Guardian 4pc Nerf - LOL

christ dude.

you said you can’t think of when we can pull 7 packs at a time…I said then you aren’t running in an organized group pushing 20+ keys in which we routinely pull big when we can.

that’s it. you don’t need to read more into it than that.

Those pulls are the same size for every tank I’ve gone in with. I thought they were arguing that bears do bigger pulls than other tanks. Those pulls are done the same size as others.

they don’t test.
they are too lazy for that.

Ok, so only bears pull 7+ packs then in 20+ keys? Other tanks don’t?

honestly I don’t know, I only play bear this tier, and I don’t really watch other people do keys.

I get more than a few routes from a blood DK friend though, who routinely pulls larger/more agressively than I do.

Of all the tanks, only bears do comparable AoE damage to SV Hunters and WW Monks when they do so.

That’s the issue. And it’s entirely due to the 4p, which itself is just a flat damage proc.

Like look at this damage and tell me that’s remotely ok.

Have you seen what any other tank that’s worth their salt is doing?
Because it’s surprisingly in line with what everyone else (besides warriors) are doing…
If not already on the low end… Because blood dk’s, prot paladins, brewmasters, and vengeance are all packing even more overall damage after just the first nerf…

You’re basically arguing for tanks to be nerfed as whole in a thread about just 1 tank being nerfed.

We’ve been the bursty tank for a whiles… I was doing 30-60k dps last patch by just spamming thrash with incarn (as fae)… It was pretty expected that when they give us a 2nd leggo and tier set that both increase that burst that we end up doing 60-120k dps on large pulls (now closer to 60-80k after the first nerf, and about to be 50-70k after this next nerf).

At this point, if they’re so mad about it as a burst thing, they might as well just make nerf it by 80% and make it active at all times by attaching it to ironfur/maul or something of that sort. (this could play into bloodfrenzy a little bit and still reward larger pulls anyways while keeping it more in line on mythic fights with adds).

They could also make barkskin incarn/berserk not affected by tier and/or conduits. The other big thing it has going for it, is that bears aren’t padding by saving for aoe (in the case of fights like mythic lihivum) because their cooldown just does nothing outside of aoe.

Tbf, I have seen other tanks doing insane damage as well.

Are they planning to nerf the rest of tanks as well? If not, this is kinda messed up.

It really should be 125% reduction across the board

Just wanted to add a bit of info to my OP.
When I say how did this get past QA I meant the patch release, not the hotfix.
Nothing should be getting released that later needs a 35% correction! That’s an insane oversight to let go live and stay that way for a month.

When a guardian druid is able to pull half a dungeon during it’s incarceration and then melt it down during ravenous frenzy. Then at the end of the keystone be miles ahead overall over the top DPS. Do not act shocked when it gets hit hard with the nerf bat twice.

It was coming and could be seen coming from light-years away. In no way was that going to I be healthy for the game to leave it like it was in it’s broken state. Given it simply would of turned into eventually ebign a very strong bear meta simply because the absurd amount of damage it can do during it’s burst would hard carry dungeons.

Sucks that it got nerfed, yet it is 100% justified and needed with how absurd it was and how broken it was.

Absolutely agree.
I was referring to them releasing it in such an overpowered state in the first place, but my first post was a bit unclear.
Needing to change something by 35% in either direction means someone screwed up big.

Oh I totally agree, like a lot fo what their doing is showing how poorly they balanced things in the game. Like the ret buffs honestly needed to be more numerous, given all they did was made its cleave more viable. Yet it’s single target sustain outside of avenging wrath is still horrendous right now. Like it bursts hard, but once wings are spent your gimped until your next wings are up in two minutes.

I wouldn’t be surprised if demo gets nerfed more, along with survival given both have absurdly broken cleave right now, although I get the cleave buffs they put in and ST buffs for monks are promising. Hopefully they buff over nerf this go round, yet I have a feeling we’ll see another round next week.

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This is called recency bias, you should look it up.

Prot warrior was the only tank for the entirety of BFA


Bottom shelf, at least we have nowhere to go but up.

14k… idk if you’re just playing with terrible druids, but good bear druids are doing more dps than some actual dps specs right bow

Just my own, probably stupid, idea: Give all tanks access to some kind of map that shows them several of the best routes through a dungeon. Tanks only, just a few coloured lines on the tanks map that auto adjusts routes based on current location and mob % complete?

Probably a bad idea. Not a M+ player.

Just check naowh’s dk, it’s way more dps, and better at single target.

13.5k is doable for guardian even with only 2ps, but, that’s doable also for dk, pals and monk. And guardian is not the best choice for pushing keys even before nerfing.

I think you can figure that out on higher keys.

Yeah, you just know Blizzard went “eh, it does like ~1600 DPS per target, on a regular pack thats like 8-10k dps. That won’t break anything”.

Without even thinking that Druids would just mongo half the dungeon every 3 minutes because of COURSE we would.

Maybe ilvl 210 carry dps. Guardian Druids aren’t even as strong as DK, because their lol-mega-pull damage was balanced out by abysmal single target.

I notice single target is still not getting upped. Rip to all the survival hunters about to get meleed by every single boss.