Guards Attacking For No Reason

alright blizz intern, since u kno it all then go fix the guards lol

First, I’m not a Blizzard intern. In fact, I’m not even in the USA. So for you, YOU. DON’T. HAVE. A CLUE. Now, point 2. Please provide a quote where I said I knew what the problem was. Oh yeh. You can’t. Once again, YOU. DON’T.HAVE.A.CLUE and are just making up crap. That tells me everything I need to know about you. You got nothing so try and make up stories. PATHETIC.

I doubt you are a software developer at all. No software developer worth their salt would insist the problem be fixed INSTANTLY. And my comment stands. You don’t have a clue what the complexity is and you are guessing. A reasonable guess but you don’t have to be a developer to make that guess.

I definitely write code, but you do you. I debug code all the time. I even debug other ppl’s code.

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What’s even worse is this exact same bug existed in the original version too. It gets fixed later on.

Devs get unfairly blamed for things that are on their supervisors and management all the time, but the fact remains that a hobbyist should not be outperforming a billion dollar company.

And I don’t even mean in this particular case. I mean when decade old games are given re-releases in tiny unchangeable resolution that one unpaid modder fixes within 20 minutes.

The fact we as a society think that scenario is okay is one ofnmany reasons why it’s hilariously pathetic and the future we’re headed for is a well-deserved one.

I wouldn’t waste your time debating - that one seems unstable. :slight_smile: Keeps telling people what they don’t know, without outlining what they themselves DO know, or giving any modicum as to why people should care. Smells like trolling.

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How is this still not fixed after months. I zone into hyjal for the JC daily, and the instant the loading screen ends I see 5 guards on me and I’m dead.

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I just came to the forums to complain about this. I have been farming the Baron Rivendale mount so I have 3 toons bound at LHC. 80% of the time I hearth there, the guards kill me. It is SO ANNOYING.


Not any more. But I was a developer for a large number of years.

ur name is how i feel abt this lmao its hilarious tbh.
it wont be fixed, and if it was in cata og it def wont be fixed.

theyre going to think its a ‘minor annoyance’ bc it is, and they dont wanna
delve thru codes to find out why theyre targettin us.
not sayin it shouldn’t be fixed despite bein a bit minor but we all know… blizz being blizz

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It actually seems like they fixed the bug issue I reported, as I was not attacked by guards the last two times I ported from Uldum to Moonglade on my Druid.

However, I was immediately attacked/killed when hearthing from the Darkmoon Faire to Nordrassil Inn/Hyjal yesterday. So it looks like they need to fix each area separately instead of one big fix.

The one guy they have fixing classic wow glitches has high priorities