Group of 3 looking for an active and welcoming guild

Hello and thanks for taking a look, We are a small group of 3 friends that are currently looking for a home. We are currently sitting at 2/10M - 10/10H progression and want to push deeper into mythic and work towards getting cutting edge. We are also not opposed to helping a guild with heroic progression as long as the fit is right. We are looking for a guild that raids Monday to Thursday 2 days a week. We are all very active players and would like to find a guild that is also very active and welcoming. Finding the right guild fit for us is very important because we are hoping to find a long term home. currently we have 1 prot warrior, 1 DH who can play both roles very well (He would also be willing to switch classes if needed), and a balance/resto druid. All of us are 210-212 ilvl, Drop your info down below and hopefully we can make something work for all of us.

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Sunwell Hotel has multiple groups running out of it. Team Dirtflap is new in Shadowlands, run by a former GM and Raid leader of 8+ years experience. We are looking for players who want to push some mythic+ & Mythic raiding.

Minimum ilvl of 205+, experience 8/10H.

Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)

10/10 N

Currently looking for:

WW monk
Demon Hunter

Ele Sham


Contact me Jaebabe#1755

Septic is looking for to try and fill our last 4 slots. Tues/Wed 8-11 Server. Would be best to talk on discord so we can talk about the guild needs to see if we can work something out.


Hey Minje,

We have exactly 3 DPS spots open for our roster to complete a 20 man mythic team. We’re currently 7/10H but like I said, we’re aiming to push through mythic. We’re a newly formed guild, so we might not hit CE this tier but definitely in the future. We have really good chemistry and a lot of active players with a growing roster.

We raid W/Th 9p-12a CST

if interested, add me on BNET - fiikfiic#1815 ( that’s four i’s)

Greetings Minje!

We actually quite like having groups of mates join our guild. I realize that may not work for others, but it sets a nice tone. Since we’re not a huge guild and try to keep our mythic raid roster to no more than 25 (balance RL absences & minimize sitting) it is important that we shift well together.

We are AoTC, 2/10M - we raid T & Th 7:45p - 10:30p PST. If you and your mates would like to chat further, kindly btag me: Cailyth#1999

Cailyth, guild Ascendance

Go home Minje

but i am at home, and still looking for a new guild

9/10 now…if you read our comment…

I did read your comment Sloppi, but your raid times are just too late for us.

poop! well, good luck Minje!!! I’ll see you around :smiley:

yes best of luck finding some people for your team

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back to the top cause we still need a home

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