Grouping in the Shadowlands

Why tho


ItS HeLl BrO iTs SuPpOseD to bE BaD

Whatta weird and oddly inconvenient tech thing to die on.

The thing is though, for everyone working on sockets. Wtf can they reasonably add to the maw for next patches? It just feels like they are making it this way because they know most players won’t at all hurry to reach max rep. No doubt they will have the mount restrictions be in place until likely the final patch. I just don’t see where they would add content besides turning on more of those broken graveyards I see about.

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Hello it’s been a month~ and the maw phasing rules are still insanely bad and dumb

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Why did you make it like this?


I feel like the Maw is Blizzard’s way of saying “We hate our players”.

I’ve stopped progressing on anything in the Maw that requires a group. I’ve tried to use group finder only to find the group I’ve joined isn’t phased with me, so I’ve just abandoned the group quests and decided the reward is not worth the effort.

The experience in parts of the Maw is just too awful to want to do them alone, and the system actively prevents us from joining up with others. My run in Shadowlands might have to end early because of this, and I really hope you reconsider the phasing rules in the Maw going forward.


Thanks a pant load. This is how it should have worked from day one.

Maw grouping is terrible


I switch to prot when I go into Perdition Hold and against certain enemies. It’s a bit stupid it has to be like that.

This is an absolutely horrible design decision (if you’re calling it that). This should be removed ASAP. The maw is already a zone that many players loathe … adding this horrid restriction is a sure fire way for people to just skip this zone even more than they already do.


This is a stupid horrible unfriendy choice. I have far worse things to say, but I don’t need a ban. Grouping up when you are not at an objective has ALWAYS been poor form on grouping players as it wastes so much time. Now you HAVE to do stuff in group and it makes it so you HAVE to waste time by not being, you know, where you need to go? In the worst designed zone of the past 4 expansions? That is insanely difficult to get around in with any speed to meet up with said group that likely has already been waiting 5 minutes for you? REALLY? FIX THIS IDIOCY! Please stop hating the playerbase and making stupid damn design choices.


This is probably the stupidest decision team Ion has ever made.


Which is kinda bad as there are groups quest that needs to be done . I come there during reset gather my souls , do the non grouped yellow quests and leave until next week.

If your plan is to promote grouping in an MMO , it ain’t working in the Maw especially after the Wpvp nerf at sanctuary :rofl:


About those RNG Legendaries, though. And how RNG-locking them is pointless now that guaranteed legendaries are everywhere else.

Also, to further illustrate the problem, when forming your own group and putting in the description to meet at Oribos to try & stay ahead of this issue, 99% of the people don’t read it, join from the Maw instead, and wonder why they are phased. It. Is. Beyond. Insufferable.


This. Why have zone with primarily group content and make grouping harder? It makes no sense to me.

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That sounds fun… not. Did my loot increase too?

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By making it extremely difficult/time-consuming to group in the Maw I just won’t group in the Maw. I’ll do it all solo (as BM hunter or Vengeance DH) and if I can’t do it solo I just won’t do it. The exception is if I SEE people in my layer, I’ll invite them or ask for an invite. But I definitely won’t be using the group finder.

Heaven forbid they introduce a World Boss to the maw. It would be a disaster.

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This makes torgast feels horrible now. Never enough people to do rares in the zone. And the eye of the Jailer means people can’t hunt rares when they are done with the rep quests.

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