Group Of 3 LF Raiding Guild

Group of Three chill players looking for a laid back, friendly guild filled with people who like to have fun and play the game.
We are located on Area 52 as Horde.
Looking to be apart of a raiding guild were people like to relax and have fun while raiding either heroic and wants to go into some light mythic progression.

In our group we have the following
466 Feral Druid 9/12 H
466 Holy Priest 12/12H - 3/12M / 460 BM Hunter (alt) 12/12H
461Boomkin w/ resto offspec 12/12 H with 3/12M experience on another toon

Would prefer week days for raiding - 2 days a week- May consider Sundays as a option as well

Thanks :slight_smile:

Btag for any questions Ripitred#1508

what times are you guys looking to raid?

Hello Pixie :slight_smile:

Heartbreakers is recruiting!

If you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild Heartbreakers may be the guild for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild. Our goal for every raid tier is to have AOTC and some Mythic boss progression whilst maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Our raid team progression and scheduled raid days/times are as follows:

Eternal Palace 8/8H 3/8M
Nyalotha 11/12H

Mythic Raid Tuesday/Thursday 9pm to 12am EST
Casual Raid Friday/Sat 9pm to 12am EST

We are about to finish up AoTC as a guild and are excited to be starting the next chapter of our guild’s progression when we step into Mythic raiding at the end of this month. While mythic progression is a huge step we also want to make sure that this guild continues to provide for the entirety of our members. To those ends we have opened an optional heroic raid on the weekends.

So… With a new raid opening up and a new difficulty to explore that means there are awesome opportunities here for just about everyone. If you’re an exceptional player you could find a home here in the mythic or heroic raid. If you have a steadying voice and the desire to lead you may be able to fill a leadership role in one or both of the raids. If you’re just looking for a place to call home and maybe raid for a few hours when you have a night off from your other commitments, this may be a great fit for you.

also has a thriving key community. We currently do not have enough tanks and healers available for high keys to fill the needs our our highly skilled (mediocre) dps =). If we could pick up a few key runners that would be swell too.

BNet contact information:
Add yrreg (recruitment officer) yrreg4791#1858 or
Pummels (raid lead) aminshall12#1819

Hey, Pixie!

The Third Wave is currently seeking a few more players to bolster our ranks and push CE and current content! We are open to any exceptional dps.

currently, we are 3/12 M and 12/12 H.

We are active in discord, run a lot of m+, some players do arenas and Rbgs. We have an age variety. We have a respectful and communicative raid environment.

We are currently seeking:
★ 1-2 Warlock’s - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 2 mages - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 hunter - HIGH PRIORITY
★ open to other classes

★ 1 fury/arms warrior - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 Rogue (Preferred Assassination) - medium/ priority

  • open to other classes
    Being able to flex into other roles with capable Offspec is a bonus and highly encouraged.
    Logs’s would help you get a better chance of getting accepted!

we were a newly formed 8/8 H guild last tier.
Currently 1/12 Mythic Nyalotha! 12/12H
★ the beginning of a new tier and the end of the tier, we vote to add an extra day to help push CE.
★ raid Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday 8pm EST to 11pm EST
★ OPTIONAL heroic on Saturday’s 8pm est to 11pm

here are some of our mimimul requirement’s:
★ HoA: 75+
★ heroic current content (11/12 or AOTC) (Will consider otherwise)
★ Parse Avg 70-80% or better in Heroic (Will also consider otherwise)
★ Must be open to constructive criticism, willing to adapt and be flexible.
★ post afk with ample notice (emergencies and some exceptions apply)
★ be ready with the right consumables and pot’s
★ know/be familiar with the fight
★ complete a minimum of 1 M+ for weekly box.

you may reach out to us via btag or discord
Garrett#7560 (Discord)
CrazyMage#1135299 (Bnet)

Duck Me Caddy is a Semi-Hardcore guild made up of some ex Cutting Edge and 2k io players who want to progress through mythic. Duck Me Caddy was built on raiding 6 hours a week maximum and pushing CE on 2 nights per week.

Currently 12/12H 3/12M

We just finished up AOTC this week and are going into Mythic next week (some of us already 1/12) and need to fill out our 3 remaining roster spots.

The Raid Schedule is Tues/Thurs 8:30-11:30 EST.

Currently in desperate need of excellent ranged DPS, resto shaman, holy/disc priest, hpal, or MW monk.

Add cmurder#1583 on blizzard for more details! hope to hear soon

Hi! If you haven’t found a guild yet Epìtaph is currently recruiting for our raiding team and mythic plus runs!

We are on Draka/suramar and have a friendly bunch of players who enjoy seeing conent and pushing higher keys.

Raid wise, we are 8/12 Heroic. We are accepting all classes and could use another healer and dps . We raid Friday nights at 9pm est. In 8.3 we are planning on adding another day.

We run mythic dungeons daily and have a very active discord channel. Feel free to message me on battlenet at Alikona#11551 or discord Dem#5747 if you have any questions. <3

Hey there Pixie!!

Red Velvet ,is a newly formed guild on US-Illidan recruiting players for Nya’lotha and Shadowlands. Our goal is to have fun while killing mythic bosses. Officer core is comprised of mythic raiders that have splintering off of other guilds due to slowing and non optimal progression. We are looking for similar minded players that want to have fun but also not waste each other’s time.
We are 12/12N 12/12H and are openly recruting for spots on our core mythic progression team.In our down time we enjoy running arenas and pushing mid-high level keys.

Tuesday/Wednesday 8PM-11PM CST

9/9H 5/9M(BoD)
8/8H 4/8M(E.P)
12/12N 12/12H(Nya’lotha)


High Parsing Frost DK
Ranged Dps Of All Specs


** To apply contact an officer below in game **

** Or Discord Preferably**


We could be a good fit for your group, if you have interest just let me know.

Black Omen is an Area 52 Horde guild that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11 PM EST.
We are primarily a Heroic raiding guild, but after completing that difficulty we strive to make an attempt at some Mythic raiding. Mythic raiding is optional for all raiders as it is not our main focus. During Eternal Palace the guild had a change in leadership and is moving forward with a more serious approach to raiding.
Progression :
Nya: 11/12H

About Us :
Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday: 8pm – 11pm EST (Server Time)
Progression fights we require all members to be ready to go, on time and focused, when we farm raid it can be a little more laid back.
We strive to maintain a friendly, respectful environment while still having a good time. Bad attitudes are not going to fly. Be supportive and help where you can, while being receptive to others who are trying to extend a helping hand.
We also designate specific nights to M+ content but a handful of us are regularly pushing higher key dungeons last patch and come 8.3’s changes we’re trying to go hard right off the bat. If this is something that interests you we’re always looking for more people to diversify group comps.
What we are looking for :
We want players who want to raid not just in it for an AoTC achievement but for the sake of raiding. We expect players to improve themselves every week not to just get by. We don’t expect the best raiders in the world, we want players that will seek to actively improve their performance and be accountable as a player. Just because we’re not a mythic raiding guild doesn’t mean we don’t want people to apply themselves.
Absences are understandable; however, we expect raiders to inform an officer or the raid leader if they will be unable to attend raids in order for appropriate replacements to be found.
Discord is a required resource, as we utilize it for voice communication, player interaction, and guild cohesion.

Zyven: BNet Orko#1645
Alchmey: BNet: Alchemy#1707

**Perseverance** - Currently 11/12H

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 cst (10-1 est, 7-10 pst)

Recruitment Needs:

WW Monk (preferably with Brew OS)
Shadow Priest
Havoc DH

Always recruiting exceptional dps with positive, friendly attitudes!

About us:
We are a guild comprised of adults with lives outside of WoW… ok so that might be a bit of a stretch. But most of us do have jobs, spouses, kids, etc. keeping us busy IRL, so when we log into the game, we’re here to have fun and unwind. With a limited 2-day schedule, we do take raid time seriously, but we also value our fairly relaxed, social atmosphere.

Our focus is on completing AotC every tier, and then we will tackle mythic fights as time allows. We will not push for mythic progression at the expense of our atmosphere

We are also looking for more folks interested in dedicated mythic + groups. We currently have several members who enjoy running them and would like to add a few more to our roster to give them the opportunity to push a little higher more regularly.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a trial run, you can contact myself or an officer in game at:


Hey there Pixxie!

If you are just looking to have fun raiding, but don’t want to be stuck in a hardcore grind every week, I think you’d have fun with us in Iron Knights -[H]Tichondrius.

We are a guild of laid-back adults and enjoy inflicting cringe-worthy or gut-busting stories on each other between bosses during raid. On the flip side, we are a very tight-knit group and often go out of our way to help each other, and we even hold a yearly guild get-together for members able to make it.

Our guild has been raiding since BC, and we consistently complete AotC; occasionally taking a bite at mythic when time and numbers allow, but never to the point where we’re stressing over it and spending all night on a single boss. In addition, we’re happy to bring in undergeared and fresh mains with us on non-progression bosses to help with the gearing process. We like to joke that we should rename our guild “Outgear the Content”. We also regularly run mythic+, working to set up groups so that all raiders have guaranteed 10+ chest to open each Tuesday, with many of our members happy to run extra as needed.

We have an extremely active discord where we post information concerning strategies, m+ groups schedules, as well as whatever we’re interested in at the time (#baby-yoda, #pets, #food, etc.).

Raids are Tues/Thurs 9-12 EST and we typically schedule M+ runs on Wednesday evenings.

If we seem like a good fit for you, feel free to chat or ask questions!

Emrys#1539 - Bnet
Emrys#2031 - Discord

Keilanaa#1839 - Bnet
Keilanaa#0281 – Discord

Tweetledum#1668 - Bnet
Sharkbait#5657 – Discord

I don’t know if you’re willing to consider alliance, but if so I’ll spam our info.
Hiya! You’re welcome to come to a Thursday run, or do some mythic plus with us to see how we get along. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

Server: Earthen Ring
Raid Progress as of posting: 12/12 Heroic
Main Progression Raid times: Tues/Wed 7:00 - 10:00 Eastern
Alt/open Raid Time: Thurs 7:30-10:30 Eastern
About us and what we offer: Earthen Ring is a quiet RP server that has essentially no RP to speak of, so it’s really a regular PvE server now. We have a core group of players that stick with us or always return after a break, so we’re always able to do Heroic and M+. As a result, we have a consistent setup for getting content done no matter what your aim is provided you don’t want to go hardcore and get Cutting Edge. We have two raids, one for skilled people that want to push the content in a much more relaxed environment that doesn’t require you to grind relentlessly, or an open raid, where all you have to do to get in is meet an ilvl requirement that is usually equivalent to current LFR, and have gems and enchants taken care of.

I completely understand that this slower pace is not for everyone, and by all means, feel free to keep looking if you want to find a Cutting Edge guild. In Valor, however, we don’t care if we get Cutting Edge or not. We get AotC every tier, and if we have enough people, we will push into Mythic with no extra requirements tacked on. We get where we get. This does not mean we accept just anyone, however. We do require people that want to get into the main raid prove their abilities. If this sounds appealing to you, then give me a shout.

At the moment, we are in that 17-20 range, and just short the people to reliably push mythic. Looking to get the last few people. We can work with just about anything, specifically looking for a reliable tank.

Contact: Btag Elay#1208
Discord: Renala#0010

Hi Pixxie,

Who are we?
We are a new guild made up of veterans, currently 7/12 H and we are looking to jump to mythic raiding quickly. Guild is being put together by a veteran with competitive raiding experience, previous guild hosting and raid leading. We are just starting our roster for mythic raiding. Please see below for details.

Raiding/Recruiting Info

  • Contact btag: exelzero#1102, dacuzz#1826
  • Server: Proudmoore
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Raid Times: 9pm - 12am (PST)
  • Ilvl requirements: 455+
  • Mandatory Addons: Deadly Boss Mods and Exorsus Raid Tools

What we are looking for!
Currently seeking mainly dps and healers. We are open to hybrid folks who have both dps/tank or dps/healing spec available.

Current demand:

Boomkin (Open to hybrid)
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin [HIGH]
Death Knights (Open to hybrid)
Shaman (Open to hybrid)[RESTO HIGH DEMAND]
Monk (open to hybrid)
Demon Hunter (DPS)

Guild culture!
We’re laid back, throw lots of jokes. We enjoy dark humor and fun ideas. However, when it’s time to get serious we put our mean war faces on and bring out the best of our quality as players to clear out content. Bring your beers to raid night and lets crack down some progression! We also get involved in Mythic + runs.

I thank you all in advance, and I wish you all happy smashing!


The Clique is a friendly, casual, heroic raiding guild on the alliance side of the Norgannon server. We have been around sense early in Burning Crusade. A lot of our core members have known one another for a long time, and we offer a stable, friendly environment to new raiders or seasoned raiders that want a break from hardcore environments.
We are currently 11/12N 10/12H Nylotha. Pushing for the last 2 boss. We raid 11:15pm to 2:15am server time (EST) Tuesday and Sunday. We are currently looking for a Tank and some range/melee dps to round out our raiding team. Our guild boasts quite a few west coast members, a few night owls, and a few parents who find time to play after their kids have gone to sleep.
In general, we are a group of people that play wow because we enjoy the people we play with and we have a lot of fun together raiding. If this sounds like a good fit for what you are looking to do, I highly recommend checking us out and getting in touch with a member of the guild.
If you are interested in joining us or have any questions please feel free to contact Kutu or Hadorya. Battle tags are Hadorya#1497 and Kutubiyya#1460. Or on discord at Hadorya #3191

SEEMS GOOD is a Horde guild that is currently 4/12M Nya which raids TUE/WED 9:15-12:15 Eastern . Active community inside and out of the guild. We hold alt/heroic runs on THUR Rbg’s on FRI and MON dedicated to finishing up the week w/ M+, islands, rbg’s, etc!
Add me Rawra#1290 on BNET so we can discuss further!!!

Hey Pixxie!

Morning Brew is looking for a few to round out our current roster. We are horde and a morning guild that offers a unique time slot for those interested. If you would like to chat feel free to reach out!

Bnet: Cen#11694
Discord: Cen#5348

[H] Morning Brew 4/12M 12/12H

Raid Times: 9am-12pm EST | >Wed/Thurs/Friday
Optional Monday Alt run 9am-12pm EST

Recruitment Needs
Ranged – Warlock , Mage, SPriest
Melee – Rogue
Healer – Holy Pally , Disc Priest , Holy >Priest, Resto Sham, MW Monk

Hey hey!! We are currently looking to recruit more players for our guild. We are a group of people that have current tier mythic and aotc experience. We are looking to build a solid raid team to go into Shadowland while finishing AotC as a guild. Here is a bit about us down below. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via Discord if you are interested, thank you!

[H] Casual Encounter is recruiting! We are a newly formed guild by a group of close friends that have been playing WoW together for many years and are currently looking for more players to join us to progress through Heroic Ny’alotha, The Waking City. Our guild consists of previous mythic raiders that have cleared and achieved AotC in Battle for Azeroth. We also run mythic pluses and PvP on off nights. If you enjoy a more casual, and laid-back atmosphere, definitely check out our information below.

Our Goal
-Short term goal: To achieve AotC with the current content as a guild
-Long term goal: To build a solid raid team and progress in Shadowland

Guild Information
-Server: Horde on Thrall, EST server time zone
-Current raid time: Tuesday 9pm-11:30pm server

Current Class Need
-Minimum requirement: 450 ilevel, level 75 neck, rank 6 cloak, rank 3 of your class’s BiS essences.
-Tank or healer off spec is preferred
-Healer x 1 (No Shaman)
-MDPS x 2 (Warrior, Death Knight, Monk, Paladin)
-RDPS x 3 (Warlock, Mage, Priest, Hunter) [High Demand]

What we are looking for in a player
-Drama free and can take constructive criticism well
-Reliable and consistent
-At least 18+

Contact Information
-Please send your most recent log to our officers below via Discord
Nezzark @ Nezzark#2692
Tipsy @ Tipsy#9309

Hey! Check us out - it may be a good fit. [H] [US] [Illidan] <Busy Dippin Cones> 12/12 H is recruiting for mythic


We are 3/12M and looking for DPS(full on DH and Mage) as well as a resto druid or hpally(dps OS are even better!) Our guild spam is below if you are still looking !

Greetings fellow citizens of Azeroth!

Chemical Imbalance is looking for more skilled raiders for Mythic Ny’alotha progression. We have been clearing heroic on Fridays and doing Mythic progression on Saturdays, however moving forward we plan to focus more on mythic progression as raiders need less and less from heroic.

Maintaining a positive, collaborative environment is extremely important to us. We are looking for people who are active participants in the guilds betterment and supportive of guild-mates. This includes: ability to take constructive criticism, willingness to suggest ways for the guild to improve, participation in strat discussion, and generally maintaining positive attitudes.

Toxicity will 100% not be tolerated.

Current progression:

12/12 H Ny’alotha
3/12 M Ny’alotha

Raid schedule:

Friday and Saturday 9:00-12:00am EST(server time)

We also have a sizable community of Mythic + runners at all io levels.

**We are primarily looking for:
DPS(full on mages and DHs)
A healer(hpally/resto druid pref)

DPS with tank and healing OS encouraged

If interested please feel free to contact.

Alright look - read below, because we has ALL THE THINGS you wants. Laid back? yes. People want to have fun? Hyes. Horde? duh. Weekday raiding? Tuesday & Thursdays CHEA.

But seriously, take a gander at this copy and paste. I think we would fit right up your alley. We’re laid back, we always go for AOTC, and we just want to enjoy playing the game. Read below for more details, but if you want to chat hit me up!

So it seems like you want a casual guild to run with - well if you are looking for mythic+ and 5 hours of raiding a week (short but we get the AOTC job done!) then look no further.

Arm of Hades has existed for 14 years in modern WoW and we have spent most if not all of those years on Vek’Nilash. We’ve survived the ups and downs of a game system that’s worked hard to fragment the community feel which brought us together in the first place.

This would be an amazing home for you if:

  • You enjoy the social aspect of WoW. Our discord server is extremely active in voice and chat channels. We have monthly gatherings IRL and annual reunions, where 15-25 guildies hang out for a week of fun and bonding. Or maybe you don’t want bonding but just want a place to kill some virtual creatures, we’re good for that too.
  • You enjoy a drama-free adult environment. We are an inclusive home where anyone can feel safe. We’re all adults here, we don’t need no highschooler shenanigans.
  • You enjoy playing with competent people; we’ve cleared AotC every tier on a 5hr/week raiding schedule (Before it gets nerfed to oblivion mind you.) We make it a goal to at least hit this challenge, and then from there we usually go for Meta achievements. If you have to sacrifice your life for the meta achievement, it’s worth it.
  • You enjoy a mix of PVE and PVP scheduled events. We will have a EST/CST friendly evening schedule. We also have people on MST, ACT, CEST, and TSA. One of those isn’t a timezone but that’s not important.
  • Bonus - You live near Toronto, as that is where the guild was founded and for monthly pub nights :slight_smile: . We do also have people from the United States, so don’t worry, if you feel alone while they have Canadian parties, we’re right there with you!

For more information, our Discord info is at (you can also fill out an application at that same link, and it will be sent to the officers.)

Feel free to add me on Btag at: Hornreaper#1156 or Discord: Nudist Beach#9978

Hope to hear from you soon!


<Underscore> [US – Illidan, Horde] is recruiting!

Who are we?

We’re a brand new guild, built in 8.3. by people who haven’t really done much of BFA past Uldir (the storyline blows, mon). We are now 6/12 Heroic in our 3rd week back.

Underscore is made up by a new group of friends that met on Classic WoW in a progressive raiding guild, and realized that – well, Classic is a bit simple. We’ve decided that we’d rather take on the challenges of progressive retail raiding more than the simplicity that Classic has offered so far – but we can’t deny that the social aspect of Classic has been a major pull for us.

We seek to accomplish the following with Underscore:

  1. AOTC Nya’lotha in the next month (team pending)
  2. Collect new, like-minded friends
  3. Competitively push Mythic+ keys
  4. Prepare for the impending launch of Shadowlands in 2020, re-align resources and prepare to push Shadowlands as a Cutting Edge guild

What is our raid time?

7:00 PM PST (10:00 PM EST) on Sundays
7:00 PM PST (10:00 PM EST) on Thursdays

What classes are we recruiting?

DPS: Mage (Fire), Warrior (Fury, Arms), Death Knight, Shadow Priest, Ret Pal, Warlock, Demon Hunter
TANK: None

Ultimately – we are especially looking to recruit like-minded people that understand that there is a culture to be built within a guild. We want people who want to become part of our gamer community, and simultaneously know how to be a productive member of a raid/guild. It looks like WoW is moving forward in the direction where each player needs to have multiple specs/classes available to play for Cutting Edge content, so we are totally alt-friendly.

We ideally looking for people with a 75 Neck, 450 iLvl, and some of their first rank essences if re-rolling to be competitive within our group. 40k DPS basement is ideal for the content we are pushing.

Why now?

Sure, Shadowlands is on the horizon and we could be any of the 10,000 guilds recruiting for ‘returning to Shadowlands’ – but that’s not exactly the demo we’re looking for. If you’re playing the game now, or interested in it now you have the desire to be steadfast and continue to play during downturns. That’s the kind of player/mental fortitude we’re looking for – versus a revolving door of tourists. Come join us, and see what we have to offer.

How to connect?

Phirt#7236 on Discord, or Phirt#1987 on BNET -> happy to chat.