Hello and thanks for taking a look, We are a small group of 3 friends that are currently looking for a home. We are currently sitting at 2/10M - 10/10H progression and want to push deeper into mythic and work towards getting cutting edge. We are also not opposed to helping a guild with heroic progression as long as the fit is right. We are looking for a guild that raids Monday to Thursday 2 days a week. We are all very active players and would like to find a guild that is also very active and welcoming. Finding the right guild fit for us is very important because we are hoping to find a long term home. currently we have 1 prot warrior, 1 DH who can play both roles very well (He would also be willing to switch classes if needed), and a balance/resto druid. All of us are 210-212 ilvl, Drop your info down below and hopefully we can make something work for all of us.
Sunwell Hotel has multiple groups running out of it. Team Dirtflap is new in Shadowlands, run by a former GM and Raid leader of 8+ years experience. We are looking for players who want to push some mythic+ & Mythic raiding.
Minimum ilvl of 205+, experience 8/10H.
Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)
10/10 N
Currently looking for:
WW monk
Demon Hunter
Ele Sham
Contact me Jaebabe#1755
Septic is looking for to try and fill our last 4 slots. Tues/Wed 8-11 Server. Would be best to talk on discord so we can talk about the guild needs to see if we can work something out.
Hey Minje,
We have exactly 3 DPS spots open for our roster to complete a 20 man mythic team. We’re currently 7/10H but like I said, we’re aiming to push through mythic. We’re a newly formed guild, so we might not hit CE this tier but definitely in the future. We have really good chemistry and a lot of active players with a growing roster.
We raid W/Th 9p-12a CST
if interested, add me on BNET - fiikfiic#1815 ( that’s four i’s)
Greetings Minje!
We actually quite like having groups of mates join our guild. I realize that may not work for others, but it sets a nice tone. Since we’re not a huge guild and try to keep our mythic raid roster to no more than 25 (balance RL absences & minimize sitting) it is important that we shift well together.
We are AoTC, 2/10M - we raid T & Th 7:45p - 10:30p PST. If you and your mates would like to chat further, kindly btag me: Cailyth#1999
Cailyth, guild Ascendance
Go home Minje
but i am at home, and still looking for a new guild
9/10 now…if you read our comment…
I did read your comment Sloppi, but your raid times are just too late for us.
poop! well, good luck Minje!!! I’ll see you around
yes best of luck finding some people for your team
back to the top cause we still need a home
You are home!