Guards Attacking For No Reason

I have been killed by guards more than anything else, by many measures more than anything else in the game which is why i’m writing this.

There is a serious bug where if you finish a dungeon and exit and happen to be near guards even green (friendly) guards they will kill you.

I have been killed by friendly and neutral guards alike after exiting dungeons, and it isn’t just immediately after exiting dungeons, it can be 10 or so minutes afterward but guards will immediately be hostile upon encountering you.

This is seriously annoying, Cataclysm has been out for months how has this not been fixed? There’s no way I can even be close to being the only one experiencing this.

I’m not looking for opinions i’m writing this hoping that Blizzard fixes this because it is a serious bug and it’s extremely frustrating to constantly die to guards for no reason.


this been happening for so long befor cata came out it started when we got the cata talents its known they dont care just que on ur flying mount or in sw/org

I’ve created bug reports on this, where the issue is recreatable every time. They just don’t care, unfortunately.


The devs lack the talent to fix basic things that pservers fix with unpaid hobbyists.


That’s the problem, I enjoy questing and not just sitting around in a town for hours and hours around the RDF que.

At the end of the day we are customers, and all of us would like for this to be addressed because honestly for being a 30 billion dollar company it’s honestly ridiculous that a bug team couldn’t have instantly fixed this.

It really shows how much they care about their product and customers.


You wouldn’t know what devs are capable of. You are just running your mouth. As for p-servers, I wouldn’t know because I won’t touch the theft of intellectual property.


Another scrub running his mouth. So you know exactly what routine(s) are causing the bug? Yeh, didn’t think so. So you have no idea of the complexity of the problem and think everything can be done “instantly” It also shows you have no clue about software development because if you change just one line of code you have to do testing to determine if that change is going to impact something else. And that is not “instant”

Who is “they”? And how have you determined what they care about? Again, running your mouth about things you have no knowledge of. The problem, and there is definately a problem, could lie anywhere within the corporate structure. YOU. DON’T. HAVE. A. CLUE.

They do get paid, it costs money to keep the servers up and those Pserver devs create incentives to get people to buy stuff from their ingame store.

I was wondering what tf this was all about. Every time i take the portal to hyjal from org the guards instantly charge me and kill me


You can judge people based on their actions. The current dev’s actions show they are incompetent and lack the ability to fix basic things in an old game, a stark contrast from their unpaid counterparts who run pservers as a hobby.


You have confirmed exactly what I suspected. You speak garbage on topics on which you know nothing. Devs get allocated tasks and work on those tasks. Not to mention you just repeat the same garbage across multiple posts and never address the questions asked.

Sometimes i death gate to acherus, exalted reputation and all the guards and trainers and even mograine are hostile


Been happening since Wrath Classic in some occasions when I would queue for BGs in Acherus.

Devs are given projects to manage. They allocate tasks to themselves…


This has never happened to me before, but I’ve heard of other players experiencing it. Is there anything in particular that causes it?

This has honestly been a reoccuring bug since Vanilla Classic.

It’s likely related to lag, the one time I’ve actually died to it was when I was lagging and every other instance of it was me getting knocked down. This was in Light’s Hope where my hearthstone is set to (Just Mage things).

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In many cases, it is because the player is flagged for PvP or recently participated in PvP.

Although in other cases not so. For example, porting from Uldum to Moonglade on my Druid gets me attacked by guards every single time.

I’ll have to try that then. It seems like it only happens under very specific circumstances. Will be back when I test it.

Imagine shilling for a multibillion dollar company that doesn’t even bother to fix in game issues.

Also duel my main in game, Bloodflayer, scrub.


I’m a software developer and the first place I’d look is the behavior routines for guards.