I just swapped back to venthyr but it appears my macro for incarn frenzy isn’t working? Did they fix this?
This week I am most definitely Venthyr. Not a bad affix week and I can pull fairly large. I am pugging a lot this week too so I want to make sure the DPS is there. In PF I pulled the entire slime room before the 1st boss and hit 100K (temporarly). I pushed from 1650 to 2200 io since Thursday. If you have some bangers in your group or in a coordinated group with comm’s Kyrian or NF would be fine as well if you are needed to fill that Covenant Role.
My Incarn Macro. I have the spec conditions in there incase I use a Weapon with an on use again which I would change to 16. It works for all 4 specs. I did have a separate one for NF Boomy Convoke but I haven’t done anything Boomy in ages.
/use [spec:1] Celestial Alignment; [spec:2/3] Berserk; [spec:4] Incarnation: Tree of Life
/use [spec:1/4] 14; [spec:2/3] 14
/use Ravenous Frenzy(Venthyr)
/use Tiger’s Fury