Looking at upgrading from my current 2560x1440 to an ultrawide 3440x1440 monitor. Just wondering if anyone has used this combination with a GTX 1070 and was able to maintain 60+ fps everywhere? I play both BC and retail, so both versions of the game would need to fully support it, as well.
World of Warcraft is a unique animal and it’s a very cpu-intensive game. Honestly what CPU you are on and your RAM speed can have more effect on FPS the graphics card with World of Warcraft.
So I would need to know what Ram speed your running, how much RAM you have, and what CPU you are on.
This game is so cpu-intensive so you don’t need the best of the best graphics cards to play it. The only time your GPU would completely take over is if you were playing at 4K
I have no experience with one but based on what I find with Google it should work but you may need to turn some things down.
I don’t know that I would personally but considering how hard it is to get reasonably priced cards right now I can certainly understand trying it.
It’s an i5 9600K + 16 GB DDR4 at 2400MHz
Your RAM speed is causing a bottleneck FYI. You need to be running at a minimum of 3400mhz on intel. 3200mhz on AMD. I myself am on a Ryzen 9 5950x and running at 3800mhz CL16
If your RAM kit has XMP profiles you will want to watch some YouTube videos on how to turn those on. Just turning on your XMP profile is extremely simple. Enabling XMP will most likely boost your RAM to or past 3200mhz depending on your kit. As I said above World of Warcraft is CPU and RAM speed hungry. Adjusting either of those will be your biggest difference in FPS
For example when I went from a Rtx 2080 to a rtx 3080 my FPS in wow was minimal. However in other games the FPS jump was obviously massive. You still have a pretty decent graphics card but you are going to have to turn a lot of settings down to get you required FPS unless you enable XMP.
Unfortunately 2400 is the XMP profile on this memory. Originally it was 2133 I think.
Yeah that doesn’t make sense at all. As I said watch a YouTube video of how to turn on XMP in the Bios
It’s on. I enabled it myself over a year ago. My motherboard even has an XMP light indicating it’s enabled. Can confirm via CPU-Z that the XMP profile of this memory is 2400. It’s labeled XMP-2400. RAM model # is F4-2400C15D-16GVS
Then you need to upgrade your RAM pronto. Here is a good kit. Its a good price for 4100mhz+ speed.
I run a 1070 at that res on my 34"Dell ultra wide, on 10 and CMAA I get anywhere from 50-100+ fps. Ryzen 3700x, 3800mhz cl18.
I think youll be fine if youre okay with playing on low-mid settings.
Not sure where you heard this but it’s completely untrue. Wow is not and has NEVER been CPU intensive… I have even heard people say it’s CPU bound… also untrue… it depends on your system and how you have it setup… but ANY game is dependent on GPU (graphics card, NOT the CPU).
I can prove it. Open your wow session, this will be easier with 2 monitor… open task manager on one monitor and have wow running in the other monitor.
WATCH CPU… it’s not even 20% or less if you have some GPU features turned off… now play WoW… CPU doesn’t go above 40% and that’s being generous…
What DOES go up is GPU it’s almost pegged all the time especially in the NEW zones… CPU not a factor, it’s all about the GRAPHICS NOT CPU.
I really wish you people would actually LOOK at system performance instead of making these crazy speculations and wild generalizations because you read it on a forum once…
NOT even CLOSE to CPU… I had an Intel 7 year old CPU before I bought my new computer and I was running AMD R9 380. still was going OK… upgraded to a 6970 graphics card CPU still was old and CURRENT version of WoW (Shadowlands) still ran at less than 30% but graphics was again topped out…
So not sure how you look at your computer specs or performance tab but you REALLY need to understand what CPU intensive is… 20% - 30% is hardly intensive… and newer CPU it’s much much lower… yeah you can say because of the ‘core’ but WoW only truly supports like 4 core at the most anyway… so STILL wrong.
WoW is GRAPHICS intensive and all you need for WoW to run well is a good modern Graphics card, PERIOD
With a 1080 TI and an I7 from about 3 years ago, In 4096 x 2160 the maximum I can put is “Quality 7” and target FPS 60
With a 1070 in 4k you will have to play in quality 5.
I have a Ryzen 7 3800x, 32 GB of ram, and an RX 5700 XT GPU with that size/resolution monitor. And even with my specs, I don’t get 60 FPS everywhere (with all graphics settings maxed out). However, I do play 3 accounts at the same time on 2 other monitors. So I guess YMMV.
You can have the best computer in the world CPU ram and gpu and your FPS will still dip at times sub 60 fps. It’s the nature of the game engine, this is especially true in crowded areas.
Well this is not true because mine never do at 1440p. At 4k? Absolutely but not 1440p. Not even on the weekly raid boss with everyone in one spot. There are many other people on this forum with AAA systems that share my experience. Ryzen 5000 series changed a lot my friend when it comes to what you said
Ryzen 9 5900x with PBO2
3800mhz CL16 (manual timings)
Evaga RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
Do what?
Is what I responded to. I stand by my statement above
I don’t believe you ok? every computer on this planet will dip below 60 fps at certain times, especially in TM VS SS pvp battle ground.
Large scale PVP is far more difficult on a system than raid bosses.
With a Ryzen 5600x and a Radeon 6800 I was able to sustain over 60fps in all situations except large scale PVP at 1440p on 10 setting (ras only). That was before the huge RDNA2 driver perf improvement.