Guardian Druid Tips?

So I just got my mage tower form so I can finally play guardian, basically I was wondering if there are any must have addons or recommended addons for running keys. Thank you all in advance <3

If fel bear is required to do keys I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time o.o

As for the topic at hand, weak auras help a ton. There’s a lot of incredibly useful ones out there that are pretty invaluable to my experience personally. You should also look into threat plates or plater. You can find profiles that will outline important kicks, priority targets etc.


Gotta have 10/10 transmog to gain 3k dps, and bear is the only mog that matters :eyes:

Will do, do you also know of any bear streamers or youtubers that you would recommend?

If you can do mage tower then you have an excellent grasp of guardian play style. (Congrats)

Find a couple of m* weakaura’s that helps you deal with mechanics and you are set.

There are a few streamers out there but Sha is a Guardian that puts out some good route videos specific to Guardian and Group comps.


Thank you for the compliment but it’s more like playing balance than guardian, weird how blizzard made it lol

Do you have any recommendations? I’m starting from the bottom up

I am mobile right now but when I get to my computer I can try to link a few for you.

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That would be amazing <3

I’m mobile atm as well… stupid job… but most of the long time guardian players I’ve watched have dropped off over time and I haven’t played guardian enough lately to care to find more. Darkmech swapped to guardian last tier (he might of swapped back to bdk by this point) but his guides are universally decent. I also try to pay attention to dorki a lot.

Most tank streams are fairly universal. The routes are more important than the spec they are playing. Just pay attention to what they are saying in terms of mob / boss abilities and you can translate that to whatever you’re playing.

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Yea I’ve watched a few of dorki’s videos and tuned into his streams once or twice, but it seems like he has stopped making videos for the time being.

On YouTube. He’s still on twitch. I watch a lot of growl, that’s the only reason I still see him around, he’s still involved with the whole wowgg thing or whatever it’s called too

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Go with Plater even if you use EvLUI. There are plenty of Plater profiles on wago to get you started.

OmniCD helps track party offensive and defensive cooldowns

Weak Aura’s
A few WA’s that I find useful and have found by trial and error. I am not listing all of them and I will probably thing of 10 more after I post this. These are not all needed but I find these useful.

Mouse Tracker

CC Group Tracker

Effective Health (No required. More FYI for me personally)

Owlweave Tracking if you want to run NF

Missing Form (My Stupid Catcher if I am NF Boomy Convokeing)

Ursoc’s Fury and Infur Stack Tracker

Encrypted Affix Helper

Necrotic Tracker

Tank Call Out (Nice for Frontal Cleave Announcement in Pugs)

Raid/Mythic Ability Timeline (works off of DBM/Big/LittleWigs

Mist’s Maze Helper

Sanguine Heal

AutoMarker for Dangerous Mobs (Group Leader requirement)

DOS Portal Assigner

Search Explosive Affiix Helper. There is either a Plater or WA that I use that makes Explosive Bar HUGE and easy to target/mouseover on the fly.

Search Wago for Tazavesh WA’s. There are several out there for different encounters (fish sticks, etc). Some are better than others, some are a work in progress.


Covenant Spells

Venthyr Theortar Tea Reminder

Good Luck to you!


I suggest that you checking out the Dreamgrove Discord.

Check out the #resource channel and the pins in the #guardian channel for more advanced information. Make sure you read those first before hoping into Guardian Chat and firing off questions already addressed. Don’t poke bears with sticks. You have been warned. :rofl:


On fortified weeks or weeks where you aren’t comfortable that you’d survive easily run Ursocs Fury Remembered, in all other situations put on the legacy of the sleeper to clap cheeks every 3 minutes (venthyr recommended for this). I’m not sure I’d recommend cluttering your screen with a ton of weakauras starting out. Learning routes and how to live are key.

Yeah that’s my thoughts as well.


…. Why?!

I have a ui cluster like lexithos i think and i run omniCD to track group kicks and major cds, and i have an effective health tracker so i can keep up with my shields, other than that get a good grid layout and happy tanking.

Are you referring to the druid discord?

Yes 10 Char

The way these WA’s are setup they do not cluter my screen. It is pretty minimalist. The tracker is really for the Ironfur but it also show how much damage can be absorbed by UFR. That is helpful if you have to pop incarn for ball duty in SOA. It will let me know if I need to pop another defensive.

My UI pre-pull. Most of those WA’s pop up to the side when applicable. This was taken last night/

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That seems a little too cluttered for me :eyes:

I noticed you are venthyr, is it any good? I played it back in 9.1 but that was when I had barely any gear and ofc no double legendary. It seems fun but HotW convoke just does too much damage…

You’ll do more damage pulling big packs, popping frenzy and incarn. I’m talking like more than most dps specs. All while being indestructible. Guardians are a ticking time bomb on a 3 minute cd.