMEDIATELY available on day 1. Alliance and Horde working together as a team. The Forsaken’s “I’m ebil an edgy” story finally freaking resolved.

Example: (In best Chris Metzen Impression):

Far below Azeroth… the primal forces that incubated a slumbering planet are in turmoil. Leagues below Azeroth lies a dark world! A unforgiving world of shadow and ash, bathed in the crimson glow of a primordial sun called Magma. The dim light that shines forth illuminates a dark past, and speaks of an even darker future…

The Old God N’zoth is free after millenia of slumber and rules over the subterranean realm of Nya’lotha! Shattered and buried in a tomb of blackened earth and stone, when the Pantheon defeated his dark Empire ages ago; it rises anew with it’s dark master to threaten the world again. (Showcase the Caverns where Deathwing created the Dragon Soul with an Eredar sacrifice maybe?)

Even as the Alliance and Horde strive to put the old hatreds to rest, N’zoth preys on their greatest champions! (Insert Players in “War Criminal Mode” attacking their allies in free for all PVP) The Old God plots his final victory, even as the last vigilant creations of the titans fight to contain the threat. A new war has begun to protect the cradle of creation. Uldorus…

Now it falls to the children of Azeroth to traverse this this dark hellscape, and save the World Soul of Azeroth… before N’zoth consumes her to become a force beyond reckoning. Should that happen… all creation is forfeit.


(You could make this work by using lore places alluded to by the Blingtron units, which have been discussing this hidden war in decoded letters… forever? Caverns of Living Steel, the Molten Eternium Sea, so many possibilities and places you are discounting.)

  • No real dragon focus yet Bronze and Infinite dragonflight play a major role
    Guys… we already did this in Cataclysm at the End Time. The loop was closed.
  • Xal’atath will play a major role as the main antagonist of the Old Gods (some kind of evil neutral); she commands us to captivate and imprison Sylvanas instead of killing her because we need her.

Augh. Seriously. No we don’t. Wait… captivate? **Weeell then. We’re dropping all pretenses now? >:) ** Well that’s a start I guess, Sylvanas… would you like a glass of arc–what the hell am I saying here?! No, no, no guys. Kill her off. Momma mia yall bein crazy goobers.

  • Partial old world revamp: only unlocks after finishing the pre-quest for Age of Darkness; for new players it will be the same as live until they do the pre-quest at level 50

Potentially a good idea if you pull it off right, as you did with Darnassus and Undercity.

  • Starting with Kalimdor: Un’Goro, Feralas, Desolace + Mulgore as new high level zones, Silithus will be the endgame zone akin to Suramar (?)

Guys. Silithus is not big enough to serve that role. It wasn’t in Classic for a similar reason, and that was why it launched half finished… Pause and consider a moment. You need to look at player engagement.

Players don’t want rehashed zones. They want NEW zones to explore. I mean yes, it’s good to update old zones but make new quests happen in them and update like that. Don’t convert the old zones into end-level zones.

  • Eastern Kingdom will be revamped later on with something special planned for Gilneas, Tirisfal and the Plaguelands (hint towards the Old God underneath Tirisfal?)

The Old God under Tirisfal was a C’thraxxi. While this could be retconned some and respun to be Xal’atath’s remains (which perhaps Tyr’s servants repurposed to contain and confine Zakaj’z maybe?) it should definitely have a tie in to Mordoth the Hunter. Maybe make him a Void Lord Avatar to sell it, but the story and background work HAS to be done and I am not talking in a book or short story. Show it all in game.

  • New features:

  • Essence system unlocked at level 50: every class gets several new skill and traits from 50-60, similar to the Glyph system we once had; 5 sockets, 2 for passive traits, 2 for active skills and 1 ultimate ability.

Suggestion. Have players revive / reforge their artifacts into new forms and then create new weapon designs players can unlock along with variable traits. You know why Artifact Weapons did well? Because it reduced RNG. That alone made it successful to players.

As it stands Azerite 3.0 is not going to cut it, and I can guarantee that nothing Blizzard does is going to make people like it. Moreover you guys have not appeared to listen to the feedback we told you back in the BFA beta, or on the PTR so for me at least; I look at this with long teeth and extreme wariness.

  • Conquest points (new max level leveling system): unlocked at level 60, account wide, different bonuses you can spend points on (more execute damage, higher run speed); once unlocked it’s available for all characters on the account that are at least level 10

I hope to hell this isn’t a indicator that we’ll have more forced PVP.
Because that is what the Conquest system IS…

  • Release date planned for Q4/2020 but they want to polish this expansion so it might get delayed

That is far, far too late in the year. Change course now, and release an 8.4 if you must to make the time you need, or yall are going to kill WoW with a death of a thousand cuts. I don’t say this with any sense of joy either. I don’t want to see that happen, but I’m going to advise you strongly that you reconsider this course.

Sorry if that sounds over the top, but it’s what I perceive most players will regard this news as. You need to give players what they want. Make a proper Nya’lotha inspired Expansion, with a few underwater /underground zones to make up for bungling Nazjatar so roundly.

BfA’s ending:

  • 8.2.5 will introduce new heritage armor and new models

Always a good thing.

  • Will deal mostly with factions and the aftermath of the events from Eternal Palace

Flood Nazjatar. Just do it. You know it should be underwater guys.

  • Final patch 8.3 set in Mulgore

Sensible if we’re not axing N’zoth in 8.3, which would be the worst idea.

  • Centered around Sylvanas plan to attack Thunder Bluff

You will need to explain this really well. She has not made any sense at all this Exp.

  • Mulgore will be turned into a new max level zone similar to Mechagon with ongoing progress and weekly unlocks, culminating in the attack on Thunder Bluff raid

So we’d spend more time in a rehashed zone for… a year? Definitely reconsider.

  • Sylvanas is the final boss with Nathanos aiding her; Nathanos will be killed, Sylvanas will be severely wounded, captivated and imprisoned by her sisters Alleria and Vereesa

Nope. Nope. Nope. You do this, you see players walk again. You need story closure here. Kill em both off. I don’t care about this character anymore, and the reason for that is because the amount of metagaming and plot armor she has received to keep her going to this point; has turned her from a interesting character to a joke. If you keep pushing her, players will keep walking. That’s where your at now. I am not joking. But then again, she does want to master death. Ironic that she might be the death of WoW. -shrug-

  • Shortly before the fight is over N’zoth’s minions enter the battlefield and fight Sylvanas and us, everything turns dark (?)

…Is this the Twilight Zone? We will need a good cinematic for this.

  • No schedule for the patches yet as everything during BfA took longer than expected; plan is for 8.3 to be released this year yet it might not happen

Whatever you do on this front. Do not repeat the carrot on a stick tactic that was employed with the Zandalari and Kul’Tirans. We players will want definite and certain terms on when X or Y system launches.

Namely, we want to know if a feature will launch with the 9.0 expansion, or come ‘later’, and yes; Players have a right to hold you to that at this point. Otherwise I have no good reason to even consider a pre-order, and I expect others will feel the same.

  • Mechagnomes and Gilgoblins will be the last pair of allied races coming in 8.3(.5)

Acceptable. Could use one more race, but if your strapped for time, your strapped for time.

  • Factions won’t merge / get removed , there will be some kind of neutrality and inter-factional group play / communication enabled (one of the reasons given is the huge discrepancy of Alliance vs. Horde on most realms and in the raiding community)

Obviously. You didn’t do this after MoP, so I don’t see why should we expect otherwise this time? Still, I can at least sympathize and respect the idea of keeping the Horde and Alliance intact. Especially given how coded that was into the game at the start. Might I suggest 5 things?

1.) Let players join the other faction with time spent grinding the other faction’s reps.

2.) Let players can understand eachother’s core languages (Common and Orcish).

3.) Let Alliance Players enter Horde Cities and Vice-Versa. But have aggression be severely punished.

4.) Guilds are able to recruit players from either faction. Factions still exist, but players can group, raid and level together. This merges but doesn’t merge factions as it allows you as Developers and Coders to still have a static ID: assigned to player characters (which I know lacking it, would make it a PITA to redo old quests for DKs and Pandaren, and Reputation would go broken and wonky too. Too much of a stretch.).

5.) PVP is confined to Battlegrounds and Arenas exclusively. Warmode becomes “Brigand Mode”, where you can become a War Criminal. As for the rest… I need some tongue in cheek so I’m engaging my Sarcasm Flags ala HK-47 for a moment.

Sarcasm: Statement. We will fight meatbags! We will be killing Baine in 3 expansions because he too went insane during 11.3 with the Siege of Sizzler. Meatbag Essence and Spirits of T-Bone are the reagents? Wonderful! Commencing BBQ protocols. Flame-Throwers ignite. One dead meatbag coming up!

Sarcasm aside…

Reconsider a lot of the courses being charted above, or pay a price in subs I guess. -shrug- Clearly at this point I can say with pretty heavy certainty that you don’t listen to our feedback, our feelings on the game are irrelevant, and we’re going to be dragged down this roller-coaster anyways; so by all means feel free to carry on to the inevitable conclusion.

I’m not going to say another thing about any of this AoD Expansion stuff, I pray a lot of it is inaccurate, but in the event that it is; I hope you mark at the least what I said about my concerns on it. Because I truly think other players are going to feel the same way, and say it a whole lot more anger and vitriol than I did.

Good luck guys. Good luck.


World of Warcraft: Depths of the Void

World of Warcraft: the expansion where you can buy everything, because its easier then making content worthwhile to play.


World of Warcraft: The Secret of the Ooze


World of Warcraft: 100GB of Hotfixes (weekly hotfixes to “balance” classes, fix broke gameplay, etc…)

I swear…look at patch / hotfix notes throughout BFA and especially all the changes, etc…just within from June to now.

Nerf prot wars, buff arms, nothing to fury, but…buff DH’s, don’t change rogues (rogue hasn’t been touched IIRC for a very long time).

World of Warcraft: item level inflation because we never learn
2 stat crushes, ‘we realize that could have been better’ so now we’ll just do a level squish.
Max legion average item level currently if you don’t do any bfa ~ 255-260 with health 40k?
BFA current item level 425-430, who knows with titanforging, etc…but ive seen some tanks have like 300k? I’m guessing end game of BFA, tanks will have…400k+…

Okay…so, someone just told me that they’ve seen a druid have 570k