Groups exploiting to bring premade into RANDOM bgs

Do you not have access to Google?

Again I haven’t played pvp seriously in years.

Just recently as of SL pushing up to 1800 for mog on multiple characters

I’ll take 2353 arena rating over 2210 rbg rating any day of the week.

Could even be argued you bought your 2200 with a 2210 as the highest.

Looks like you’re currently taking 44% WL at 400 rating to me. Rough.

it doesnt matter what google defines. Its what blizzard defines it in the context of TOS. And clearly premades for ebg is not against TOS


Solo shuffle def pairs you with some questionable people.

I rather enjoy baiting people behind pillars.

Blizzard is now the source for definitions? Here I thought established companies whose entire profession centers around defining words would be the better source.

Silly me.

I explained that to him already.

“It’s not his problem”

yes, because google doesnt have a definition for what exploiting means in WoW. Thats on blizzard, not google

Exploit means what it means no matter where it’s applied. Blizzard not caring to close a loophole doesn’t mean people finding ways around queue restrictions aren’t exploiting the system.

For their own rules and regulations, yes. They aren’t banning these premades. They never have. Thus, it isn’t against TOS, thus, not an exploit.

It’s an annoyance. It’s not against the rules.

This entire thread is full of you and Snoz bickering for the most inane reasons.

Seriously, you’re allowed to hate that it exists and you can send feedback to Blizz saying you want it to be against the rules, but acknowledge the current fact that no one gets banned for this.


He didn’t like it when I said the same thing.

Maybe three people telling him will make it click :man_shrugging:t3:

They can choose not to care about exploits, it doesn’t stop the defined understanding of a word from applying to something that fits the description.

I’m both used to being the smartest person in the room, and on the clock until 4. The three of you have better of packed a lunch. Lol

its funny, youre so adament on using this general definition of exploitation. The official definition of exploit doesnt even have a negative connotation. It literally just means to extract the full benefit from something.

Yet youre using it with the negative connotation that blizzard has defined in the TOS.

End of the day is that premades are allowed in ebg. Its also abunch of sheeters doing it because they cant win in rbg, so it really dont matter

Blizzard can’t do anything about it because it’s made outside the rbg.

Wrong. They ban exploits. They don’t ban people joining BGs in multiple groups.

Just stop. Seriously. You have avenues to give real feedback instead of arguing for six hours and half of this thread. It’s just embarrassing at this point.

Move on. I sure am. Because I refuse to get sucked into this inane argument.

It’s almost like people have the freedom of choice to determine how they feel about things. I’m glad we’re at least arriving to the point that it is an exploit, though. Only taken 3 hours, but progress has been made.

That explains why you’re struggling so hard to realize this isn’t an exploit. It’s ok man I don’t have any hard feelings over the constant personal attacks.

Nope. I’m thinking Panda Express today.

That’s what they’re doing by posting on the forums designated as the catch-all feedback collector.

That’s pretty silly. They ban people organizing things outside of the game all the time (e.g. RMT).

With all of that in mind, it’d be nice if Blizzard finally did something about this. Those of us against premades in randos will continue to scream into the void until one of the sound waves lands in an ear.

it doesnt matter how you feel it should be defined. Its not up to you its up to blizzard. Its taken 3 hours and you still dont understand :pensive:

I’m going to argue it until you can’t physically muster the energy to respond.

Sure it does. I own a dictionary. My only dog in this fight is it’s exploiting a system to surpass queue restrictions.

If we can’t come to terms on that, then we must argue it some more.

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