Groups mass reporting on forums?

Thats the problem though. Its their search bar, and somewhere in the Blues is a recommendation to use the search feature first. Working as intended. The blues arent the one locking threads, its the mods, and as of lately it appears to be a disgruntled player thats just having a bad day and focus reporting me and a few of my guildies lol. But I do think old threads after a period of time should be locked, which gives a green light to start or open a new one.

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If a thread is older then a week since the last reply then should really consider starting a new one. More so with a lot of topics when relevant data and answers can change due to policy changes and changes to the game.

Plenty of other forums I have seen have a auto lock thing that if no one writes anything for 3 months the thread gets locked.

Yeah that feature is implemented in the EU forums and other non-GD forums, like Tech Support I think.

It’s strange for necros to be against the rules, yet GD threads do not auto-lock and the forum system itself actively encourages you to look at and post in older threads while you’re trying to draft your own. Feels like we have a case of right hand not knowing what left hand is doing.

Hopefully OP or a blue moves this thread there because there’s plenty of good feedback in it.

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They dont move a thread once they responded its better to create a thread on ur onw.

Once the blues here comment on a post they can not move it else where

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Out of curiosity, has there ever been enough evidence for an abusive mass reporting group to result in action being taken?

The certain streamer who got punished for asking to be mass spam reported perhaps?

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That was in game, not on the forums.

Vrak wouldn’t be able to tell you if he event wanted to - he can’t talk to 3rd parties about someone’s account.

I don’t know, I can give a general answer. :slight_smile:

Yes, Capslock, several times. We mostly see individuals using multiple characters to abuse the reporting system though.


I have been assessed a forum penalty for using alts to brigade forum reports, back a couple of years ago. I did my time and remembered the lesson, and have been a responsible forum citizen in the time since.

So yes, it can happen.


That makes it sound very rare (at least compared to how often people complain about it).

TY for insight.

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It’s a common go-to scapegoat when people feel they were unjustly actioned.


Hi there Vrakthris; maybe you can help. Seems like some of my posts in a thread in PVP battlegrounds were “flagged” seemingly for no reason/expressing opinions right after someone made some insinuations that were weird and if you review my post / flagging history could not have been accomplished by me.

I am not asking for any specific special treatment and the mods can go ahead and review the posts; I figure they will be restored.

Just care overall and wanted to bring to light any abuse that was mentioned in this thread so if you can take a peak that would be amazing.

I generally don’t moderate outside this forum unless I’m helping Moderation out. However, as an example of flagging abuse, at least one of the reported posts is a good one.

I’ll take care of it. I’ll probably clean up the discussion of reporting, etc… as well while I’m at it, just to warn that some posts will likely be disappearing.


Thank you. Since I posted on here, they reported another one so now it’s bordering on harassment in a way since I am essentially being flagged on all my posts over there. I suppose they are just hoping one sticks?

Really appreciate your support.

yet you just give those people slap on wrist and instead silence or remove post of people who do not say bad things why why you guys not punish those account for targeted forum harrassment is question

then take care of people in pvp forum who mass flag people they do not like it obvious who doing report

They do punish them. Abuse of the forum reporting system results in suspensions from the forums.

Keep in mind that if a post is actually REMOVED and/or a penalty handed out, the Mods agreed with the reports. The only thing reports can do is cause a post to get “greyed” out and need to be clicked to view.

Actual Blizzard staff have to be the ones to do any forum editing, moderation, deletion, or account penalties.


This forum is one that is covered by our SFAs and silent moderators.

The PVP forums has it’s own moderators. Other forums have their own moderators as well. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean that they’re not there. Sure, you see Vrak, Orlyia and other SFAs posting regularly on this forum - but this forum is unique in it’s format as a helpdesk. We also don’t see who the other moderators are who hide behind the veil and take care of things all silent like.


The mods will deal with. Trolls will be trolls tho you can always put them on ignore. From what ive read there nothing wrong with posts except the last 2.

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