Grouping in the Shadowlands

Perdition Hold is absolute chaos. No one knows about this and parties are forming, accusing each other of having warmode on/off, or finding out they have to go all the way back to Oribos and just leaving the group. I tried more than 10 parties just now. Finally gave up after attempting to start my own and over 30 people in and out. Guess I’ll try again later… seems an absolute pointless thing for Blizzard to do and makes the group finder pointless in the Maw.


Yep, this is nut-nuts. Formed party in Ori, had 5 people. By the time I landed in the Maw it was down to 1 person, lol. Back to BGs I guess.


Why did Blizzard think it was a good idea to design Group Quests for the Maw, but make you have to go back to Oribos to actually get into the same phase?

People are already in Perdition Hold/Beast Warrens when they get the quest. You want them to LEAVE the elite area, head to oribos, find 4 others also in Oribos, then go ALL THE WAY BACK?

Why? Just why? You’re making the Maw even worse than it already is.



Travel time is way too long to be round tripping that and the only place you really need a group is perdition hold where people leave and join a group as they get their quest done … causing massive delays in even keeping a group rolling in there.


I tried to tap that heart icon way more than once but once was all you got.

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It’s one thing to make the Maw a dreadful experience but to make it impossible to group up is bad design.


Can’t group for Darithis the Bleak in the Maw. Bad decision. Downvote.


My guildie couldn’t finish one of the weeklies last week because it involved killing a super buff elite golem in Perdition Hold.

She would join a group in Oribos, but by the time she got there, it’d be dead.

She couldn’t start a group cause no one was joining.

Why is this still a thing? If I’m out in the hinterlands of the Maw and want/need to do a group quest, why do I have to go all the way back to Oribos, find a group, and then travel all the way back to where I just was? If that’s intentional, that’s terrible design. I mean, seriously terrible. It’s not fun at all, and I don’t understand how anyone who actually has any interesting in making the game fun thought it was a good idea. And if this isn’t intentional, then why hasn’t it been fixed yet?

I know that this is a game, and I completely agree that there should be risk for reward, and that not everything should be easy. But if this intentional, it’s just stupidly bad design. I mean, I don’t even like going to the Maw to do the solo content because of how angry I get at just how stupid this design is. And, yes, I totally feel silly being this angry over this, but I find it so asinine that it offends me at an almost core level. It’s right up there with the fact that BfA rares take me longer to kill than Shadowlands rares - except I’m not being encouraged to play that content on a daily basis.

Fix. This.


So Christmas is over and at least some folks are back from vacation. I still want to know why this is a thing? Seriously, can a dev come in and explain just why I can’t group up to do content while actually IN the zone where I want to do content? Especially since there are quests that indicate they’re intended to be group content? There’s no where else in the game that acts like this. Why is this good design?


Cause they don’t want you rare hopping (a big reason why they restricted shard hopping with legion pre-patch to eliminate what people were doing with garrisons in WoD and “other methods” in MoP) and possibly avoiding large groups of mobs (if the shard you join having killed them) while you make your way toward your objective to avoid unnecessary jailor focus.

I would love to understand their logic in this. It makes zero sense and it annoys people. Either fix the grouping so that people can group in the maw, or eliminate group content.


That’s STILL terrible design, though.

Just how many people were shard hopping to avoid Jailer focus, anyways? Was it a huge amount? How is the better decision in attempting to prevent that to force people to travel back to Oribos to group up in a zone we can’t even mount in? So I get out to the Beastwarrens, and pick up a quest that I need a group to complete, and now I have to travel back to Oribos. I manage to find a group while in Oribos, zone back into the Maw, and they complete the quest before I have a chance to get back to them in time to gain credit, and now I have to do it all over again. That’s Not Fun.

Then there’s the fact that there’s not even any in game messaging indicating that this is what’s going on, which leads to all sorts of confusion and blaming people for joining groups with the wrong war mode. It’s just stupid.


Not to sound cynical but the people who do these sorts of things, all dictate the pace at which blizzard designs the treadmill.

Yes it is bad design, but blizzard wants to keep the maw as some sort of suramar/broken shore/isle of quel’danas/throne of thunder/mechagon/timeless isle zone slapped on with vanilla levels of mobility.

Part of me wants to care but the other part wants to see if they think their little experiment will pay off (aka let it fail probably).

Also as another point, players can’t even remember the grouping changes blizzard put in with legion pre-patch (you know needing to be in the same zone as the party/raid leader in order to jump shards). All you can do is know that you are right and then bend others to what you are saying.

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This is the worst part for me. I’ve only done a very small handful of group content by using the tool and each and every time it’s been a disaster with people not realizing what is going on.

You can’t have something function so vastly different in one small area of the game and give no in-game notice about the change. It just leads to so much confusion.

If you want to make grouping up there harder for some reason at least remove the group finder icon from the questbar. That way people have to actually go search for a group and will hopefully know what is going on. As before still make sure you warn the player about the phasing restrictions

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And, yet, you can group up in those zones without having to leave them and come back. I don’t have a problem with the Maw being the “hard” zone. I don’t even have an issue with losing stygia (though I do think there should be some sort of “banking” mechanic). Even being unable to mount wouldn’t be an issue - if I didn’t have to leave the zone and then run back to where I wanted to do a group quest.

Depends, are they going to reject me for being too low item level because item drops are terribly unfair?

Good changes, but, uhh…

Why? I don’t understand the logic here. Is it something to do with sharding refreshing some bosses to stop rep farming? Is it to stop popups from spawning on you and killing you because you joined a group?

to stop people from arbitrarily hop in for rares and elites.

It’s just how they want people to treat the maw. As I said, the cooked players willing to sit for hours for rares ruin the gameplay experience for others and blizzard is very apt to have the extremes dictate gameplay for everyone in the middle.

Like the lower bound being lesser information in tooltips and ui because they think a certain population that can’t find its way out of northshire valley needs help.

While they design the honor system having 8800 honor per level instead of something less conspicuous like 5000, 8000, 10000 honor per level. The reason being is because before bfa they parsed out how people would be with the account-wide honor change and they couldn’t have the high honor earners spamming warden towers be done with their little new project.

That’s the game these days dude. Players in the middle be damned and you know wonder where most of the population left.