Core RNG can really screw you up. Twink your guardian out but you’ll still be bogged down by the rng, and overall mechanics of it all.
You still have a week. 2% is like, having that good run and I’m sure you can take it down, time walking is a fickle thing and if anything, look at improving on gear, seeing if you did things at its best or improve time wise for infernals etc…
It’s time walking so it’s just how it is, strapped to Legion, to keep people coming back to try for it again. They never intended it to be a one and done deal up permanently. I see why but it’s frustrating how they micromanage this stuff to just keep those that didn’t get it, strung along.
[trying to squeeze what they can outta the content]
It’s how “elitist jerks” likes to run this IP.
I saw someone dancing around in the new form in oribos, and I barely cared, just laughed cause I was like thinking [you got a new form, and I got a wow token worth of gold from you just a few minutes ago] lol [since I remembered the name that bought my potions]
That’s my only beef with the MT. It should have not allowed all the socket and consumable buffs. Just tune it to a base level. Even throw in no durability loss on gear.
I’ve had multiple people ask me for gold because they couldn’t repair anymore.
I like the challenge. Just don’t like seeing people milked for gold.
Less people would be able to clear it then, I dont think Blizzard would set the base level anything easier than doing it currently with a full set of shadowlands gear/consumables. Being able to farm old gear or use older consumables is a plus for most people, as they would never get a kill otherwise.
Honestly, less than 24 hours ago, I felt the same way. I was so frustrated and so angry at how hard this was to get. I watched countless videos, talked to others, got lots of tips. I had multiple attempts at sub 10% and a few times I could have had it if I had done 1 thing differently.
That being said, you will get it done. If you want it, you will do what you have to do to get it done and you will feel AMAZINGLY satisfied with yourself for having put so much time and effort into it. I do feel it was way harder than it needed to be and yes, there could have been some better tuning. But the amount of accomplishment that I feel having now finally got it and got my reward, I am so happy.
Some tips that helped me ALOT:
In P1, try to get Variss down fast enough that you only have 2 infernals spawn. If you get 3 infernals in P1, it makes it harder in P2 because you are taking that much more damage for that much longer.
Make sure you have 3 orbs up going into P2. I used ERT world marker for easier access in marking the orbs as they spawn to keep track. If you can save the orbs for the last phase and around 20% or so, you can usually delay the annihilate casts and as soon as he is going to cast, pop an orb. Chain these together as best you can, get his health as low as possible and do not do it until after the 2nd annihilate. I could not survive the 3rd annihilate most times.
Socket all your gear. I used all the crafted pvp gear I could get at ilvl 54. Use the Heart of Azeroth and BFA cloaks for the stats and go get the Unblinking Gaze of Sethe from Hellfire Citadel and the Ravaged Seed pod trinket from Emerald Nightmare. The Unblinking trinket was 2nd in damage for me. This trinket hits hard and procs quite a bit. Use the Claws for Ursoc weapons and Lightless Force on both. USE ALL CONSUMABLES AND ENCHANTS.
Practice, practice, practice. It is easy to say now, but I promise, the more little improvements you start to make, the better you will get. You will get this down if you have the fortitude to do so. Watch all the guide videos and strategies you can and find what works for your play style.
It is meant to be hard. Its meant to be the hardest one because the reward is so much better than other MTs. Keep at it, don’t give up and continue to push. Don’t push yourself to the point of frustration. When you’re frustrated, take a break. Come back with a fresh mind ready to rock and roll.
I literally did nothing for 2 weeks straight and I finally got it. I screamed when I got it. You will too. Don’t give up!
To be honest if they wanted to give it a more authentic feel then ya but I also get why they disabled it. But they in that respect made people farm MORE gear instead of making a properly scaled event with legion legendaries enables that let you experience it as it once was.
I agree.
Because if you followed the conversation to whom I was replying to, you would of seen that all that prancing around is to show off your new form. I never once said anything was wrong with it, I just didn’t care for it.